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Subject: Entropy 4

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Date Posted: 10:31:23 03/15/02 Fri
In reply to: HeyBecca 's message, "Entropy" on 19:23:01 02/10/02 Sun

Entropy 4—Breakfast and Bubble Baths

“Nobody around here has to wait long for someone to say something.”
—Brett Easton Ellis, Glamorama

Sly was dressed in shorts and a tank top, wrap around, dark sunglasses covering his crystal clear eyes. It was an amazing Saturday morning, the perfect prelude to what he hoped would be an equally amazing evening.

He finished a quick two-mile jog to keep his perfect body in shape and then turned to go back to his apartment to shower, change, and then go find his cousins to pester.

“Oh my gosh! It’s Sly Eckert! I just love you!” squealed a fan, or at least what Sly thought was a fan.

He turned around slowly. “Please, please,” he said humbly. The second he saw who it was, though, he dropped his smooth celebrity act and folded his arms across his chest. “It’s still not funny.”

“What can I say, I think so,” Emily cracked, nudging him in the side. She looked to her companion, “What do you think?”

“I love to watch him squirm,” Elizabeth noted, giving Sly a quick hug hello.

“I heard you were in town—I thought the first time I’d see you would be at the opening,” he said, returning the hug.

“We came a little early. It gives me some non party time to hang with Emily—and now you.”

“I need to shower, but shall we do breakfast?” Sly asked.

The girls looked at each other and nodded.

“Great, we’ll go to my apartment, you two can hang, and then we’ll go. Got to say, though, two beautiful women on my arm will start rumors . . . not that I mind,” he teased. “In fact, I live for rumors. Rumors are what make celebrities different from normal people.”

“So you’re a celebrity?” Elizabeth teased. “Wow, I think you are the first celebrity I’ve ever known. I feel so honored, Sly.”

Sly wrapped his arm around her shoulder and chuckled, “As well you should, my dear.”


Natalie stretched her legs then slid into the metal chair that sat at one of the tables at her favorite outside café. She looked through her sunglasses at the bright, morning sky, her head pounding with anticipation and dread for the night’s activities. She played the part of the ready and willing party girl, but she was only a few short months away from turning thirty and the lifestyle was wearing thin. It used to be that whenever Carly would even hint at settling down and becoming the dreaded D word, domestic, Natalie would do everything in her power to convince her best friend and partner how great their life was. After all, until Carly came around there hadn’t been a person on the earth Natalie could bare to spend even two days in a row with, let alone look forward to seeing every day. But now, Natalie was beginning to see Carly’s side of the argument. For as much as committing to one man and having children petrified Natalie, the idea of having a family, having someone to depend on and love, was growing to be something she craved.

‘Is that what they mean by the biological clock ticking?’ she mused, her mind instantly going to a certain blue eyed hunk.

“Can I get you anything?” the waiter asked kindly.

“Ugh,” she hesitated, “caramel latte, skim milk, no whipped cream—LARGE,” she demanded with a sweet smile.

“Yes, ma’am,” he said quickly and hurried off.

“You do know, there are studies that have proved coffee is a laxative.”

Natalie groaned inwardly at her visitor. “Jason Morgan is back in the States. I suppose we should throw a party . . . if only I wasn’t busy today.”

“If only,” Jason drawled, sitting down at her table before she had a time to deny it. “So, Natalie, how are you doing—really?”

“Oh, you know—keeping in touch with friends, having a legit life. You know? What you don’t do,” she shot.

Natalie and Jason were total opposites; they never got along and doubtfully ever would. Natalie was the vinegar to Jason’s oil, making her wonder how Carly could possibly count two people who were so different as her closest friends. Jason was reserved, inward, dark, mysterious, and hated even the idea of having fun, or so Natalie surmised. Sure, the guy was hot, but so were a good majority of the men she interacted with. For Natalie Mason, there was something to be said for a slim amount of personality. And she didn’t see any personality in Morgan.

“You’re still just as droll as ever, Natalie. How do you do it?” Jason asked, glaring slightly.

