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Subject: Dangerous Chapter 2

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Date Posted: 13:35:14 09/27/02 Fri
In reply to: Becca 's message, "Dangerous" on 13:16:20 09/27/02 Fri

Dangerous 2

**London Heathrow Airport**

There was something devastating about the two women who stepped walked through the airport terminal. The taller one wore a red business suit that was just a little too tight and just a little too low cut to really be considered a business suit. Her straight hair framed her delicate features perfectly, giving her a distinctly innocent yet sexual look. Her partner wore black leather pants that looked as if they had been painted on. A skintight white blouse accentuated the curves of her body. Sunglasses hid her eyes, which were in all likelihood devious as she looked for the next angle, and her hair fell down around her face in loose curls.

There was something mesmerizing about them. He didn’t want to stare; he didn’t want to give anything away until the time was right. But he couldn’t help it. They were the key to so much, even if they didn’t know it.

Suddenly the taller one spotted him staring at them and whispered something to the other women. He straightened up, smoothed his coat and managed a dignified look as they began to approach him.

The one in the leather pants stepped along side of him, sliding her arm around his.

“I don’t know why you were staring at us like that, and I don’t think I want to know,” she said, almost hissed.

“But we’d appreciate it if you can direct us in the direction of the taxis?” the other asked sweetly.

They were good. They were very good. One played the bitch, the other the angel. And all the while they were working him over. He could feel the shorter girl pulling his wallet from his pants pocket. The only reason he knew she was doing it was because he knew she would. They have moved up in the world, but you could never really take the con out of the conartist.

“A taxi? Nonsense,” he said, looking at the taller girl before patting the other’s hand. “I’ll have my driver take you wherever you want to go.”

“Why would you do that?” the taller girl asked.

“Because I figure my good deed will prompt you two young women to return the favor.”

“Oh really?” the shorter girl asked. “And what kind of good deed do you think we’ll do for you?”

He held out his left hand, “Return my wallet to me.”

The girls looked at each other, the one who stole the wallet reluctantly slapping it down in the palm of his hand.

“Fine, we’re going to Soho.”

“Wonderful, my driver is waiting for me outside,” he said, pausing to extend his hand in greeting. “Forgive my rudeness, I forgot to introduce myself.”

“Oh deary, that’s no problem,” leather muttered.

“My name is Nikolas Cassadine,” he said, waiting for their introductions.

“What?” the girls looked at each other. “Did that bitch send one of her stupid relatives to keep tabs on us?”

“Liz, calm down,” the other hissed. “I’m sure this is a coincidence.”

“Not quite, Miss Quartermaine,” Nikolas said politely. “But I can assure you I am not working for my grandmother. I am here of my own accord.”

“How do you know who I am?” Emily asked suspiciously. “Who are you?”

“I told you that. I’m Nikolas Cassadine, and I am here to help your situation,” he said cryptically, handing Emily his business card as if that was proof of who he was. “But let us not speak of that here, right now. Do you have any bags?”

“They’re being sent directly to our hotel—why do you want to help us?” Elizabeth asked quickly.

Nikolas slid his hands in his pockets, “I’ll explain in the car.” He noticed their hesitancy in leaving with him. “Give me the chance to explain, please.”

Emily and Elizabeth took a step away from Nikolas to discuss the situation. He watched them intently, assuring himself this was the best way to go about everything.

“Ok, fine, you take us to Soho, we’ll listen to your little speech. But beyond that, we’re not making any promises,” Elizabeth informed him. “Let’s go,” she motioned for Nikolas to lead the way. The girls walked a step or two behind Nikolas. Elizabeth looked at the business card he gave Emily. “He spells his name with a K,” she laughed. “That’s a little strange.”

**Technology Room, the Center, Washington DC**

Lucky held the device in his hand, studying it carefully. When he determined its use, he looked up at Frisco and smirked.

“Not to sound like my partner, but why the hell do we need this stuff just to catch Quartermaine and Webber? Handcuffs are pretty much all that is necessary, right?” he asked.

“It’s a cell phone, Spencer. Shouldn’t you know that? You’re the computer guy,” Frisco muttered, tossing one to Zander.

“Fancy,” Zander muttered as he looked at it. “Hey, is that a television screen?”

“Yeah,” Lucky grumbled.

“Does it get, like, Friends reruns?” he chuckled, fumbling with the piece of technology.

“Is there more to this case, Frisco?”

Frisco stepped back in horror, “Are you accusing me of keeping the truth from you?”

“If the shoe fits, man,” Lucky shot back. “You have a habit of doing that. Don’t you?”

