Subject: Entropy Chapter 18 |
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Date Posted: 18:12:29 11/13/02 Wed
In reply to:
's message, "Entropy" on 19:23:01 02/10/02 Sun
Entropy 18—Out in the Open
“What remains of the day, remains to be seen.”
--“Jagged” by the Old 97’s
“You look a little tired,” the bartender at the Baccarat bar said.
Lucky looked up from his empty Scotch glass and frowned. “Life is tiresome.”
The bartender nodded understandingly and held up the bottle to pour Lucky another.
“I better cut myself off,” Lucky said, placing his hand over top of the glass. “I do have a party to get to,” Lucky explained, motioning to his formal attire.
“Going somewhere swank?” the bartender asked.
“I really couldn’t tell. Some estate in the desert called the Cave,” Lucky said, hoping the bartender knew something. “Ever hear of it?”
“Can’t say that I have.”
“Figures,” Lucky sighed. “Well, thanks for the drink,” he slapped a ten on the bar and got up to leave.
“There you are,” Carly called out, rushing to her cousin. “You look like hell,” she said suddenly. “Have you slept at all lately?”
Lucky looked at her tiredly. “When? In between bailing Nat and Jason out of jail? Or maybe trying to make sure the woman I love isn’t going insane? Or, how about taking a nap after I make sure that my friends are with the romantic partners they are intended to be with? Or better yet, why don’t I just fly home to New York, forget all the shit going on here, and get some sleep. Sound like a plan?”
“Sweetie,” Carly said softly, placing her hands on his shoulders. “It can’t be that bad.”
“Today was the day from hell. And it is just getting started,” Lucky said with a sigh.
**4 Hours Earlier**
“See, you just have to make him . . . open his yes,” Jax explained as he and V sat in the coffee shop. They had talked for over an hour, just catching up, but Jax finally got his old friend to open up about why she was upset. “Sly, he’s a good guy, but he tries to be everything to everyone. I’ve known him a while, and while everyone loves him, he’s never had anyone love just him. You know?”
“I think,” V said with a sigh.
“So, unless you make him realize that you feel something more than just being good mates, he’s not going to make the move. That’s not who Sly is, not what he does. It’s up to you.”
V winced. “Me? Jax, do you remember who I am?”
“Yeah,” Jax said with a fond smile. “You’re Isabella Castillo—a woman who can make any man weak in the knees.”
“No, I’m not,” V argued. “That was a character I played to help you win your fortune back. And I wasn’t all that convincing. I didn’t make every man weak in the knees, at least not the one that mattered.”
“Nonsense,” Jax scoffed before taking a drink of his coffee.
“Your knees never went weak,” V said, leaving Jax a bit stunned. “Don’t try to cover.”
“That’s all I did back then,” Jax said softly. “I cared deeply about you, V. You were my best friend and I . . . I was attracted to you. Whether you were wearing jeans or Isabella’s gowns, I was taken. But, it was just too soon after Brenda. And by the time I was ready to open up, move on—so had you. Chloe was just supposed to be my rebound.”
“What?” V asked, not sure if she should believe Jax’s confession.
“Oh yeah, I was going to date her, flex my romance muscles, prove to myself that I was to a point where I was ready to be in love again,” Jax explained. “But you left and spoiled everything.”
They both laughed, Jax reaching out to take her hand. “It just wasn’t meant to be,” V said. “Because you and Carly are a perfect match and maybe . . . I don’t know. I barely know Sly, I can’t say it is love but . . .”
“Your heart knows. It knows,” Jax winked. “So, bring out Isabella to make the actor open his eyes. Once he’s looking, he’ll be able to see you. And unless he’s a complete git, there’s no way he won’t feel the same.”
“So I should just go for it? What would IT entail?” V wondered.
A devious smile came to Jax’s face as he motioned for V to move closer. “I think I have an idea . . .”
“That’s not possible,” Gia gasped, having just heard a piece of gossip from Steven.