Natalie made Jason nervous. Not only was she someone he barely knew, but what he did know he didn’t like. She was impulsive and slightly insane. She lived on the edge of life, partying until she passed out. Natalie made Jason worry about Carly and what could become of his friend. There was always an odd attraction with Natalie, but not enough for either to actually act on it. Besides, she was hung up on Lucky. The kid, Jason figured, was too damaged and too far-gone to even dream of entertaining the mere idea of being with Natalie. For that Jason envied Lucky. Whenever he was around her, all Jason could think of was taking Natalie on the floor, on the table, wherever was more convenient.

“What brings you to the city, JASE?” Natalie asked smugly. “Get bored being Mr. World Traveler.”

“I have some business to take care of.”

“Oh, I thought you were out of that? Carly said you did the one smart thing in your life by getting away from the mini mobster. Slide off the wagon, Morgan?”

“A different sort of business. I need to ask you something,” he said bluntly, coming around to his point for sitting down with her.

Natalie frowned. “Brother, and here I thought you were here merely because you enjoyed my company . . . what do you want?”

“What do you know about Kristina Cassadine? Specifically in regards to Carly.”

“What?” she breathed. “What are you doing? Writing a book?”

Jason took a deep breath. “I saw her go into the club yesterday.”

“You were lurking?” she accused with an amused smile.

“Just tell me, Natalie, and I’ll leave you alone.”

“Fine! Kristina is a newspaper writer; she’s doing a story on the opening. It’s not all nefarious and dark…despite your wishes. You don’t get to play hero, Jason, sorry.”

“One more question.”

Natalie rolled her eyes, ready to jump out of her skin if it was the only way to get away from Morgan.

“Why do you have to act like such a bitch?”

“Probably for the same reason you act like such a dick, Jason,” she countered with a knowing smile. “Be on your way, now, motorcycle man.”

Jason forced a smile and stood up. He slid his hands into the pocket of his tattered old leather jacket and nodded at Natalie. “See you around.”

Natalie waved, a false smile on her face, “I’ll be sure not to look for you!”


Nikolas stood in the lobby of the building, staring at the elevator door tiredly. He knew visiting Lucky, and Lucky alone, wasn’t the smartest thing he could do. He knew his brother wasn’t exactly comfortable with him, especially since it seemed Lucky had targeted Nikolas as the biggest reminder of the hell he lived through for three years. Not that Nikolas blamed him much. But he still missed his younger brother; he had lost him too many times.

When everything blew up and the imposter was revealed everyone’s worlds were turned upside down. Steve Deckard, the young man Helena had kidnapped and brainwashed to be Lucky, wasn’t stable enough to make it the world on his own. Nikolas paid for his family, who were over joyed to have him back, to be able to take care of the broken young man. But before Nikolas knew it, Lucky was gone again. His brother just couldn’t deal with everything that went along with being replaced, he had to leave. Gradually, he let his family back into his life; he was even starting to come around to Nikolas. Lucky was the sole reason he invested anything in Carly’s club; it gave the young Prince the opportunity to stay in Lucky’s life.

“Now, is the Prince pondering the meaning of life,” Lucky said, waving his hands in front of Nikolas’s face, “or is it as vacant in there as I’ve always suspected?”

Nikolas shifted back a step, smiling genuinely at Lucky. “Hello, Lucky.”

“Why are you so surprised to see me? I live here,” Lucky said as he stepped off the elevator. “What are you doing here, Cassadine?”

“I…I came to…uh…listen, you’re probably busy, I’ll just go,” Nikolas muttered nervously. Gosh, this was ridiculous; he was acting like a blushing schoolgirl. Nikolas shook his head and forced a laugh.

“No, no, that’s alright.”

“I just came to visit, see how you were doing. And,” he reached into the pocket of his light blue sport coat, “give you this. It’s from our sister—from Lesley Lu,” he corrected, not sure what kind of footing he was on with Lucky.

“Thanks,” Lucky said, taking the envelope from Nikolas’s hand and sliding it in the back pocket of his Levi’s. “I’ll read it later.”

“Let me tell you, she really wanted to come to the opening. I swear, that kid is an adult in the body of a twelve year old,” Nikolas joked.

Lucky laughed. “Well, with brother’s like us, how could she not be?” They both walked to the outside door; Lucky stopped and looked at Nikolas. “Do you have any plans for the day?”