“Lucky,” Anna said gently, stepping into the brightly-lit room. “Deep breath, count to ten, don’t do this to yourself.”

“He’s doing it again,” Lucky argued, pointing at his boss. “He’s not telling me everything.”

“What makes you say that?”

“This,” he shoved the phone in Anna’s hand. “Since when does a basic mission like this need one of these?”

Zander watched the scene unfold, completely confused. “It’s just a phone you can watch TV on, right?”

“It’s a little more than that, Smith,” Frisco noted.

“It’s the MS 691 prototype. We want you guys to use it on your mission as a test run before it goes up full time,” Anna explained.

“Huh?” Zander frowned. “This is far different from my last job. I had a gun, a badge, and a car. Now I get telephones I can watch TV on—and for some reason it is causing a controversy.”

“It is a direct link hook up. With the phone I can disable any security system anywhere for 30 seconds, I can keep in touch with any agent in the world, and I’ll have contact with the Center, and the other WSB hubs of operation,” Lucky rambled off. “It was designed for high risk missions. Not this.”

“But it hasn’t been tested properly, Spencer. Your mission isn’t high risk, so it is the perfect time to test it,” Frisco countered. “I swear, I’m not sending you out there blind. I’d never do that to an agent again.”

Lucky glared at Frisco, giving Zander a distinct sense that something happened between the two agents to cause a rift. He wondered if it had anything to do with Lucky’s wife.

In frustration, Lucky grabbed the phone from the table, and put it in the pocket of his leather coat. He then grabbed a scope and a pair of night vision goggles from the case they were kept in.

“Take what you like, Zander, we’re going to ‘test’ all the toys on this mission. Because that, apparently, is our job. We’re not really agents, we’re research and development,” Lucky said calmly. He turned to Anna, “Is everything set for our flight to London?”

“You leave late tonight. So if you want to go home, spend some time with Lacey, they were wouldn’t be a problem,” she explained, shooting a look at a disapproving Frisco.

“Great, I’m going to do that,” Lucky declared. He looked back at Zander, then to Frisco, before leaving.

“I’m going to, well, you know—go,” Zander muttered as he followed Lucky out, leaving the Anna and Frisco alone.

Frisco held up a hand and shook his head, “Don’t, Anna, don’t even say what you are going to say.”

“It bares repeating,” she sighed. “You can’t keep dealing with him like he’s a child. He’s man, a man who lost his wife, but he’s still a man. And he knows what he’s doing out there. You used to believe that, Frisco. You brought Lucky in here when he was just a kid and you personally trained him, made him into the agent he is today. Have some faith.”

Frisco shook his head. “No, Anna, I didn’t make him the agent he is today. Julia did that. Julia made that boy a man. With Julia by his side Lucky could do anything, I’m just afraid that without her . . .”

“He’ll be fine, find the faith and confidence that showed you what Lucky had in him when he was 17. It is still there, it will always be there. Julia just showed Lucky who he was, but she didn’t make him,” she explained, speaking of Lucky as if he was her own son. Truth be told, she did love Lucky like her own child. She believed in the young man with everything she had.

“So, what do you think of Smith? Did I make a bonehead move by bringing him over?” Frisco asked worriedly.

“He’s a little green—a bit overwhelmed by what we do, but once he gets out of the office I think he’ll be a great match for Lucky. Hey, at least this time we won’t have to worry about two of our top young agents sneaking off to make-out.”

**Mitchell/Spencer House**

“Grandpa! Grandpa!” Lacey yelled as she ran down the driveway towards her grandfather’s parked pink Cadillac.

“Angelface!” Luke declared, scooping the little girl up into his arms. “Guess what I have for you?”

“A new CD?” she asked excitedly.

“Yup,” he pulled out a CD from his coat pocket and placed it in her little hands. “I think you’ll love this one.”

“Who is it?”

“A classic, not quite the blues your used to me giving you, but great nonetheless,” Luke explained. “Joni Mitchell, she has a beautiful voice. Lulu has this CD and loves to play it before she goes to bed. Very relaxing, mellow.”

“Mellow?” Lacey asked, wrinkling her nose. “That means soft—I like to rock out, Grandpa.”

“I know, but this a nice change of pace.”

Some grandparents gave stuffed animals or lollipops, but Luke gave his granddaughter a new CD every time he saw her. He figured if there was one thing he could teach the child it was a great appreciation for good music. At five years old Lacey already had a CD collection that rivaled some radio stations.

