Subject: Entropy Chapter 8 |
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Date Posted: 09:48:03 04/15/02 Mon
In reply to:
's message, "Entropy" on 19:23:01 02/10/02 Sun
Chapter 8—Bondage Fun
Everyone here, knows everyone here is thinking about somebody else. It’s best if we all keep it under our heads.
“Back 2 Good” by Rob Thomas
Jax pushed open the door of his apartment, a goofy smile on his face as he gazed back at Carly. She was distracted though, staring at a slip of paper she held tightly in her hands.
“Love, what’s that?” he asked, really not wanting a delay in what he knew was coming. But he also knew she looked worried.
“I found it in my purse—did you put it in there?”
Jax shook his head. They walked into the penthouse, sitting down together on Jax’s plush couch. He looked over her shoulder at the note, folded in half, with her name across the top. “Caroline Benson,” the name on her birth certificate and nowhere else.
“Are you going to open it?” he asked almost anxiously. “Maybe it is a love letter—oh, maybe you have a secret admirer.”
“You mean, one who isn’t you?” she teased, kissing him gently. With a sigh she shrugged her shoulders. “Might as well open it, what can it hurt?”
“Your secrets are untold, but the world will know your darkest when the mystery is complete. You will be contacted. Be ready to play.”
Carly repeated the words typed neatly on the paper. She looked at Jax and frowned.
“Secrets? Is someone blackmailing me?” she wondered, not sure what secrets she had anymore.
Jax shrugged then took off his coat. He threw it on the couch.
“Maybe . . . but who would blackmail you, and why?” he was truly baffled, it made very little sense.
Carly picked up Jax’s coat to put it on the hanger. As she did a slip of paper similar to the one she had opened slid out. Across the front read “Jasper Jacks.”
“Look at that,” Carly mused as she picked it up and handed it to him. “You got one too. Does it say the same thing?”
Jax fumbled to open the letter, the contents exactly the same. “Well now, something is going on.”
Carly looked blankly at Jax.
“Thank you Captain Obvious.”
Nikolas stared up at the ceiling, his heart racing in ways it had never done before. His body felt electric, like every synaptic ending had been stimulated.
He glanced over to his right and realized it had been.
“I have dreamt about this moment . . . so many times,” Emily sighed. She inched herself up on her left elbow, running her fingers over Nikolas’s perfect, muscular chest. “But nothing—NOTHING, could equal the actual moment.”
“I’ve got to say,” Nikolas began, but was cut off by Emily’s mouth upon his. “Wow.”
“Good answer,” Emily whispered. She slid out of her bed and pulled on her robe, eliciting an unhappy groan from her lover. From Nikolas. Prince Nikolas Cassadine was now her lover. It took much willpower not to run to the phone and call up Elizabeth. This was one of the most exciting moments of Emily’s young life.
“Where are you going?” Nikolas asked, his voice almost pleading. “Sweetie, come back to bed.”
“I’m sorry, Nikolas, but I’m highly anal. Ever since college I’ve become obsessive compulsive about,” she reached down and picked up her discarded dress, “clothing on the floor.”
Nikolas looked down at her feet and smiled guiltily. “Yeah, we weren’t exactly cognizant of were we placed our clothes when we removed them.”
Emily laughed and retrieved Nikolas’s black silk boxers from the top of her lap. “Things were a bit urgent, my Prince.”
“What’s that?” Nikolas wondered, noticing something white sticking out under his coat. He slid out of bed and snatched. “Huh, it has my name on it.”
“I have one too,” Emily realized as she lifted up her purse. She vaguely remembered finding a note in her purse as she desperately searched for her keys. But it was clear that she hadn’t been too worried about the contents of her purse, as the bra hanging from the top of the mirror made evident.
“Shall we open them?” Emily asked, though she was instantly distracted by Nikolas, who was standing in the middle of her bedroom, completely naked. “Or maybe it can wait till morning . . .”
The morning brought with it a light hangover and an uneasy feeling of the “undone” in his gut. Lucky stormed up the stairs to the third floor of the club. Carly had called him, needing to see him at the club urgently. Something about a note and an emergency.
A note? Lucky thought, the note he thought was from Elizabeth. What did he do with it? Lucky reached into the back pocket of his jeans, remembering he folded the note up and put it there, deciding he’d read it after a cup of coffee and a plate of eggs. Then he got the call from Carly.
He never did get breakfast.
Quickly Lucky unfolded the white paper and read the words slowly.