“No,” Nikolas said, afraid it was a bit too quick of an answer. “Other than a little party I have to go to tonight, I’m free.”

“Then come on,” Lucky said with a smirk as he dangled a set of car keys in the air. “I’m going to take you somewhere you’ve never been before.”


Lucky smiled and shook his head as they headed towards the parking garage. “Aren’t you even curious?”

“And I’m going to admit that to you, why?” Nikolas returned.

“I know it is bugging you.”

Nikolas shook his head.

They walked in silence, stopping as they reached Carly’s black BMW. Well, Carly owned it but she rarely drove it. It was more the company car Lucky used whenever there was an out of the city errand to run.

Nikolas stood on the passenger’s side, staring across the car at Lucky. He returned the gaze, an amused glimmer in his crystal blue eyes.

“Ok, where are we going?”

Lucky slid into the driver’s seat, pleased that he got Nikolas to crack. “Over the bridge…the fabulous New Jersey.”

He wiggled his eyebrows and pulled on his seatbelt. “Just try to contain yourself, Prince. Not everyone can handle Jersey, it isn’t for beginners.”

“You’re such a jackass, Lucky,” Nikolas teased as he pulled on his seatbelt.

“It’s in my genes.” Lucky turned on the CD player, Jeff Buckley’s “Grace” pouring out of the speakers.

“Why do we have to go to . . .New Jersey?” Nikolas asked with a hint of worry.

“Carly wants me to pick up cuff links at some antique shop.” Nikolas looked at Lucky with wonderment. “It’s a gift for Jax, all part of their bizarre mating ritual. I just wish they’d get together already. It would really make thinks much more simple.”

Nikolas choked on his words. Jax and Carly? Why had he no idea about this?

“Jax and Carly are . . . are you serious?” Nikolas asked, glancing at his brother as the car pulled out of the parking garage and towards New Jersey.

“They’ve been dancing around it for years. Listen, I’m not one to spread rumors,” Lucky paused and glanced at Nikolas. “Speaking of rumors, what has you so ready to throw your money into another project with Carly?”

Nikolas leaned his head back against the seat and sighed.

“What did you get yourself into, Cassadine?” Lucky asked, feeling oddly chatty.

“It is not as glamorous as you are thinking,” he said with a chuckle. “I put a little bit of money—ok a lot of money—into a bad investment. I know the bottom is going to fall out any minute, so I want to put a little bit of cash aside in a safe investment before I have to turn to Stefan for help.”

Lucky chuckled a bit. “Don’t you have accountants and financial advisors to make sure you don’t do that?”

“Yes . . . it was an impulse. After Gia left me I went a little nuts. I was talking to this guy and he said there was big money in some new men’s magazine he was starting. I didn’t know that magazines have like a 7 in 10 failure rate—.”

“Second only to restaurants, at 9 in 10,” Lucky added pointedly.

“Yeah, I know. The magazine—Prince’s Monthly—.”

“Wait,” Lucky held up his hand. “Prince’s Monthly? You’re kidding, right?”

Nikolas closed his eyes, knowing he set himself up for that one. “No, I’m not. Anyway, it lasted about 3 years of actual newsstand sales. They just folded about two weeks ago and I am taking a beating on it. They have lots of debts and . . . I don’t want to talk about it,” Nikolas said with a sigh, a bit ashamed of his failure in the business world.

“So is that why you’re with Sarah, again?” Lucky challenged. “Because you are depressed over losing money?”

“I’m not with Sarah, again.”

“That’s good . . . because, how many times can you go there, really? I know I’m not an expert on love or relationships, but you can do better,” he said, glancing at Nikolas cautiously. “I don’t know a lot about you and Gia and all that, but . . . that made more sense than your countless reunions with the blonde Webber.”

“Well, actually, Sarah and I are more compatible in the sense that we have more in common. But, really, there is someone I’m perfectly suited--.”

“Don’t tell me!” Lucky said with a loud laugh. “You want Emily.”

“How’d you know?” Nikolas asked, genuinely surprised.