“I heard it with my own two ears,” Steven said. He was still rather inebriated, but functioning. Gia was worried about her intended, knowing that until they found Sarah, alive and well, she wasn’t going to have her funny, lively, sexy fiancé back. “Supposedly, the Prince wants to marry her, but she doesn’t want to.”
“I just . . . I’m speechless,” Gia muttered as she and Steven stepped off the elevator and walked to their room “How could they both be so reckless . . . especially now, during all of this.”
“Like we could predict this would have happened?” Emily asked, having just appeared from her own room.
“Oh, come on, it is called protection. All mature adults use it,” Gia said, stepping towards Emily. “Or, are you going to tell me that you and Nikolas planned this baby.”
“I don’t have to justify that with an answer.”
Gia laughed, “It has to be no, you didn’t plan it. Otherwise, why would you turn down Nikolas’s marriage proposal? Hmm?”
“Because we aren’t in a place where getting married is right,” Emily countered.
“But having a baby is?”
Emily’s eyes narrowed. “You’re jealous, aren’t you? Not only am I carrying Nikolas child, but I have him practically begging me to marry him right away.”
“Why would I be jealous? I’m engaged to a brilliant, rich, charming surgeon who I love with all my heart.”
“Because that is who you are, Gia,” Emily said coldly. “How long were you and Nikolas engaged, anyhow? He was never all that intent on marrying you. In fact, the only reason why your prolonged engagement ever ended was because you broke up. All you ever wanted was to be Princess Gia, and you never got it. So you’re jealous.”
Gia bit her tongue, not wanting to engage in a fight with Emily. Gia thought she and Emily had gotten over this long ago. Apparently not.
“I’m not jealous, honestly,” Gia said, gritting her teeth. “I’m in love with Steven.”
“Yeah, about that,” Emily said with a laugh. “Did you purposely go out in search of your rival’s big brother?”
“Emily, don’t go there.”
“Go where? Telling the truth?” Emily asked, unsure why she was doing this. But she wanted to fight, with anyone. She was tired, upset, and confused. It just so happened Gia got in her way.
“Now, I’m going to figure that pregnancy hormones are making you act like a raving, insane BITCH,” Gia began, noticing Zander walking down the hallway. “But, I’ll tell you this much—if you hurt Nikolas, I will scratch your eyes out. I may not be in love with him anymore, but I care about him. And I don’t want to see him hurt.”
“Ok, are we done now?” Steven asked, grabbing Gia’s hand and trying to get her to go into the room.
Zander stepped by Emily, confused. “What’s going on?”
“Ask your ex, Zander, she has some big news,” Gia muttered, following Steven into the room.
Once they were gone, Zander turned to Emily. “Well?”
“Don’t—not now, Zander,” Emily sighed. “I just want to go get ready for the party. Shouldn’t you be doing that?”
“We have five hours, and I’m a guy,” Zander explained. “What’s wrong, Em? I can see you are upset.”
“I don’t want to tell you,” she said, her voice a whisper.
“How bad can it be? Come on, we’re friends, right? I can take it.”
Emily took a deep breath. “How does one tell there ex this?” she looked up at the ceiling. “I’m pregnant.”
“What?” Zander asked, momentarily panicked. An embarrassed smile crept across his face; “Whose is it?”
“It’s yours. Your boys are slow swimmers, Zan. After all these years, I’m finally pregnant with your child,” Emily teased. “Nikolas,” she added seriously.
“Congratulations,” Zander said, honestly happy. When he went to New York for the opening he wanted Emily back, but now, all he knew was that he wanted her happy. Something—or someone—happened to help him finally move forward.
“Yeah,” Zander said, hugging her tightly. “I just hope the Prince knows how lucky he is.”
“He—uh, oh,” Emily winced. Alison came charging down the hallway, her eyes burning a hole in the back of Zander’s head.
“Zander Smith! Can I have a word with you?”
