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Subject: Entropy Chapter 2

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Date Posted: 21:16:20 02/21/02 Thu
In reply to: HeyBecca 's message, "Entropy" on 19:23:01 02/10/02 Sun

Entropy 2

“Looking for the one, but you know your somewhere else instead. I want to be the song, be the song that you hear in your head.”
--Bono, Discotheque (From POP)

Lucky backed away from the young woman and smiled, “I didn’t realize you were still in the city.”

Maxie Jones, 19 and a student at NYU, smiled suggestively at Lucky. “Yeah, I am about to leave the greatest city in the world just because finals are over. Nope, a New Yorker now.”

Lucky looked her over and sighed, “Don’t grow up too fast. Enjoy this time.”

“You’re such a drag, Spencer,” Maxie complained as they sat down at one of the tables outside the tiny café Maxie had come from. “Why don’t we go back to your place and . . . you know.”


She looked at him, unable to read what he meant. At the start of the school year, Maxie’s second at NYU, she and Lucky ran into each other at a club Carly had taken him to. They got to talking and Lucky was slightly drunk. One thing led to another and they ended up back at her apartment having sex. Part of Lucky regretted doing it. There was still a sick sense of loyalty he felt to Elizabeth; not to mention Maxie was much younger than him. But it was fun, and he didn’t have much fun in his life. They had done it a few more times after that, but they decided it could potentially get too complicated and stopped sleeping together. For Lucky it was a great relief, for Maxie it was a great disappointment. She had loved Lucky, any Lucky, every Lucky, for so long and to finally be so close to getting him it was almost heartbreaking. Well, if she was the sappy sentimental, fall in love type. And Maxie Jones sweared she wasn’t.

“We’re just friends,” Lucky told her, trying to be the adult in the situation.

“Then what was the kiss about?” Maxie asked skeptically.

“Someone was watching us,” he said, looking around to make sure Natalie’s limo was really gone.

“Oh, that bitch who works with Carly? Trying to make her jealous, Lucky?” Maxie asked jealously.

“I’m sorry,” he said, realizing that is exactly what he did. “I didn’t mean to use you like that. But . . . she was getting . . .”

“Too close? Oh, let me guess she’s in love with you. And you do find yourself attracted to her, and enjoying her company. But, there is this pesky little problem you have. She’s not the all sainted Elizabeth! God, Lucky, you need to move on.”

“I knew I shouldn’t have stopped to see you,” Lucky said bitterly. “It’s not always about Elizabeth. I just don’t want to be in a relationship right now.”

“Because you are just the dating machine,” Maxie sneered. “You’re pathetic, Lucky. I bet you are going as Carly’s date to the opening tomorrow, aren’t you?”

“No, I’m going with Natalie,” Lucky fought back. “You don’t understand, Maxie. You never could. What I have been through . . .” Lucky stood up and tried to get composed. “I’ll see you at the opening.” He turned and walked away, his jaw clenched in frustration.

“My, oh, my, that looked tense, Max,” a young man with blonde spiked hair said with an arrogant smirk as he stepped out of the café and sat down at the table with Maxie.

“Shut up, Dillon,” Maxie said, her eyes still on Lucky’s retreating form. She suddenly had an idea. If Lucky was going to use her to make Natalie jealous, then she was going to make him jealous in return. She looked at Dillon Hornsby, half-brother of Ned Ashton, and smiled. “So, D, what would you say we go to that splashy new club opening together?”

“I guess it could be fun,” Dillon said with disinterest as he gazed out at the street. He was a petulant, bored, rich kid who inherited his mother’s, Tracy Quartermaine, fortune when she passed away. He spent his time snorting as much coke as he could without having the affects of constant drug use affect his looks. He was a less psychotic and homicidal Patrick Bateman. “Just so we are straight, you’re doing this to make Lucky Spencer jealous. Right?”

“Of course.”

“What would you say about getting even, instead of getting jealous?”

Maxie looked Dillon curiously. “I’m listening . . .”