“Hmm, let me think? Who else would be better suited for a Cassadine other than a Quartermaine. I’m just amazed it took you so long,” he noted. “That still doesn’t tell me why you are escorting Sarah to the party tonight.”

Nikolas looked at Lucky questioningly.

“Again, not one to spread rumors, but I do hear things,” Lucky informed his companion.

“Process of elimination, Lucky. The plan was for me to take both Liz and Sarah, but then Emily put it in into Liz’s head she needed a date. So now, I’m left taking Sarah while Liz goes with Zander. I think I got the short end of that stick but I . . .” Nikolas’s voice faded as he noticed how his brother suddenly tensed up. “Oh, Lucky, I am sorry. I didn’t . . .”

Lucky’s jaw was clenched as he stared out in front of him, concentrating on the license plate of the car that had nearly just cut them off.

“She’s . . . Elizabeth is going with Zander? And this was Emily’s idea?” Lucky asked, feeling as if he’d been hit in the gut. He had no reason to feel jealous, he was going with Natalie after all. Not to mention Elizabeth had been with someone else before, she had been in a relationship. Aiden wasn’t a passing thing, and Lucky handled it. But he also wasn’t in Port Charles when they were together, and tonight Liz would walk into the club on Zander’s arm and . . . “Are you sure?”

“She told me last night. If it means anything, they are just going as friends. Zander thinks he’s going to make Emily jealous.”

“But I thought it was her idea.”

Nikolas shrugged. “The guy is grasping at straws, I don’t think he ever totally got over Em. Or Carly. I know he’s over Sarah, though. Zander and Sarah . . . I still laugh when I think about their ill fated affair,” Nikolas said, desperately trying to change the subject.

“Yeah, funny,” Lucky practically grunted. Nikolas winced, kicking himself for even bringing up Liz. “Tonight’s going to be . . . fun.”

Nikolas nodded, “Yeah, and look on the bright side, Lucky—at least she’s not going with Jason.” He instantly wanted to reach out and catch his words before they entered Lucky’s ears.

“As ever, Cassadine, you have a way with words.”


Maxie stood outside Dillon’s penthouse, banging on the door furiously. The doorman let her up, but her friend wasn’t answering the door.

“Dillon! Get your sorry ass up! It is eleven thirty!”

He opened the door and glared at her. “What?” Dillon barked. He wore silk black silk pajamas and a gray robe. “I thought I was picking you up at seven, why are you bothering me now?”

“Why are you bothering me now?” Maxie mocked as she pushed past him into the living room. “Well, I wanted to discuss whatever plan you had for tonight.” She pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one.

“Uh uh,” Dillon said, snatching the smoke from between her lips. “No smoking.”

“So says the coke head,” Maxie drawled with a roll of the eyes. “What exactly are your intentions tonight, Dillon?”

“Formal wear, your tongue, my throat, a seething red Spencer,” Dillon explained, a smirk playing across his face. “Full proof plan, Max.”

“Plan B, Dillon, let’s hear it,” she demanded, getting frustrated with her obviously hung over friend.

He rolled his eyes. “Please, Maxie, you don’t need a plan B. Just walk into that joint tonight with me and it’ll drive Spencer up a wall. It’s no secret that his replacement … the pawn of the Cassadine bitch, just happens to be my less attractive doppelganger. Spencer will turn red with anger at the mere site of his little friend on my arm,” Dillon paused and added, “It’ll be so much fun.”

Maxie looked at him harshly. “You’re a creep, Dillon.”

“For the one millionth time—I. Know. That.”

Maxie groaned and threw her hands in the air. “Why am I friends with you?”

He shrugged.

“Ok, I’m going. I have a few errands to run.”

“Funny, so do I. A meeting with Mommy’s lawyers about my bad behavior,” he chuckled. “I ran a red light three weeks ago and they think I’m on a destructive path.”

“Never, Dillon, you’re the most stable person I know.”

“That’s what I try to tell them.”

“Do they know about your penchant for the white powder?”

Dillon stifled laughter. “Hardly . . . they barely know anything.”

“Except that you get caught running red lights.”


“This is . . . so much fun,” she said dryly while opening the door. “But I do have a life and things to do. I’ll meet you here at six.”