Zander turned to face Alison, a guilty smile on his face.
He really had no idea why he was guilty, though.
“I’m getting off this train NOW,” Alison declared, appearing slightly drunk.
“What?” Emily whispered.
Zander looked from Alison to Emily and back again.
“Don’t even try to play dumb, Smith, because I’m onto your game. And I’m not going to play it. I’ve been playing these games far too long. I’m not getting any younger, it isn’t fun chasing around who I think is Mr. Right when all he is Mr. Right There. Nope, you can go off and have your little thing with HER!”
“We’re not together,” Emily interrupted, misunderstanding Alison’s rant.
“Not you,” Zander and Alison said at the same time.
“Have fun with your little starlet, Zander, because whatever COULD have happened here, isn’t going to happen,” Alison informed him before continuing down the hallway to her room.
“Your turn to explain,” Emily said with a slight smile.
“I . . . well, Alison is . . . she was talking about . . . I really don’t know,” Zander muttered, deciding to study the tops of his boots.
“You don’t? How clueless are you, Zander?” Emily asked with a sigh. “She’s clearly crazy about you. Jealous, too. So jealous I think she’s drunk.”
“No, Alison doesn’t . . . not like that,” Zander scoffed, thinking it through in his head. It was possible that he may have sent out some signals, and she could have received the signals. And maybe he meant what he sent out, but still, he had Nicole. That’s whom he wanted.
“Do you like her?” Emily asked, cringing at how much she sounded like a teenager.
“Well, she’s great but . . .” Zander’s voice trailed off.
“I can see you’re thinking, and whatever you’re thinking stop. It is easy, who do you think you could have a future with?”
“See, I’m not used to this. Women, well, you all don’t usually fight over me. No, I usually fall for someone, and then she dumps me for the man she really wants. I know how to play that game. I don’t know how to play this one, Em. I have two women, both incredible, who I want and who, apparently, want me. What do I do?”
“Simple,” Emily said, “Choose.”
“Yeah, that simple,” Zander grumbled. He pulled his key out of his pocket and walked to his room. He stopped at the door. “Em?”
“Yeah?” she looked back at him.
“Your life—your situation with Nikolas, is it simple?”
“It isn’t the same,” she tried.
Zander smiled, “Actually, it’s probably simpler.”
Emily watched him go into the room, jumping as she felt a pair of hands on her shoulder.
“So, finally, I come face to face with the mother of my niece or nephew,” Lucky cracked with a smile.
“I don’t want to talk about it!” Emily declared, charging down the hall to her room, in the opposite direction of Zander’s.
“Ok,” Lucky sighed, going toward the room he was sharing with Elizabeth. He opened the door quietly, not wanting to wake Elizabeth in case she was napping.
“Finally, you’re back,” she said, jumping off the bed and into his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist, she kissed him fiercely.
“Not that I . . . Elizabeth,” Lucky said, trying to disengage her legs from his hips. “Did you sleep well?” he asked once he got her off of his body and onto the bed.
“Not a wink,” she pouted. “I missed you.”
Lucky studied her, then glanced to the minibar. “Have you been . . . you know, drinking?”
“It’s been like ten years, Lucky, my wanting you has nothing to do with alcohol,” Elizabeth explained, extending her bare legs out in front of her.
“I understand, I just thought . . .” Lucky’s eyes followed as Elizabeth’s hand ran up her leg, stopping tentatively at the hem of the bathrobe. He lingered on her tan thigh before shaking his thoughts clear. “I thought we wanted to take things slow. You know, wait ‘til all the craziness ends.”
“Fine, be a spoil sport,” Elizabeth groaned. She went to stand up, but suddenly felt dizzy, and sat back down. “Whoa . . . I swear, I haven’t been drinking.”
“You haven’t been the same since we got here. Maybe I should take you to a doctor,” Lucky suggested, not sure what was wrong with her.
