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Subject: Entropy Chapter 16

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Date Posted: 18:57:28 08/28/02 Wed
In reply to: HeyBecca 's message, "Entropy" on 19:23:01 02/10/02 Sun

Entropy 16—In (and out of) the Bedroom

“So just let me try, and I will be good to you. Just let me try, and I will be there for you. I’ll show you why you’re so much more than good enough.”
--Sarah McLachlan “Good Enough”

For the first time in a long time, Lucky Spencer gave up control. His head was telling him to take over, to stop things before they went too far. But he couldn’t. He didn’t really want to.

Lucky was going to give in to his desires and forget everything but what he was feeling right then and there.

And what he was feeling was great.

As Elizabeth pulled him down on the bed, he was struck by how perfectly she still fit against him, as if they were made to hold each other. How the touch of her lips to his still managed to send a jolt of excitement down his spine.

Elizabeth kissed him quickly, intensely, four times before pulling back slightly, “Don’t say anything, I want this . . . now.”

He let a small smile slip before reaching up towards her. His hand cupped her face and he sighed, “If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure,” she sighed before falling back down on top of him, her lips connecting with his in a searing kiss.

When the kiss broke, Elizabeth rose her face and revealed a seductive grin. Lucky almost thought he was looking at a different woman. She wasn’t the sad, tentative, scared woman she had been ten minutes earlier. She was happy and seductive, and sexier than he had dreamed.

“You still taste like chocolate,” she said coyly while removing her shirt and throwing it on the floor.

Lucky chuckled slightly as he ran his hands up her sides. Her tiny hands connected with his then ran down his arms, to his chest. She nimbly unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt, revealing just enough of his smooth, hard chest. She brought her lips down and kissed his throat, then his chest, before loosening the remainder of the buttons and removing the shirt completely.

Letting her take all the control, Lucky let his fingers dance around the waistband of her blue jeans, but did nothing more.

“Let me help you with that,” she whispered before popping open the button of her jeans and sliding them off smoothly. “Now, about this belt,” she said, tugging at the black belt.

“Will you stop talking, ever?” he asked with a warm smile, distracting her just enough from his blue jeans that he was able to steal another kiss.

“Not until I get these Levis off of you,” she murmured against his mouth.

Lucky smiled. “Well then, don’t let me stop you.”

Elizabeth let out a genuinely happy laugh. The first she had experienced in so long, and it felt better than anything did. Well, almost anything, she thought with a smile as she slid Lucky’s jeans down his legs, taking his socks down with them.

She smiled studying Lucky’s body. The blue boxer briefs practically matched the color of his eyes, and they hug sexily on his well-defined hips. His body was perfect, it felt perfect against hers

“You are so beautiful,” she exclaimed.

“Elizabeth,” his voice was soft and warm. She had moved herself onto his hips and he placed his hands on her thighs. “That’s my line.”

“But you are. I mean, guys aren’t usually beautiful but . . . you are. Physically and in every other way. You are the love of my life, Lucky. I’ll love you until the day I die. I can live my life without you, I’ve learned that. But I don’t want to,” she admitted without fear. Just by looking into Lucky’s eyes she knew everything was right, they were right.

For the first time Lucky couldn’t find the words he wanted. Instead, he sat up and pulled Elizabeth to him. His lips met hers tentatively, gently before deepening the kiss. And as the kiss deepened, the passion between them grew. Lucky lowered Elizabeth on the bed and began to kiss her neck, her throat, down her chest . . .

“Hey, Lucky, Liz,” Zander’s voice cut through the door, as did his fist banging on it.

“Shit,” Lucky cursed as he and Elizabeth broke, both staring at the door in frustration.

“Zander, are you by yourself?” Elizabeth asked, shrugging at Lucky.

“No, Alison is with me,” Zander explained.

Lucky pulled on his jeans and tried to find his shirt. He pulled it on but neglected to button it. He looked at Elizabeth and nodded his head towards the bathroom.

“I’ll get rid of them,” he whispered as she scurried past him into the bathroom. Just as he was about to open the door, Elizabeth gave him a quick, lingering kiss before locking herself in the bathroom. Lucky took a deep breath and opened the door. “Hey guys, something wrong?”

Zander and Alison took in Lucky’s open shirt and messed up hair, both blushing.

“Are we interrupting something?” Alison asked. “If so, we can go.”

“Well . . .” before Lucky could get another word out Elizabeth stepped out of the bathroom, fully clothed, and smiling. “I guess not,” Lucky’s disappointment was evident.