“I thought I was supposed to pick you up at seven?”

Maxie looked him the eye and spoke slowly, “I don’t trust you, Dillon, to remember from now till then. I’ll see you at six.”


“ . . . And so I told the director ‘there is no way I am not doing my own butt shot.’ I think the entire crew fell over with shock. Usually if an actor can help it, he’ll avoid nude scenes. But I worked my ass off so I could … well, show my ass on television,” Sly explained as he poured syrup over his walnut pancakes. Emily and Elizabeth were practically doubled over in laughter as they listened to Sly’s story.

“So that was your ass, Sly?” Elizabeth asked, her face bright red.

“Of course,” he looked at her, his green eyes twinkling. “Did you like what you saw?”

“Oh . . . oh yes, Sly. All I could think of was ‘too bad he’s Lucky’s cousin, or I’d so get me a piece of that’,” she teased.

“Hey!” Sly declared. “What is it with you women and not taking a piece of the Sly-man because I’m Lucky’s cousin? It is not incest. We aren’t even that close. In fact, I can barely stand the guy.”

“Who can you barely stand?”

They all looked up to see Gia. Elizabeth jumped from her chair and gave her former rival a hug.

“Oh my gosh, it has been so long,” she said with a smile, their past ills long forgotten.

Gia smiled, wondering if Elizabeth would be so happy to see her if she knew about Steven. “Too long, you really should come into the city more often.”

“Join us, I think I need another famous face on my side,” Sly said, patting the empty seat next to him.

Gia looked at Emily, “You don’t mind?”

“Please,” Emily said, waving Gia’s worry off. They weren’t friends, doubtful they’d ever be friends, but they were both long past any animosity.

“I was just telling the girls about my first nude scene,” Sly said, filling Gia in.

“Oh, the ass shot in that HBO movie.”

Sly nodded. “Yeah, sadly that was the only good part of the movie. I swear, the script was shit . . .but I got to work with . . . the actress . . . what was her name?”

“Katie Holmes,” the three said in unison.

“Right, Joey Potter,” Sly said with a snap of his fingers. “I just can’t remember these sorts of things.”

“Big party tonight. I cannot wait,” Gia said with a smile.

“Me too,” Sly said in an effeminate voice. “I’ve got this fabulous strapless Prada dress, I can’t wait to show it off.” He clasped his hands to his heart, “And after the party, I think my beau may finally make things in bed . . . all about me!”

“Oh, Sly!” Emily groaned, tossing her napkin at him in frustration.

“You are such a dork,” Elizabeth added with a laugh.

Sly feigned a sob, dabbing at his eyes with the napkin Emily threw at him, “You are so judgmental.”

“Don’t worry, sweetie,” Gia said playing along. She put her arm around his shoulders; “They just don’t understand the pressures you are under as a heartthrob. Showing your ass to millions of people who have HBO, and then DVD rentals . . . they just don’t know what it is like.”

“They don’t, you do, you do,” he said, burying his head in her shoulder. He looked up at Emily and Liz suddenly, smirking; “You hate me because I’m beautiful!”


Carly sat in her office; her feet propped up on her desk as she spoke on the phone. Well, not so much spoke as listened.

“Calm down . . . calm down . . . calm DOWN,” she finally demanded. “Listen, Mr. Timberlake, I am sorry you feel shafted by not receiving an invitation to the opening.” Carly paused as the door to her office opened.

“Bad time?”

Carly smiled and held her hand over the receiver. “Just a petulant former pop star complaining. Have a seat, I’ll be done in a second, AJ.”

AJ laughed and watched his ex-wife at work.

“Next Saturday you are welcome to come, I’ll even put your name on the list for the VIP room. But there is simply no room for anymore guests tonight,” she listened to him yammer on, mocking him silently for AJ’s benefit. “I’ll see you then. Have a good night Mr. Timberlake.”

“Backstreet Boys?”

“NSYNC, he went out with Britney Spears before her trip to the clinic,” Carly noted.

“Oh yeah, she dumped him, did some sort of drugs, and Sly hooked up with her . . .”

“And took her to the clinic, yeah,” Carly finished with a laugh. “I don’t think Sly will ever be able to find a woman he can find happiness with—he doesn’t know how to find the sane ones.”