Your secrets are untold, but the world will know your darkest when the mystery is complete. You will be contacted. Be ready to play.
His mind raced. What was this about? In an instant everything that happened to him when he was imprisoned flashed before his eyes. What happened then? Did this person know? Could he remember? And how did Carly know.
Ascending the last few stairs, Lucky reached the doors to the private dining room on the third floor. He reached forward and pushed open the doors. He tucked the paper back in his pocket, but stopped dead in his tracks.
Carly, Natalie, and Jax were standing in the middle of the room.
“What, Carly? What is going on—no games.”
His cousin sighed. “Interesting use of words.”
Carly and Natalie took a step to the right, Jax to the left, revealing a person gagged and tied to a chair.
“What the hell is going on? Who is that?”
“Did you get a note last night, Lucky?” Jax asked.
Lucky took a step forward. “What do you know about it?”
“Did you kidnap her?” Carly asked, wanting to cut through the crap.
“Are you insane?” Lucky asked, finally realizing who was tied to the chair. “Why would I kidnap Kristina Cassadine?”
“Listen, somebody did,” Natalie pointed out, “no use blaming the people in this room. The others should get here soon.”
“There’s a list,” Jax said, handing it to Lucky. “Carly found it pinned to Kristina’s shirt when we . . .well, found Kristina.”
“This is . . . this is crazy,” Lucky muttered. His eyes scanned the list, it was practically who’s who of Port Charles. “Caroline Benson, Jasper Jacks, Natalie Mason, Lucky Spencer, Nikolas Cassadine, Elizabeth Webber, Emily Quartermaine, Sly Eckert, Gia Campbell, and Zander Smith. Does this mean everyone got a note last night?”
They all nodded.
“And she’s responsible for that?”
“I’m not sure,” Carly admitted.
“Did anyone think to ask her?” Lucky questioned as he walked up to her. He removed the gag and looked at her. “Are you blackmailing everyone on that list?”
“Yes,” Kristina managed. Lucky quickly put the gag back and turned to the other three.
“She’s blackmailing us, and someone kidnapped her—but none of us. What about the others?”
“If we knew that, Lucky, we wouldn’t have so many questions,” Carly explained. Just then Elizabeth and Zander walked through the door. Lucky tensed up at the sight of Elizabeth, unconsciously stepping closer to Natalie. Natalie tensed at his actions.
“Oh my god! Why is Kristina tied to a chair?” Elizabeth exclaimed in shock.
“We’re not sure,” Natalie noted.
“Except she’s blackmailing everyone on this list,” Lucky added, handing Zander, who was nearer to him, the list.
“So everyone else got--.” Zander began. He glanced nervously around the room. Kristina had dirt on everyone?
“A note of some sort, saying Kristina has something on us? Yeah, she delivered them to us all last night. We don’t know why, and we aren’t sure who--.” Carly was cut off by the door opening again.
“It is Sunday, Carly. The day we re--.” Nikolas stopped as he saw Kristina in the chair, he looked at Emily as if she knew what was going on. “I don’t get it.”
“So you are not responsible for this?” Jax queried.
“Responsible for what?” Sly muttered as he stumbled into the room, his sunglasses on, clearly hungover. “What the hell? Can’t we wait to party again for like another week?”
“A party? Sly, someone kidnapped her,” Lucky said, pointing to Kristina.
“Which clearly explains why she’s still tied up,” Sly muttered, sipping his grande latte.
“Why would you think I’m responsible?” Nikolas complained as he sat down at one of the tables. He looked to Emily, who was also sitting, “I’ve never kidnapped anyone.”
“There’s a first for everything, Cassadine,” Natalie shot, an annoyed smile on her face.
“Ok, this bitching at each other isn’t getting us anywhere. Where is Gia?” Lucky demanded. As if on cue, she strolled through the doors.
She looked around the room, ignoring the tied up woman in the middle, and groaned. “Oh goody—this is why I left my bed on a Sunday morning? To spend it with you people? I thought I kicked that habit a long time ago.”
“Guess not, Princess,” Nikolas slurred, placing his hand on Emily’s shoulder. Gia simply smirked.
Zander rose his hand, “Uh, if we are all being blackmailed—and we are, aren’t we?”
“Oh, everyone else got threatening little notes last night too?” Gia muttered. “Goes with celebrity people. Tell them, Sly.”
“I wasn’t too worried,” he turned to Gia and handed her the paper with the list. “But there is a list . . . and a kidnapped woman.”