“What’s up guys?” Elizabeth asked.

“Alison and I were going to go to . . .” Zander rubbed the side of his face and frowned. “Are you sure we aren’t interrupting?”

“No, not at all,” Elizabeth lied.

“We’re going to down to the Mirage, check things out. We thought you two might want to join us,” Alison explained. “No reason to sit around, doing nothing while we wait for the next sign, right?”

“That sounds like a good idea,” Lucky relented. “Meet us downstairs, in the lobby. We’ll be down in five minutes.”

“Cool, maybe we’ll get a jump on things, get lucky,” Zander noted before he led Alison to the elevators.

Lucky shut the door and fell against it. He looked at Elizabeth and managed a smile.

“It just wasn’t meant to be,” he grumbled. Adding, “Tonight.”

“Going with Zander and Alison is probably the smarter thing, anyway,” Elizabeth admitted. “Once we can get back to normal, then the time will be right.”

“I know,” he sighed and buttoned his shirt, tucking it in quickly. “But I guess tonight shoots to hell our just friends thing, huh?”


Emily surveyed the casino, finally locating Nikolas in the Baccarat bar. He was sitting at a table with Gia and Steven, looking slightly uncomfortable. This is going to be fun, Emily thought as she approached the trio.

“Hey guys,” she said softly, making her presence known.

“God, what is this? A f--king intervention?” Steven mumbled as he waved one of the waitresses over to the table. “I don’t need to talk about anything, I just want to find my sister. And since I don’t have a god damn say in anything, I’m going to get drunk.”

“Steven, I know you’re concerned,” Gia said. Though it was clear she was shaken she was trying to be strong for Steven’s sake. “But getting hammered isn’t going to fix anything.”

“It’s not going to hurt anything, either,” Steven paused then whispered, “I’m completely helpless.”

“No, you’re not. Listen, we’re supposed to do surveillance, check things out, look for a clue. We can’t do that here in the bar.”

“I just…I just want this over,” Steven said, his voice breaking. “Why did my sisters have to go to Port Charles? Get involved with those people? It’s only been pain and misery . . .” Gia pulled him towards her, and tried to calm his anxieties and fears.

Nikolas bowed his head and stepped away, taking Emily’s hand.

“Is something wrong? With Elizabeth or Lucky?” Nikolas asked, looking into Emily’s eyes. She shook her head, allowing Nikolas to breathe a sigh of relief. “I am glad you’re here.”

“Where else would I be?” she asked a bit too bitterly.

Nikolas frowned. “I mean, right here, with me. We need to talk.”

“I know, that’s why I came looking for you. But we can’t do it right here,” Emily motioned to an empty table at the opposite end of the lounge.

“Ok, Em, something is going on.”

“Is it that obvious?” she asked with a sigh.

He smiled, “Only to me. I can read your eyes like a book, Quartermaine.”

“Oh, I doubt you can read what I’m thinking right now,” she told him, her nervousness nearly giving her away.

He leaned across the table, looking deeply into her brown eyes. “Give me a moment . . . yes, it’s coming to me. You’re eyes are telling me that the fight we had was meaningless. Our fears were getting the better of us, and it’s time we faced our fears and realize that what we could have together can be amazing. Better than amazing, perfect.”

Nikolas smiled, then added, “Pretty close, huh?”

“I wish that was what I was thinking,” Emily sighed. “Nikolas, remember after the opening? We had sex . . . but well, we didn’t use protection.” Emily paused, flashing an ironic grin, “Well, I’m late.”

Nikolas straightened in his seat. “That doesn’t make sense, because, well, we only did it that one time.”

“Try four times, Nikolas, and that doesn’t matter. We’re both young and healthy, it has been known to happen,” Emily explained.

“So you are telling me that you think . . . that you think you are pregnant? Because you are, what, a couple of days late?”


“Only a couple of days, though. It doesn’t mean you’re pregnant,” Nikolas argued. In seconds his face went from animated and loving to emotionless.

“I’m like clockwork, I’ve been since I was a teenager. But, I didn’t want to worry you over nothing, so I bought a pregnancy test and it was positive. We’re having a baby, Nikolas.”

“We’re having…oh, that’s . . .” Nikolas tugged at his tie and pulled it loose. “Well there is only one thing left to do.”

Emily held a hand in the air. “No, don’t even suggest it Nikolas. I know this wasn’t planned, and I know it screws up a lot of things, but I want this baby.”

He looked at her, closed his eyes, before looking at her again.