Elizabeth sat at the bar in Quantum 56, nursing a Cosmopolitan. She loved being in the city; it made her feel alive in ways she hadn’t in years.

“I heard a nasty rumor that you were in town.”

Elizabeth turned around and pulled Emily into an impulsive hug.

“Well, you know me. I love to be the subject of nasty rumors,” she replied with a laugh. “Thanks for meeting me.”

“Where are your traveling companions?” Emily wondered as she and Elizabeth went to the table Emily arranged for them, on short notice nonetheless. “Please tell me they are not together again. That would make me ill.”

“No, fortunately this is an off time for them. In fact . . .” Elizabeth smiled, shaking her head when she noticed Emily’s interest piqued.

“Don’t just leave me hanging like that, Webber,” Emily giggled. It was nice to have her Elizabeth around, it reminded her of a much simpler time in her life. “So, why did they ditch you?”

“They didn’t ditch me. I had this urgent need to see my best friend, though I don’t know why,” she teased. “She’s this stuck up, way too successful for her age lawyer.”

“Ugh, tell me about it. My best friend is this weird painter who travels the world. We really need to find new friends.”

“We really do,” Elizabeth said before they both dissolved into a fit of laughter. “Seriously, Nikolas had to make a quick meeting with a . . .someone, a banker maybe. I try not to pay much attention to him when he talks business. And Sarah is taking a nap. She worked the night shift last night and didn’t get a chance to sleep because Nikolas decided to whisk us off to the city today instead of tomorrow.”

Emily waved the waiter over and ordered an Absolut Martini, dry. “So, have you been over to the club yet?” Elizabeth shook her head and Emily could tell her friend was nervous about that part of her visit. “I was just there, with Sly, it’s incredible. Gorgeous, Liz. All modern, but classic. You’ll love it.”

“Carly is the master,” Elizabeth noted with a smile. “You were with Sly?”

“Yep, he’s back from the Left Coast, reveling in his unemployed actor status.”

“I was out in LA about four months ago and I had dinner with him. He’s just insane—and is it me or does he get better looking each and every day?”

“Yes!” Emily declared with a broad smile. “If he wasn’t like a brother to me, I’d jump him.”

“Still single?” Elizabeth asked.

“Yeah, you?”

Elizabeth took a deep breath. “Oh yeah.”

They sat silently, both staring into their drinks like they held the answers to their problems. “We’re pathetic, you know that? Sly is my date to the opening tomorrow.”

“Ugh, I know. Sarah and I are going ‘stag’ essentially, cause we all know Nikolas isn’t a real date,” she said with a chuckle. “Guess who I heard is bartending, voluntarily, tomorrow night.”

“My ex?”

Elizabeth nodded. “I think he’s doing it so he doesn’t have to see you. Cause he still his issues.”

Emily laughed. “Yeah, sure. Mr. Smith needs to get over his issues. He thinks I’m out to get him or something, like I harbor ill will to him.”

“Do you?”

“Gosh, no. I got over all of that a long time ago. Besides, I dumped him, so I have no idea why he’s so scared of me,” Emily looked down at her martini. Zander was now nothing more than a happy memory for her. He was her first great love and she’d never forget him. But she couldn’t imagine ever being with him again. She was so different than when she left Port Charles, she just wouldn’t work with him anymore.

“Maybe he’s still hung up on you.”

Emily looked at Elizabeth in shock. “Please, no. I would hope he moved on. Has he dated much?”

“I do know he went out with Sarah a couple of times, which was a disaster. Then some nurse at GH—Quinn or something like that. He was hung up on Carly for a while, but I’ve lost track of Zander’s love life. I’m really sorry I’ve been neglectful in my duties,” she finished, smirking playfully at Emily. What she said next, she instantly regretted. “Has Lucky been dating?”

Emily smiled. “Dating? Not exactly. Constantly fighting off Natalie Mason with a stick? You bet.”