“Yeah, back to my point,” Zander continued. “Kristina is going after us all—but someone kidnapped her before she could do it. Who here kidnapped her?”
The room fell silent as everyone eyed everyone else suspiciously.
“It may be my Ivy League education, but why don’t we ask her?” Emily suggested.
“Can we believe her?” Elizabeth wondered. “After all, she has dirt on all of us—and if we’re all in the same situation, we don’t know what she has on us.”
“Yet,” Nikolas noted glumly.
“Let’s ask,” Carly declared. Jax stepped behind Kristina and removed the gag.
“You are the dumbest ten people in the world. I’m so glad I’m blackmailing you!” Kristina announced.
Gia pointed her finger at Kristina, “Put the damn gag back on!”
“Wait!” Lucky threw up his hands then turned to their kidnapping victim. “Who is your kidnapper.”
“Right about now, you idiots are holding me captive, so YOU,” she said.
“That’s not what he means,” Natalie pointed out, placing a supportive hand on Lucky’s shoulder. “Who took you, gagged you, tied you to a chair in the club?”
“I’m not sure—he was wearing all black, didn’t speak, I never got a good view of him,” Kristina admitted. “And since I don’t know who abducted me, I’m sticking with you dip shits.”
“Put the gag back on,” Carly demanded. Jax quickly put the gag back on and stepped in front of her.
“If we let her go not only will she follow through with her plan to ruin every one of us, but she’ll accuse us all of kidnapping. I do not normally condone illegal behavior but . . .”
Carly looked at Jax and sighed, “We can’t let her go.”
Lucky grabbed a chair and buried his head in his hands. “This is so not good.”
“Really? And would you say the sky is blue, too?” Emily snipped. “We need a plan.”
“Plan of what, Em? What is going on?” Lucky asked, losing patience quickly.
“Hey,” Nikolas said defensively, “She’s not to blame, so don’t yell at her.”
“First plan of action—we can’t keep her here,” Carly said, trying to get them back on the subject. “The cleaning crew will be here at 3—it’s 10:20 right now.”
“I have a building,” Nikolas began. “The bottom floor is a warehouse, upstairs is a loft, not really decorated, but we can keep her there.”
“Why do you have a building?” Elizabeth asked softly, chuckling.
Lucky heard her question and smiled, “The bigger question is what does he use it for.”
Nikolas glared at them slightly, choosing to ignore their ribbing.
“How do we get her there?” Sly asked, very little concern overcoming him.
Silence fell over the group again.
There was a thick layer of tension between just about everyone in the group. No two people could look each other in the eye, it wasn’t the best situation for illegal activity and covert operations.
“I can get a van, we’ll keep her tied to the chair, put her in the van, take her to the loft, and keep her there,” Jax explained.
“Now that we have THAT out of the way,” Gia grumbled. “Shouldn’t we try to figure out what the hell Krispy Cream is holding over our heads?”
“Yes,” Lucky agreed with Gia. “She won’t tell us anything—she’ll lie, that much we can be sure of. We can . . . wait,” he stopped, looking at Kristina. “I don’t think we should be discussing this stuff in front of her.”
“Let’s go downstairs, to the lounge,” Carly suggested. “But someone should stay up here with her.”
Nobody was looking to volunteer for the position, so Sly sighed and relented. “I’ll do it. Besides, I want a few minutes alone with the blackmailing bitch,” Sly declared in his best tough guy voice. He cracked a smile and winked.
“Just don’t do anything rash, man,” Lucky warned as he patted his cousin on the shoulder.
“Can we trust him?” Zander asked. “He did seem kind of unaffected by her threat.”
Lucky looked Zander in the eye. “You can trust, Sly. Of anyone in this room, he’s the one guy who I’d want on my side every time.”
Sly’s smile faltered, “Thanks, Lucky.”
“We’ll be downstairs. If she does anything, let us know,” Carly informed him as the group departed.
Once they were gone, Sly grabbed a chair and placed it in front of Kristina. He played a detective once, it seemed easy, and maybe he’d be able to successfully interrogate her.
He reached forward and removed the gag.
“So, you think your tough, don’t you?” Sly began. Kristina laughed in his face.
“This is priceless. The sweet, caring, trustworthy Sly . . . it must be fabulous to have Lucky believe so completely in you,” Kristina said with a wicked smile. “He has no idea what you’ve done behind his back.”