“I wasn’t going to suggest that, I swear.”

Emily’s face twisted in confusion. “Then what is left to do?”

“Isn’t it obvious? We have to get married,” Nikolas asserted.

“Why?” Emily exclaimed, looking around to see if she was on candid camera or something.

“We are having a child together. It is the right thing to do.”

“If we lived in 1955, maybe. But, my gosh, Nikolas, there is no reason for us to get married.”

“But I have a title, and a reputation. My child will be the heir, but only if we are married.” Nikolas glanced at his watch and thought for a moment. “It’s not too late, I’m sure we can arrange a wedding here at the Bellagio. Las Vegas is famous for weddings, right? And since this is such a beautiful hotel, I’m sure we can have an amazing ceremony. I’ll ask Lucky to be my best man, Elizabeth can be your maid of honor…”

“Oh my gosh, you’re not even listening to me!” Emily threw her hands up in the air and laughed. So many times had she envisioned Nikolas proposing to her, but never had it been quite this ridiculous. “We’re not getting married. Especially under these circumstances.”

“My child is going to grow up with a mother and a father,” Nikolas informed Emily, which only served to make her angry.

“Your child? Nikolas, hello, it’s our child. I am the mother, it is growing inside of me. And just because I don’t want to marry you, in Las Vegas, while we are in the middle of god knows what, doesn’t mean OUR child will not grow up with a mother and a father.” Emily stood up to leave. She looked down at Nikolas. “Maybe if you at least asked me to marry you, instead of thinking it was a forgone conclusion, your chances would be better. Think about that, Prince Cassadine!”

“What? Emily! Don’t leave,” Nikolas called out after her. He was going to follow her, but was stopped by the cocktail waitress stepping in his way.

“If you know what is best for you, buddy, you’d give the lady some time to cool off.”

Nikolas slid his hands in his pockets and shook his head. “This is just great.”


“I don’t get it,” Jason groaned as he and Natalie walked through New York, New York.

Rolling her eyes, Natalie questioned how in the hell she ended up with Jason on this little surveillance mission.

“What don’t you get?”

“This,” he said, motioning to the casino, which was built to look like a New York City. “Why come to Las Vegas to stay in a hotel that looks like New York? Why not just GO to New York?”

“Because it’s about fantasy, Jason. The City isn’t actually like this hotel. Just like Venice isn’t really like the Venetian, you follow? It’s the illusion of these places,” Natalie explained, though she knew it was a futile effort. Jason Morgan was, by no means, a man of imagination or fantasy.

“I don’t get it. If you want to go to Venice, go there. It’s so much more beautiful than a hotel.”

“What is not to get? Las Vegas is an adult playground. Reality isn’t supposed to enter into the picture. Gamble a little, eat in expensive restaurants, and going shopping at all the amazing shops,” Natalie said with frustration. “And you’ve clearly never been in the Venetian. It’s one of the most beautiful hotels in the world. So is the Bellagio.”

“The what?” Jason muttered as he focused on a manhole cover. Steam, or something that looked like steam, was leaking from it.

“Our hotel, you idiot.”

“Is that supposed to be like that?” he asked, pointing to the manhole.

“Yeah, part of the illusion.”

Jason shook his head, “I don’t get it.”

“Do you get anything?” Natalie asked as they continued to walk.

“I get you,” Jason said confidently.

Natalie through her head back and laughed. “In your dreams, Morgan.”

He looked at her fiercely. His stare, equal parts passion and hatred, was enough to get her to back up against the wall. They were in a fairly quiet and secluded part of the casino, which was oddly turning him on.

“More like nightmares, Mason,” he hissed. He placed his hand flat against he wall, nearly pinning her in place. “You say you hate me, you pretend to be disgusted by my presence, but we keep ending up together. That is something I get.”

“Just a coincidence. I’d rather be with Lucky, but I’ve become invisible to him now that Lizzie is back in his life,” Natalie explained.

Jason raised an eye. “We’re alike, you know. We’ve both been the good friend, but never get anything in return. I was Liz’s doting, bike riding, shoulder to cry on. But she chose Aiden over me. And you, well, you’ve been Lucky’s pal for how long? And yet, who does he end up in the sack with? Our little teenage companion, Maxie.”

“I’m glad, I didn’t want Lucky for just one night in my bed.”

Jason laughed. “Hey, sell it to someone else, cause I’m not buying. Because I know that you are not stupid. You never would have had Lucky for more than one night,” Jason said, his voice low. He stepped closer to Natalie, pressing their bodies against each other. “But you chased, and you chased, and you chased. Why?”