“See, this is what I call a stocked bar! Not like those ‘specialty’ bars in LA. This is a New York bar,” Sly boasted as he examined the main bar on the first floor of the club. Carly and Natalie sat at the bar, Carly looking over many different pieces of paper, surveying lists of names.

“Lucas!” Sly yelled as his cousin entered the club. “What can I make you?”

Lucky looked at Carly, “You’re letting him play bartender a day before the opening?”

“It makes our cousin happy, Lucky,” Carly teased. “He is of simple mind—he’s an actor.”

Lucky nodded and slid behind the bar with Sly. “So, why’d you need me to come by?”

“We may have an issue with the DJ,” Natalie said, a forced smile on her face.

Lucky studied her carefully. “What kind of issue?”

“The kind of issue where—he’s missing,” she blurted out.

“I told them I’d do it,” Sly said as he threw a martini mixer in the air as if he were Tom Cruise in ‘Cocktail.’ “Hey, Carly, is Tom Cruise going to be here tomorrow night?”

Carly shuffled a few papers, ran her finger down the page, “Yes, he’s on the guest list and did RSVP.”

“Cool, Tom and I are,” he crossed his index and middle finger and winked. “People have said I’m the next Tom Cruise.”

Lucky looked at Sly and laughed, “Anyway, now that we’ve established Sylvester is the next Tom Cruise—why is our DJ missing?”

“If I knew why he was missing, Lucky, I would be a happy woman,” Carly said sharply. “Do you know anyone who can DJ on short notice, who doesn’t completely suck?”

“I know of a guy, I know of a couple guys,” Lucky noted. “I can get my dad to do it.”

“Not that it isn’t completely terrifying you’d even suggest it—but aren’t your parents vacationing in . . .”

“New Orleans, they’re in New Orleans,” Lucky said, filling her in. “He’d come back in a heartbeat to spin his blues classics for patrons.”

“No—try someone else.”

“I’ve got a guy, he’s great,” Lucky said as he walked over to grab the phone and make the call. “Devon, hey, this is Lucky. Is Oz there?” Lucky looked at the other three, flashing them a ‘don’t worry’ smile. “Oz, man, are you busy tomorrow night? Really? Perfect, how’d you like to DJ the Nighttown opening night? Excellent, come on over in about an hour.”

Lucky held his hands out to his sides and smirked. “Told you not to worry.”

“So, where else did he DJ?” Natalie asked. She was kind of bored, her part was pretty much over and all she could do was sit around and wait. Carly was the details person.

“Gosh, all over the city. Trust me, ladies, he’s good,” Lucky said confidently before disappearing into a back room that sat behind the bar.

Carly and Natalie exchanged rolls of the eyes as Sly sprayed tonic water into a tumbler.

“I really should get a role as a bartender,” he mused to himself just as Lucky reemerged from the room carrying a slightly dusty box. “What’s that cuz?”

Lucky removed a single bottle from the box, holding it up for the others to see. “This is from my dad. He sent a while ago, when this club was just in the preplanning stages. It’s a twenty-one year old bottle of Springbank single malt Scotch. My dad said he was saving this for a special occasion and he saw this club, and Carly’s accomplishment, as the perfect special occasion. I say, before this club turns into the hottest night spot in Manhattan, we have a drink with friends.”

“Luke said that?” Carly asked skeptically.

“His exact words were ‘Share this with Caroline, Cowboy, because she’s done good’ and who am I to argue with my old man?” Lucky asked with a laugh as he opened the bottle and poured the Scotch into the glasses Sly placed on the bar.

“To immeasurable success,” Natalie said as she held up her glass.

“To a good party,” Sly declared, raising his glass as well.

“To friendship,” came Carly’s declaration.

“To the last moments of sanity for the next couple of days,” Lucky completed as they all toasted each other and sipped the perfectly aged Scotch.


Sarah yawned widely as she stepped out of the cab and walked towards the building that housed her brother’s office. She waited for the elevator to come; wishing that she had waited to visit Steven with Elizabeth instead of by herself. For some reason their older brother was perfectly accepting of Elizabeth’s bohemian artist’s lifestyle (unlike their parents) yet found fault in Sarah settling down and working at GH in Port Charles.