“Hey, old man, what are you doing here?” Jane asked as she came out to greet one of her favorite people in the world. Luke Spencer, to hear Jane explain it, was simply the coolest person in the world. Her own parents were typically stuffy and ultra conservative blue bloods from New England. But Luke was cool and laid back, he owned a blues club and was the ultimate single dad. Dan swore his wife had a crush on the guy, but she denied it and claimed it was simply admiration.

“Can’t a guy drive eight hours to give his granddaughter a CD without being questioned?” he joked.

“You know, there is this thing called the post office for mailing things, like CD’s,” she replied with a chuckle. “You got here just in time, though.”

“Why’s that?”

“Your son is coming home early tonight. They leave tonight for London,” Jane explained.

“They? New partner?”

“Didn’t he tell you?”

Luke shook his head. “He neglected to mention it,” Luke said as they all walked into the house. In the living room was a beautiful young woman, she stood up and smiled at the trio. “They gave him another female partner?”

Jane laughed and shook her head, “Oh, no, this is Gia Campbell. She just joined the firm. Gia, this is Luke Spencer.”

“Jane insisted that I join her for dinner tonight,” Gia said apologetically. “It is nice to meet you, Mr. Spencer.”

“Mr. Spencer?” Luke looked around, “Who is that? I’m Luke, well, except to Angelface here, I’m Grandpa.”

“Sorry, Luke.”

“Don’t be sorry,” he said with a wink. “So, who is the new partner?”

“Zander!” Lacey said, tugging at the hem of Luke’s coat. “He’s really cool, Grandpa. He calls me Miss Spencer and his favorite band is the Red Hot Chili Peppers--he said he’s going to take me to see them…oh, and he has a cool name.”

“Well, I can’t wait to meet the guy,” Luke said with a smile. “Where’s Danny boy?”

“In the den working, but you can go back and say,” Jane suggested. “He’d love to see you.”

May 1999

**Marado Ranch, 20 Miles South of Tijuana, Mexico**

Lucky was sitting on the porch of the rancher, nursing a Corona and watching the sunset. His mind kept drifting back tot he previous night and the feeling that he may have blown it with Julia. Sure, it initially seemed to work, or at least he thought it did. But she had spent the entire day avoiding Lucky.

It was their last day in Mexico before heading back to DC and Lucky didn’t want to leave. At least not before setting the record straight with Julia. If what he said had caused some sort of tension that would hinder their working relationship, he wanted to take it back. That morning, Frisco told them that from now on they’d be full time partners, and they’d be able to work on their own cases. Lucky was excited, but he couldn’t help but think Julia was less than thrilled.


The way she said his name, with an odd sense of shyness, was all he needed to smile.

“Hey, what’s up?” he asked, glancing back at the house.

Julia shrugged and stepped out of the house, sitting down next to him.

“I . . . oh, I don’t know how to say this,” she muttered, shaking her head.

“Listen, you don’t have to say anything. I get it. I should never have acted like I did last night,” Lucky began, squeezing his hands nervously. “We’re going to be working together a lot now. We’re a team. I can’t be saying stuff like I did. It won’t happen again.”

Julia’s face fell.

“Oh…I wasn’t expecting that,” she admitted. “In fact, I wanted to tell you I’m sorry.”


He was surprised.

“Yeah. What you said, and the fact that you meant it, it all made me realize that I’ve been such a jerk. I’ve treated you so horribly and I’m sorry. You’re a great agent and an even better person. I hope you can forgive me.” She paused and handed Lucky a white box. “A peace offering.”

“What is it?” he asked, handling the box gently.

“Open it,” she said, almost embarrassed.

Lucky quickly opened the box, even fumbling with the lid. Inside it was a silver cross on a matching chain. He held it up, letting it dangle in the light from the setting sun. He gave Julia a confused smile.

“It is beautiful, but . . .”

“Why?” she followed his line of thinking. “The one day you mentioned how even though you aren’t particularly religious in the going to church sense, you still believe and it is a big part of you are, especially since your mother died.”

Lucky blinked back a tear, “I had no idea you paid attention to my ramblings.”

“I do,” she admitted sheepishly. “Anyway, I just thought it could be something you can wear to remind you that no matter how bad it gets, there is something left to believe in.” Julia took a deep breath, then added, “That is if—if you like it.”

“Are you kidding, it is perfect. I love it,” Lucky declared, putting it around his neck excitedly. He looked up into her eyes, unable to resist smiling. “I just wish I had something to give you.”