“Maybe I was delusional. Maybe I thought Lucky would eventually fall in love with me. But he’s a good man, the best man I know, the only man worthy of being chased,” Natalie said. She brought her mouth to Jason’s ear and whispered, “Now you, on the other hand, aren’t worth my time or effort.”

“Then why are you still here?” Jason asked, trying to ignore the warmth of her breath against his face.

“Because I’m bored, honey,” she said with a snickered. “Because you want me more than you can even imagine, and I just love torturing you.”

He shook his head, “Wrong answer.”


“I’ll admit that I want you, I physically want you. But you want me just as bad . . . hell, you want me more than you want Lucky,” Jason challenged with a seductive smirk. “Just say the word, and I’ll curl your toes. Just ask your partner what I can do.”

“Is that a challenge?” Natalie asked. She ran her finger nails down his chest, stopping at the black leather belt that sat snuggly on his hips. She pulled his hips to her and delighted in what she felt. “Well, well, Mr. Morgan, don’t get started without me.”

Jason reached his free hand around her back and pulled her even tighter. “Say the words, Natalie, and we’ll finish this game right here, tonight.”

“You couldn’t handle me,” she murmured. She wanted to push him away, and leave him standing there, panting. But for some reason, this time, she couldn’t. She was frozen, with Jason’s body pressed against hers.

“Wrong answer,” he said before kissing her.

It was hard, and it was fierce, and it was delicious. Natalie hated herself for enjoying it.

“Let’s see what you got,” Natalie challenged. She pushed him off the wall, and pulled him through the casino, to the front desk of the hotel. She had lifted Jason’s wallet from his pants and pulled out a credit card, slapping it down on the counter. “I’d like a room, for tonight.”


“It’s all in the wrist,” Sly explained as he stood at the craps table, V by his side. “If you throw the dice too hard, it’s no good, too soft, same thing. But lob just the right way,” he threw the dice, and smiled when the croupier announced that he had won. “And it’s beautiful.”

“And this is boring,” V groaned. “Take your chips, we’re leaving.”

“Fine,” Sly grabbed the chips he had won and followed V through the casino in Treasure Island. “There, Kokomos, we’re getting a drink.”

V looked at him as if she were about to fight him, but instead shrugged her shoulders and followed him reluctantly into the bar.

The music was pumping loud, the lighting was horrible, and there were enough drunk twenty-something girls to make up an entire Girls Gone Wild video. But it was a nice distraction. V had been working, without much thought to anything else for so many days now she couldn’t even recall how many days had passed. Looking for Colin Lynn was proving futile. This was a guy who wasn’t going to be found until he wanted to be. So why not relax for an hour?

Sly was a confusing mix of the glamorous, hunky Hollywood heartthrob and the soulful, loyal friend. He was certainly a mystery to V, but fun to be around. She’d never admit it, but she had once had a crush on Sly. When he was on his soap opera, she used to watch all the time, and found him adorably sexy. Of course, spending such intense time with him now was slightly unnerving.

“I’ll have a Brandy Alexander,” Sly told the waitress with a wink. “Hey, V, do you want anything to drink?”

“I shouldn’t . . .” she said, but realized there was no real reason not to have just one drink. “On second thought, I’ll have a Vodka Martini, really dry.”

“Ah, Bond, Jane Bond,” Sly teased. “You know, V, you’re a strange one.”

“Me? Hardly.”

“No, you are. See, I know you were a cop, and then worked for Jax and Ned, I think. And then, you just up and left Port Charles with some rich Eurotrash guy. What I can’t figure, is how you ended up a big time WSB agent, with Jason as your partner. And, what happened to Eurotrash guy? Hmm?”

“It’s a boring story, you don’t want to hear it,” V muttered, sipping the martini the waitress placed in front of her.

Sly stretched back in his chair and smiled. A warm, comforting smile that put V at ease.

“I do, really. I’m a student of the human condition, all actors are. Or, at least, good actors. And I like to think I am,” Sly said with a laugh. “I like to know what makes people tick. And I want to know why you are like you are now. Because, according to Jax, you’ve changed a lot.”

“Well, when you spend six months on a cruise ship with a man you barely know, let alone love, you can become jaded.”

Sly leaned forward and rubbed his hands together, “I’m intrigued, spill.”

“Simon just wasn’t the man for me. In fact, it turned out that he realized he wasn’t the man for any woman,” V said with a smirk.