As the elevator door open she came face to face with the last person she wanted to see.

“Gia?” Sarah asked in complete shock.

“Isn’t this a surprise? How are you doing, Sarah?” Gia asked casually.

“Are you coming from my brother’s office?” Sarah asked curiously.

“This is a big building, Sarah. Aren’t you jumping to conclusions?” Gia asked, even though Sarah was right.

“It just seems odd. Now why would you be in my brother’s building? A little nip and tuck? Or is it more?”

“You’re crude. Even if I was in Steven—your brother’s office, it wouldn’t be any of your business.”

Sarah noted Gia’s use of Steven’s name but shrugged it off. “A little defensive, Gia?”

“I just know how you are. It’s bad enough that you broke up Nikolas and me, you’re always trying to stick it to me.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“Really? How about Aiden’s funeral? I came back to show support for Liz and you saw it as an opportunity to flaunt your perfect life with Nikolas. It was a funeral, Sarah, a funeral not relationships on parade.”

Sarah threw her head back and laughed. “That’s what you would think, Gia.”

“Are you denying you weren’t hanging all over him after the funeral? It was practically obscene.”

“I don’t have time for this,” Sarah said as she pushed past Gia and hit the up button on the elevator. “Oh, and for your information, Gia, Nikolas and I haven’t been together for a long time now. He’s all yours.”

Gia watched the elevator door close, hoping she distracted Sarah enough from realizing the truth.

“I guess this is my day for reunions.” Gia’s breath caught in her voice as she heard the familiar voice. She turned around and forced a smile.

“Speak of the devil,” she muttered. “Nikolas, hi.”

“Hello, Gia,” he said, a comfortable smile on his face. “I’m a little lost.”

She arched an eye at him, “You’re lost? Nikolas, you know everything, or rather you pretend to know everything. How can you be lost?”

“I had a business meeting across town and afterwards I wanted to go to Carly’s club. However, I decided to walk because it is so nice out. But, I can’t remember how to get there. If you can just point me in the right direction,” he said, sliding his hands casually in the pants of his Armani suit.

“Keep going straight, make a left, go about three blocks, make a right, go one block and . . . you can’t miss it,” Gia said. They stood in silence for a moment, not really sure what to say. “Wow, I’m glad we’re past that awkward stage in our relationship.”

“Me too,” Nikolas noted with a chuckle. “Well, uh, it was good seeing you. I’m guessing you’ll be at the opening tomorrow.”

Gia nodded, “With bells on.”

“Bells, huh?” Nikolas mused as he looked at her. “Yes, you’d look good in bells.”

“Shut up,” she said with a laugh. “Oh, and I’ll have you know that I can have you.”

“What?” Nikolas asked confused.

“Ask your traveling companion,” Gia said. She smiled and walked away in the opposite direction.

“Liz is giving me away?” Nikolas asked to himself before it hit him. “Sarah,” he shook his head, hoping Sarah wasn’t making trouble.

Eventually Nikolas found the club. He looked at the façade and shook his head. If the inside looked half as good as the outside, it was going to be an amazing club. He walked into the building, through to the first floor bar. There he found Carly, Natalie, Sly, and Lucky sitting around the bar, laughing and joking.

“This is what my 15% stock paying for? You five drinking in the middle of the afternoon.” Nikolas asked, announcing his presence.

“Are we supposed to bow?” Sly asked Lucky. “The Prince is here, it’s custom to bow.”

“He’s the anti-Prince, though, the UnPrince if you will,” Lucky quipped in return. “His title, it’s his burden.”

“His cross to bare,” Carly interjected with a smile.

“Hello, I’m still here,” Nikolas said with a smirk as he closed the space to the bar. “Though if you two want to bow, I’m all for it.”

“Not a chance in hell Cassadine,” Lucky retorted. The relationship between the brothers was still slightly strained, but as long as they didn’t get into their history and kept things light they were fine. Close friends they’d probably never be again, but they had learned to be civil. “You do realize the party doesn’t start for about 28 hours, right?”