“I’ve done nothing behind his back—ok, so I gave our demo tape to someone behind his back, but that’s it. I’d never do anything to hurt my cousin,” Sly insisted.
“That’s not what I’ve been told,” Kristina hinted.
“You’re full of shit,” he claimed, leaning tensely back in his seat.
“Los Angeles, four months ago,” Kristina began.
“So, everyone knows I was in LA for a while,” he scoffed.
“You had dinner with Liz Webber,” she continued deviously. “Ringing any bells?”
Sly took a deep breath. “So we ate together, so what?”
“You went back to her hotel room and didn’t come out till the next morning. I have photos of you two on the balcony, in your robes, looking rather chummy. Now do you see what I’m getting at?”
“Is that what you have on me? That’s how you plan to blackmail me? By telling Lucky I slept with the woman he loves?” Sly asked angrily, standing up, knocking the chair behind him tot he ground.
Kristina continued to grin. “Actually, I have something even better on you—something that would affect more than just Lucky.”
“Are you going to tell him?” Sly asked, an ache in his stomach. If Lucky found out about the affair it would crush him. Of all the people Sly could sleep with . . . why did it have to be Elizabeth? Six months, he laughed, he told Carly it had been sixth months. God how he wished it had been six months.
After it happened, Sly and Elizabeth swore it would never happen again. It was the time and the place, it was a spontaneous evening that would never happen again. And after watching the way Elizabeth looked at Lucky, Sly knew whatever relationship he had with her was over before it began. Lucky and Elizabeth deserved a second chance, they had that real, true, perfect love once and it was robbed from them. Sly wanted them to have it again.
“I won’t let you—I’ll tell him myself before I let him hear it from you,” Sly hissed, returning the gag to her mouth. “You’ll regret crossing me.”
Lucky ran a hand through his hair and smiled. Emily and Nikolas were sitting at one of the tables, looking like their relationship had changed between the party and the meeting. Elizabeth sat at the bar; tensely watching Lucky’s every movement. Jax and Carly stood together behind the bar. Gia and Natalie sat next to each other, though they didn’t even recognize the other’s presence. Zander studied the New York Times Style Section, specifically a photo of Nicole Kidman from the party the previous night.
“She works at the . . . Daily News, right?” Lucky asked. “I can get into her computer and see what she has on us. Once we have that, we know where to go.”
“How are you going to do that? It’s not like you can take tours of the Daily News office on a Sunday morning,” Natalie pointed.
“She’s right. It’ll be tricky getting in,” Elizabeth chimed in. “You can’t go alone, you need a plan.”
“I’m a Spencer, Elizabeth, I always have a plan.”
“That’s great. So, what is it?” Jax asked.
“I’m going to need Elizabeth,” he said, making eye contact with the woman he still loved. She returned the look confidently.
“We should work out a schedule,” Zander suggested, folding the newspaper in half and refocusing. “Someone is going to need to watch Kristina at all times. And it would probably be better if we didn’t do it alone.”
“That’s always a good thing,” Natalie teased suggestively, getting an angry look from everyone. “What? Did a little bit of blackmail make us all lose our collective sense of humor?”
“Ok, Nikolas, Jax, Zander, and Sly will work on getting Pippi over to the warehouse. Lucky and Liz will go to the Daily News and see what they can find out. Emily, Gia, Natalie, and I will work on a schedule to baby-sit the . . . hostage,” Carly explained. The group fell into silence, so Carly clapped her hands together loudly. “24…52…hut…hut...hike.”
She was greeted with eight puzzled faces. “What? I tried something new. Girls, let’s go up to my office. Guys, get snapping in getting Cassadine out of here. You two—do whatever you have in mind.”
Everyone split up, leaving Lucky and Elizabeth alone.
She looked at him questioningly. “Why did you pick me to work with? I’m sure Carly or Natalie would be better--.”
“I seem to remember you helping me out in a tight situation at an Assistant DA’s office once. Not to mention, you are great at undercover,” Lucky said with a sincere smile. “Those models never knew what hit them.”
Elizabeth smiled, her entire face lighting up. She didn’t want to question his reasoning, she just wanted to go with it. But part of her wondered what was going on. They had a huge fight at the party, and now they were partners in crime. Literally.
“So—what do you need from me?”
“I know you probably didn’t bring a whole array of clothes with you—but do you have a business suit? Something professional?” Lucky asked as his eyes traveled over her body. Her tight blue jeans and faded Port Charles University tee looking positively stunning on her. She looked more beautiful now, he thought, than she had all dolled up at the party. How was that possible?