Sly’s eyes widened, followed by a stifled laugh. “He was gay?”

“I didn’t realize it until the end of our trip. Of course, he had figured it out about two weeks in and had struck up a relationship with some French guy. So, the cruise ends, and he comes out to me. Talk about being slapped in the face with reality. I thought he was proposing, and he was really dumping me—for a guy.

“I was too embarrassed to go back to Port Charles, so I bummed around Europe for a little bit. To make a long story short, I was Munich, having just a miserable time, when I ran into Frisco Jones. It was like fate or something, because his ex-wife, Felecia, was one of my friends back in Port Charles. One thing led to another and--.”

“And you were banging Maxie’s dad?” Sly asked deviously.

V groaned. “No, he helped me get into the WSB. I’ve been doing it ever since. And it’s great. I get to travel, stop the bad guys, it’s great.”

“But it is not fulfilling,” Sly observed. “You’re clearly not happy. You’re such a beautiful, smart woman, you deserve to be happy.”

“Happiness isn’t in the card for everyone, Sly.”

Sly shook his head. “No, that’s not true. We all deserve it, and we can all get it. And you—yeah, you deserve it. In fact,” Sly picked up her hand and pretended to study it like a palm reader. “Yep, you’ve got great happiness in your future. You’re going to fall in love.”

“Is that so?” V asked with a smile, looking at Sly.

“Oh yeah,” he said sincerely before adding, “I’ve never been wrong about this sort of thing.”


Zander stood in the middle of the Mirage’s casino, his arms folded across his chest as he waited for Alison, who was at the cashier getting some change so that they could play the slots while they looked for Colin. Alison was at the back of the line, scanning the casino casually. Zander looked at her and smiled. Despite the circumstances, he was having a great time, and somehow it was all because of her.

Lucky was off at one of the tables teaching Elizabeth how to play black jack, leaving Zander and Alison alone. They had been talking almost nonstop. About everything from Las Vegas to their mutually isolated upbringings. They had more in common than they realized. Both grew up in rich households, but never really felt at home until they threw off the shackles of their families. Alison hinted at having gone through some intense stuff in Port Charles, but never she never really divulged exactly what went on. And despite that, she always had a smile on her face and comforting word for someone else.

Zander tried not to think about it too much, but Alison was someone he could really grow to be happy with. For once in his life he had too many options on the romance front. He wasn’t about to throw away what he could have with Nicole, for something that could prove to be just a flirtation with Alison.


Speaking of Nicole.

He took his eyes off of Alison to find his starlet standing in front of him, looking equal parts pissed and happy.

“Oh my god, Nicole, what are you doing here?”

“That’s my question exactly,” the Aussie actress said. “Your friends tell me that you won’t be able to see me because of something ‘important’ and what happens? I find you in Las Vegas, not a care in the world?”

“It’s not like that,” he insisted. “I can’t explain it right now, right here, but . . . I didn’t blow you off for nothing. I mean, I didn’t blow you off. I . . . I had to, well, I had to leave without contact because I was trying to protect you.”

“Protect me? Zander, I have a body guard,” Nicole stressed. “Trust me, your presence in my life isn’t going to put me in danger. It’s only going to make me . . . happy.”

Zander stared at her, and for a moment couldn’t remember his own name. But, just as quickly, he everything with Colin and Helena and Kristina came rushing back.

“A friend of mine has been kidnapped and is being held hostage. My friends and I are trying to find her, but if anything goes wrong, she can be killed—we all can be,” Zander blurted out. “Crap.”

“What?” a stunned Nicole asked.

“I shouldn’t have told you that, I shouldn’t have told you anything. Now Colin will come after you and . . . shit, I’m an idiot,” Zander berated himself, balling his good hand into a fist.

“Your hand,” she said, noticing his bandaged hand. She gently took it into hers. “This is real, isn’t it?”

“It’s not one of your movies,” he said sadly. “Listen, Nicole, go back to LA, or wherever, just get away from me. Ok? I couldn’t take it if Colin did anything to you.”

“Colin? Colin Lynn by any chance?”

Zander’s eyes widened, “How did you know that?”

“I’m going to a party of his on Saturday. He always throws these really secretive, mysterious gatherings. Why? He couldn’t possibly be the guy you are talking about.”

Zander gritted his teeth. “He’s exactly the same. Where is he? The party, I mean?”

Nicole shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, it’s all part of the mystery. He is sending a car to pick the guests up the night of the party.”