Nikolas checked his watch and frowned, “Really? Damnit, I knew I was early.”

“Oh my, is the Prince trying to be funny?” Natalie asked. Nikolas was another person from Port Charles she didn’t like. Something about men in power ticked her off.

“Miss Mason, I have no idea how my brother resists you. You are so charming,” Nikolas retorted.

“Oh, Nikolas, never mind them, they don’t appreciate your deep pockets like I do,” Carly said with a smile. “But, seriously, why are you here?”

“Sarah and Liz wanted to go shopping for something new to wear, I thought where better than Manhattan. So we came early,” Nikolas explained. “Plus, I wanted to talk to you about a potential project.”

“More money from the Prince? We must speak in my office,” Carly said as she jumped from her barstool and grabbed Nikolas’s arm. “If you need me,” she said to Natalie.

“Just don’t do anything I would do with his brother,” Natalie warned with a wave.

“Him? He’s too stiff, not my type,” Carly said as they walked away.

“I didn’t realize you liked flaccid men, Caroline,” Sly yelled out. “That’s big of you!”

Lucky stepped out from the bar and grabbed his jacket from the stool it was sitting on. “Guys, I just remembered, I’ve got to be somewhere.”

“You’re leaving because he mentioned her, isn’t it?” Natalie accused as she followed him to the door. “I thought we made progress this afternoon.”

“I didn’t realize that was a therapy session,” Lucky said with a patient smile. “Nat, it’s not that. I just have an errand to run. Sly will keep you company.”

“As much as I adore Sly, I’d much rather hang out with you,” she said sincerely.

“Hey, I heard that!” Sly quipped from the bar. “Always in his shadow. I shall drink myself into oblivion!”

“Please, Lucky, just stay. Don’t do whatever you were going to do.”

Lucky took Natalie’s hand and kissed it gently. “I am taking one of the sexiest women in New York to a big party tomorrow night, there is something I have to get for it.”

“Oh, if it is what I hope it is—finally!” Natalie gushed.

Lucky shook his head. “You’ll never give up, will you? I’ll see you tonight.”

“You’re not backing out?”

“Hey, we’ve watched ‘His Girl Friday’ the night before we’ve opened every club, and each time it has been a success. Am I about to stomp on tradition?” Lucky challenged. He gave Natalie a quick kiss on the cheek and darted out of the building.

Natalie turned back towards Sly and threw her hands in the air. “What is it going to take to get that man?”

“Not to pretend to know everything about my dear cousin, but have you ever tried the subtle approach?” Sly asked as he slid a glass in front of Natalie and filled it up with ginger ale.


“Well yeah,” Sly said, as if it were the most obvious thing on earth. “Lucky isn’t the type of guy who is about to be with a woman if he isn’t love with her. Trust me, even if you got him for one night, if he wasn’t in love with you you’d lose him. Stop pressing so hard, Natalie, cause otherwise he’ll only ever see you as his quirky friend who is lusting after him. If you want Lucky he has to fall in love with you.”

“Won’t he realize something is up?” Natalie wondered. She sipped the soda as she watched Sly think. Sly was adorable, she thought, he was so loyal to Lucky.

“It depends. Is your sole goal to bed Lucky?”

“Gosh, no. He’s more important than just sex.”

“If your motives are pure, he’ll know.” Sly paused and smiled at Natalie. “You do know he’s a tough one to crack, right? Until he gets some real, true closure. . . It won’t be easy…but if it is meant to be . . .”

“It’s meant to be,” Natalie sighed, knowing everything Sly said was the truth.


“Oh, Liz, you have to come in here,” Emily said as she pulled Elizabeth into the small boutique. They finished their lunch and decided to go shopping. Or at least, Emily would shop while Elizabeth browsed. She had promised her sister they’d go find dresses together.

“Wow,” she gushed as she looked at a one of the dresses. “This is beautiful.”