“Lucky? Lucky!” she called out, bringing him back to earth. “Did you hear anything I just said?”
He wiped his eyes, “Sorry, I’m exhausted. Didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“Me neither,” she admitted. “Sarah was up bitching about Steven dating Gia, and when she finally passed out I still couldn’t fall asleep. So, I watched ‘Dazed and Confused’ on cable.”
“Me too,” Lucky admitted with a laugh. “I love that movie. It makes me wonder if I ever really got to be a teenager, cause I certainly don’t remember doing anything like that.”
Elizabeth frowned, the thought of Lucky losing three years of his life.
“I did, once,” she added with a smile. “Right before I came to Port Charles. A friend of mine, he was known in my high school as The Buzz, I called him Joe, he threw this huge beer bust in the woods. It was awesome. I was fifteen, hanging out with all these juniors and seniors. I had a blast. . . PC was a huge culture shock to me. I never met teenagers who acted so much like adults. I adapted though.”
Lucky nodded. “We had some fun, though, didn’t we?”
“Nothing could compare to the fun we had together, Lucky,” she told him, hoping Lucky believed her.
“I’ve been to some great parties since I’ve been—you know. But the most fun I ever had was that dinner at Kelly’s with Emily and Nikolas,” Lucky paused, looking Elizabeth in the eye. “Maybe we can, when all of this is over . . . maybe we can do it again. I’m pretty sure Em and Nikolas would be up to it. I can’t see why my Aunt Bobbie wouldn’t let us use the diner for an evening.”
“That would be great,” Elizabeth said, hopeful for the first time in six years. “So maybe we should get started on your plan.”
Lucky smiled, realizing he had gotten off track. Elizabeth could still distract him beyond mention. “You can go get changed and I’ll meet you back here?”
“Why don’t you just come to the hotel, Lucky. I’ll change and we’ll go to the Daily News from there. It’ll be easier,” she suggested casually.
“Sure,” he shrugged, a bit unsure. He had gone from not being able to look her in the eye to suggesting they have a reunion with fun. And now he was going back to her hotel? ‘It’s just so she can change, Spencer,’ he chastised himself. ‘You’re a long way from even being close to being able to entertain those thoughts.’
“Then let’s go,” Elizabeth told him as she jumped off the stool and extending her hand to him. “I’m sure Sarah will LOVE to see you.”
Lucky groaned. “Oh gosh, you really just want to see me squirm, don’t you?”
She laughed lightly. “What do you think, Spencer?” she asked with a friendly wink. “There is something so sexy about watching a man squirm.”
“Oh really?” he asked playfully. Were they flirting? This was bizarre.
“Well, it’s not the only thing sexy about you,” she said smoothly.
“Elizabeth Webber, are you flirting with me?”
She smirked, “It seems like it, doesn’t it?”
Jason sat on the plane, desperately trying to ignore the cell phone ringing inside his leather jacket.
“You’re not supposed to have those thing on, on a plane,” the passenger next to him chastised.
“Thanks,” he deadpanned, thinking ‘I could kill you with my hands—and make it hurt.’
“What?” Jason growled into the phone.
“Sweet Borg, what did you do?” Natalie asked, her voice piercing his ear.
“Fuck, how’d you get this number?”
“Carly has it stored for ‘emergencies’ and I figured you leaving a bound and gagged Kristina in the club was an emergency,” Natalie shot.
“I’m on a plane, Natalie, can’t talk.”
“Bull shit—get your fucking mobster ass back to New York as soon as possible and clean up YOUR MESS!” Natalie shouted.
“Who have you told?”
“Not a soul—yet.”
“Give me a week, Natalie. I bought you time, just don’t let your merry band of screw-ups fuck it up,” Jason ordered, glaring at the flight attendant who was looking at him. “Ill be off in a second.”
“I’m sorry sir--.”
“Listen, this is an emergency,” Jason growled. “One week, Nat,” he said, returning to his call. “I’ll be back in the city in one week with information to fix things.”
“One week, but if you don’t come . . .”
Jason smiled, “I always come, Nat.”
“Oh, and this wasn’t my mess to clean up. It’s yours and your friends. See you soon, dear,” Jason hissed and flicked his phone off. He looked up at the angry flight attendant and smirked. “All done—now I didn’t make the plane crash, did I?”
“I’m going to have to confiscate that,” she told him seriously.
“Take it,” he said handing it to her. “I don’t want any calls, anyhow.”
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