“Hey, it’ll be alright, love,” she whispered, touching his face and smiling. “Nothing will happen to me, or you.”

“There is no way to know that. Listen, just leave, please. Don’t go to the party, get out of Vegas, and away from me and my friends,” Zander pleaded. “And when this is all over, I will call you. I promise.”

“Sorry, nope, you can’t tell me what to do, Zander,” Nicole insisted. “In fact, I’m telling YOU what to do.”

“You are?” he asked curiously.

“Yes, you are coming up to my suite, with me. And we’ll order room service, and you’re going to tell me exactly what is going on. I’ve never met anyone like you, so I’m not about to let you walk out of my life. Understood?”

Zander realized that she wasn’t going to leave, so he sighed and looked up into her blue eyes. “And if I don’t?”

“I’m going to have my body guard kidnap you, for me,” Nicole threatened.

“Note to self: don’t tick off Nicole,” Zander said with a laugh. She took his hand and led him to the guest elevators.

Alison finally got through the line at the cashier and had a cup of quarters ready to go play the slots. She stopped when she saw Zander walking away with another woman. Her heart fell when she watched them walk away together, and she wasn’t sure why. Zander was a friend, nothing more.

“Hey, Alison,” Lucky called out as he and Elizabeth approached. “Where’s Zander?”

“He just left with his girlfriend,” she said dejectedly.

“What?” Lucky asked, looking at Elizabeth.

“Nicole? She’s here?”

“Yeah, I guess . . . good for him, right? We all need something familiar in this type of situation,” Alison muttered. “Listen, I’m going back to the Bellagio. I’ve had just about enough of this hotel for the night.” She shoved her plastic Mirage cup into Lucky’s hands and left.

Lucky and Elizabeth exchanged a look. “Think we should follow her?”

“She’ll be fine,” Lucky assured with a smile. He gave Elizabeth the cup. “Play the slots for a little bit, I’m going to give Carly a call, check in and all.”

“Ok,” Elizabeth said with a smile as they temporarily parted.


Across the casino, out of their view, Colin watched as Lucky left Elizabeth alone. A smile crept across his fine features as he watched the young woman sit down at one of the slot machines. She was so pretty, so graceful, no wonder his brother fell for her.

“Ah, Aiden, you did have taste after all,” Colin said to himself. “Which just makes things so much easier for me.”

“Are you talking to yourself?” Kristina asked, stepping to his side.

“Son of a bitch! Subtlety, Kristina, try it,” Colin chastised with a groan.

Kristina sipped her Manhattan and rolled her eyes. “Whatever, Colin, I just thought you’d like to know that everything is in order for Saturday.”

“Perfect, Saturday is going to be so much fun. All those rich famous people as unwitting hostages, our hapless band of heroes trying to save the day.”

Kristina rolled her eyes. “Melodramatic much?”

“Helena will be very happy. Is everything in order on that front?” Colin asked, choosing to ignore his partner’s remarks.

“Set and ready to go,” Kristina said with a yawn. “Can we leave now, have you gawked at Liz Webber long enough?”

“I’m just trying to see what my idiot twin brother saw in her, and how I can use her to my advantage,” Colin explained. He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a small vile. Motioning to the cocktail waitress, Colin told her to get the Elizabeth’s order but return to him before delivering her the drink. It would be well worth her while.

“What are you going to do, drug her? Christ, Colin, you are an idiot. Do you realize she’s like their . . . f--ng Princess? You touch her, not only will Lucky kill you, but Jason Morgan, and Nikolas Cassadine, and Sly Eckert, and Zander Smith and her brother and probably even Emily Quartermaine will all line up to kick your dead ass. Couldn’t you pick someone less loved to go after?”

“Do I have to explain everything to you?” Colin asked as he dropped a few drops of the clear liquid in Elizabeth’s drink. He gave the cocktail waitress three crisp one hundred dollar bills. “I’m not going to hurt her. This little concoction will merely make her . . . well, pliable. When we finally meet on Saturday, no matter what her friends tell her, I’ll easily convince Lizzie that I’m her supposedly dead lover, my late brother Aiden. Once I have her on my side, manipulating everyone else will be so much easier. Think about the in fighting, the panic, the bitterness that will come of it. It’s delicious, Kristina, and Mrs. Cassadine will be so pleased.”

“I still say they will kill you then kick your dead body,” Kristina asserted with a smirk. “But hey, it’s your life, right?”

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Entropy Chapter 17Becca19:20:09 10/24/02 Thu

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