Emily smiled as she held a dress up for Elizabeth to look at. “I love this shop.”

“I’m going to call Sarah, tell her to meet me here,” Elizabeth said. She turned on her cell phone and tried to get a good reception. Having some difficulty she motioned to Emily to let her know she was going to step outside to make the call.

Across the street Lucky was walking aimlessly, trying to clear his head of…of something. He stopped in his tracks when he spotted Elizabeth outside the small dress boutique. She was talking on her cell phone, completely oblivious to his presence.

He watched with no intention of going over to speak with her. She looked happy, relaxed, at peace. He smiled, wishing things could be like they once were but knowing there was no going back. With a shrug of his shoulders Lucky continued on his way. He knew seeing Elizabeth was inevitable, he was just going to put off talking to her as long as possible.

Elizabeth turned off her phone and tossed it in her purse. Her eyes followed Lucky as he walked away without even a second’s recognition. He was still more beautiful than words and she longed to see his eyes, but there was too much in their past to get over. It was a hopeless cause.


“I’m not following, Nikolas,” Carly said with a slight frown.

“To be honest, I’m bored, Carly. I want something I can call my own. I don’t want to open a nightclub, though. But I don’t know what I want. I’m willing to give you free reign to help me come up with something—anything.”

“You are going to give me money to open up whatever I want—just not a nightclub?”

“Sounds about right.”

Carly looked at Nikolas for a few moments then laughed. “Have you hit your head or something? That is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard of.”


“Nikolas, think. Investing 15% in a club that is going to happen is different from opening up ‘something’ because you are bored.” Carly waited for Nikolas to admit he was being rash. But he didn’t seem to be giving in. “Ok, do you have any idea what you want?”

“Well, it’s just a preliminary thought, I really wanted your input—but what would you think about a coffee house,” Nikolas said enthusiastically.

“Why? There is Starbucks.”

“No, no, like Central Perk.”

Carly gaped at Nikolas. “Friends?”

Nikolas smiled and nodded his head. “I’ve been really bored, Carly, really bored. I bought the Friends DVD collection. I’m bored.”

“Then you need a hobby, Nikolas. You don’t need to open up a coffee house.”

Nikolas took a deep breath and leaned forward. “Listen, I’m going to be honest with you.”

“Good, I was waiting for that to happen,” Carly told him with a suspicious smirk.

“I need to drop a good deal of money into something really fast.”

“Why? What is . . . what are you into?”

Nikolas held up his hand, sitting back in his chair and crossing his legs. “I can’t get into it. But the money I put into our venture wouldn’t . . . you wouldn’t be involved in anything illegal. What do you say?”

“Well, you need to work on your lying, for one. Watching ‘Friends’? Secondly, can I get back to you after tomorrow? I kind of have something on my mind,” she stated plainly.

“Great,” Nikolas extended his hand to Carly. “But I wasn’t lying. I did buy the ‘Friends’ DVD.”


Kristina was about to open the door to Nighttown when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“I’d stop right there,” Jason said, his ice blue eyes glaring at her.


“I know you are up to something,” he told her giving away nothing with his tone of voice.

Kristina looked around, “What am I up to, Jason Morgan?”

“You’ve been poking around in people’s pasts. Do you really think I wouldn’t find out that you were digging into Carly’s past?”

“I’m a reporter, I was doing research. For a story!”

“Yeah, maybe,” Jason paused and looked into the club. “But I’ll be watching you, Cassadine. Just because you may be Sonny’s sister-in-law it doesn’t mean I am going to trust you.”

“Just because Sonny married Alexis doesn’t mean he’s my brother-in-law. I don’t like him—or you,” Kristina retorted.

“Oh, I’m just heartbroken,” Jason deadpanned. Kristina looked at him, trying to gauge if he was joking. He never sounded different. “But I am going to be watching you. Trust me, Cassadine, you won’t get away with anything as long as I am around. You have no clue who you are dealing with.”

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Entropy Chapter 3Becca16:38:13 03/02/02 Sat

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