She leaned closer to him, a shy smile playing across her lips. Julia couldn’t help it, she wasn’t a shy person, but there was something about Lucky that gave her pause, something that made her feel more than she ever had before.

“You don’t have to give me anything.”

“No, no, I want to,” Lucky insisted, cupping her face gently. “If you don’t mind.”

Unable to move or object, Julia simply smiled.

“Good,” he whispered.

It seemed like a movie. Everything slowed down, the music swelled, and the setting sun lit up the sky in a glorious shade of red. Lucky’s lips gently brushed against hers, like he was savoring the moment, intent on experiencing every sensation. Lucky wanted it to last forever, and so did she.

When his lips left hers, Julia was left lingering, her eyes closed, a contented smile.

“Thank you,” she whispered, her eyes still closed.

“Any time,” he said. Slowly he placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her to him. They sat like that and watched the sun disappear into the night, and both were positive something important had happened.

**Mitchell/Spencer House**

Lucky carried Lacey into her bedroom and placed the sleeping child in her bed. He looked around the room, breathing in the sent of his daughter that was everywhere.

It had been a long day. They all went out to dinner and listened to Luke embarrass Lucky by telling stories of his childhood to the newcomers, Zander and Gia. Lacey’s favorite ice skating rink had just opened, so they all went skating and then got hot chocolate. By the time they made it home, Lacey was about ready to fall over.

Lucky knelt down beside the bed, gently kissing Lacey’s head.

As he got up to leave, he heard the voice of his angel.


“Yeah, baby?” he whispered, returning to the side of the bed.

“Where are you going?”

“I’ve got to pack. Remember, I told you Zander and I have to go to London for work?” he asked, getting a tired nod from Lacey.

“How long will you be gone?”

He brushed her blonde hair from her face. “Not too long. And I’ll call you at least once a day. It’ll be like I’m barely gone.”

“But you’ll come back?” her question came out in a sleepy yawn, but it broke Lucky’s heart.

“I’ll always come back, always. Listen, nothing will ever keep me from being with you. I may go away for a few days, but I will come home. You’re my heart, Lace, you’re my world,” he whispered, a single tear sliding down his face. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you too, daddy,” Lacey whispered, reaching up to hug her father.

Lucky sat by Lacey’s bed, waiting until she was fully asleep before leaving. Watching Lacey sleep made Lucky feel that much closer to Julia. It was odd, but more beautiful than anything in the world, was to see the smile that fell across their faces as they slept. It made Lucky hopeful, happy.

Most nights Lucky would stay up and wait until Julia fell asleep. He loved to watch her sleep, to watch that smile. Once he saw that smile he could easily drift off to sleep. The only way he could sleep now was to make sure his little angel had that smile on her face.

Hearing her steady breathing and seeing that most perfect smile let Lucky know he could leave.

He had to pack for the trip, but he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to leave his home and his daughter. When he lost Julia, his partner, his wife, he wanted to give up, wanted to retire.

He had an open invitation in Port Charles to help Luke run the club. Plus, he had even received an offer from a businessman in Port Charles. Some guy named Jasper Jacks owned a software firm, among other ventures, and had been a regular at Luke’s, and made Lucky an offer to become a designer with his company.

He declined, of course. He had to. It would have been so much easier to leave the WSB and go to Port Charles. It would have been a fresh start.

When Laura died, Port Charles provided Luke with a fresh start and a chance to heal. Lucky wanted that, he wanted the chance to remember Julia without missing her, without feeling his heartache. He had no idea how Luke did it, but he did, and Lucky was immensely envious of his father.

Maybe the time would come. Maybe someday Lucky would be able to get over losing the only woman he ever loved. Maybe someday he’d be able to fall in love again.

But until that happened, he had to carry on, he had to do his job and raise his daughter. He did it all for Julia. She believed in what the work they did together, she believed they made a difference in the world. So Lucky would continue to do the work she loved, even if he now hated it.

And he’d raise Lacey and watch her go through childhood into adolescence. He’d watch in awe as she became a woman with her own dreams and desires and passions.

He’d do it, because it was the only thing in his life that made sense. Lucky thanked God every night that he had Lacey. Without her, losing Julia would have crippled him. But at first Lacey gave Lucky a reason to get out of bed, to carry on. And eventually, he wasn’t doing it because he had to, he was doing it because he wanted to.

But still, there wasn’t a thing Lucky wouldn’t do to have his life back to how it was three years ago. He wanted to be in love again, he wanted a family, he wanted to go back, he wanted to move forward.

He wanted so much.

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Dangerous Chapter 3Becca19:09:22 10/24/02 Thu

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