“Some men like their women a little crazy,” AJ said. “Of course, thankfully my wife is sane, I need that.”

“Speaking of, how is Courtney doing?”

“Stressing out. I swear, you’d think she’s never been to a big party before, she’s really excited about tonight,” he explained with a smile. “I just wanted to stop by and let you know Michael is in Port Charles with your mother, having a good time hanging out with Lesley Lu Spencer and Georgie Jones. Though, I do plan to check in a few times tonight—when I left I heard something about breaking out and coming to Manhattan.”

“If Lucky’s little sister wasn’t involved I’d say not to worry but . . .”

AJ nodded understandingly, “I’ll have my cell phone on at all times.”

“Thanks,” Carly said with a laugh.

“Knock, knock,” Jax announced as he pushed the door open fully. He stopped, surprised to see AJ in Carly’s office. “Quartermaine.”

“Step down, soldier,” Carly demanded. She motioned between her and AJ, “Parenting business.”

Jax nodded sheepishly, his eyes lingering dangerously in Carly’s direction.

“I got to go, but I have one burning question,” AJ said with a smirk. “Your ex-husband,” he said as he pointed to Carly, then towards Jax, “your ex-wife, and my current brother-in-law aren’t by chance going to be--.”

“NO!” both Jax and Carly declared.

“Sonny and Alexis had some other sort of pressing business to take care,” Carly said, a sour look on her face. “Thank god, I don’t think I could have handled them.”

“After all these years, me neither,” Jax agreed.

AJ stood up to leave. “I’ll see you two tonight.” He looked at Carly, “And if I don’t run into you at the party, good luck and congratulations. The place—it looks amazing. You’ve come a long way, Carly. I’m glad I was wrong about you.”

A humbled smile crossed Carly’s lips as she mouthed ‘thank-you’ to AJ before he left. Once he was gone, Jax shut the door and smiled at Carly.

“Are we sure AJ hasn’t been replaced by Helena?” Jax wondered.

“Falling in love with Courtney really mellowed him. He’s become a good guy,” Carly noted happily. They got along great now and were raising Michael together and rather successfully. “What brings you by, Jasper?”

He shook his head, sliding his long frame down into the chair AJ had vacated.

“I just wanted to make sure the person I admire most in the world wasn’t stressing herself out too much,” Jax observed, taking note of the slightly mussed state of her hair. “But you’d never do that.”

Carly only rolled her eyes and smiled. She tried to ignore Jax’s other comment, about admiring her, because she still didn’t feel like she was someone to be admired. She opened glorified bars, it wasn’t like she was curing cancer or stopping terrorism. She was just making it easier for rich and beautiful people to get drunk over remixes of U2 and Garbage and No Doubt.

But the way Jax said it made Carly feel like it meant something.

“Put that pen down, right now,” Jax ordered. “Time to go home.”

“Jax, I can’t. I have to double check the guest list, make sure everything--.”

“No!” he cut her off. “If there is something wrong there is no way you can stop it from going wrong tonight. It’s too late.”

Carly’s eyes widened in horror. “You think something is going to go wrong?”

“No! Carly, of course not,” he backtracked. “Everything is going to be perfect tonight, so there is no reason to keep worrying.” Jax stood up, walked around the desk and held out his hand to Carly. “Do you trust me?”

“Yes,” she said, placing her hand in his.

“Then let it all go. Nighttown is going to be a success and you’ll be the belle of the ball tonight,” he said with a smile. “I’m going to take you home. Run a nice, hot bubble bath for you, make you lunch. In short, make sure you relax.”

“Jax, I’m not much of a bubble bath type of person,” Carly protested.

“You’re taking one,” he said adamantly, grabbing her purse and pulling her to the door.

“I really don’t know how relaxing a forced bubble bath will be,” she claimed, laughing the entire time. “But I guess we’ll try.”

“We’ll try?” Jax asked jokingly.

“Not so fast, Crocodile Dundee, I meant ‘we’ in the theoretical sense. If I’m taking a bubble bath, I’m doing it by myself.”

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Entropy Chapter 5Becca12:49:11 03/24/02 Sun

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