“I’m fine, ok? I don’t want to go to a doctor, or my brother, so don’t even suggest that. I just want to get ready for this stupid party,” she declared and went into the bathroom.
“What the hell?” Lucky yelled, slamming his fist down into the bed. He grabbed the phone, dialing quickly, “Hey, have you showered yet?”
“Lucky, I don’t think we’re close enough to be bathing together,” Nikolas cracked.
“Shut up, Elizabeth is using ours and I need to get ready for the party. Can I use your shower?”
“Sure . . . why aren’t you ready yet?”
Lucky clenched his jaw tightly, “Let’s just say the newlyweds are going to die if I find them together again.”
“What did they do now?”
“They got into a fight in the middle of the casino. I swear, what about ‘stay away from each other’ don’t they understand?”
Sly went to unlock his room’s door, but before he could put the key in the lock it opened on its own. He stepped in, finding the room decked out in candles, with red rose pedals strewn across the bed.
“Well, who could this be?” he asked himself.
“Who do you think?” V asked. She was leaning in the doorway of the bathroom, wearing only a black slip. Sly’s jaw slipped open as he stared at her with appreciation. “Did anyone ever tell you it isn’t polite to stare?”
“Sorry,” Sly apologized. He slid his hands into the pockets of his white slacks, “I just, you know, came up here to shower, get ready for the party, didn’t expect to find you in here with thoughts of ending my sex drought.”
“What? I’m not looking to sleep with you,” V gasped, reaching for her robe as if she just realized she was nearly naked.
“Huh?” Sly looked at her squarely. “Then why are you in my hotel room, half naked, with the candles and the flowers? Huh?”
“Well . . . I . . . ok, so maybe my goal was to seduce you,” V muttered. “But it wasn’t about sex. I wanted you to notice me.”
“Mission accomplished,” Sly said smoothly, wishing she hadn’t put the robe on. “So, NO to sex?”
V cocked her head to the side and frowned.
“I always do that,” Sly muttered as he crossed the room and retrieved his tuxedo from the closet. “Jump right to the ‘yippee, sex drought over’ before I actually have my pants off.”
“Sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have done this,” V said, clearly embarrassed. “But Jax said I needed to . . . make you see me, so you’d see me.”
“Hey, don’t get all down on yourself,” Sly tossed his tux on the bed, causing the flowers to scatter. He stood in front of V and smiled genuinely. “I do see you, I have seen you, since I first saw you. But, you know, I have had this sex drought to deal with. And the last person I slept with just happened to be the soul mate of my best friend and cousin.”
“Well, I can assure you that I’m nobody’s soul mate.”
Sly reached out and touched her face, “What a coincidence, I’m nobody’s soul mate too.”
“Now what?” she asked innocently.
“Well, if this were a movie I was starring in, the music would rise, the camera would zoom in, and I’d kiss you. Does that sound at all like something you would be cool with?” Sly asked. Before waiting for an answer, he slowly moved forward, his lips only a breath away from hers . . . when the door opened.
“WHAT?” Sly barked, stepping back.
“Let me hide in here, Sly, please,” Natalie begged, closing the door quickly behind her.
“How’d you get in?” he asked, confused.
“You left it open a little,” she said. Natalie peered through the peephole.
Sly looked at V apologetically before moving to Natalie and grabbing her arm. “Mrs. Morgan, you’ll have to be going.”
“No, I can’t, if I’m caught I’m dead,” she said.
Getting serious for a moment, Sly let go of her arm. “Who is after you? Colin?”
“Colin? No, Carly and Lucky. See, I sort of got into a fight with Jason down in the casino, and now Carly is looking for me to ‘school me’, whatever that means. And I can’t go to Lucky, he’s still in a snit because I acted without judgement and married Jason,” Natalie explained as Sly pulled her out of the room. “Do you think he’s jealous? I think he may be a little jeal--.” Before she could finish the sentence, the door slammed in her face and Natalie was alone in the hallway.
“Fine! I know who my friends are, and you, Sly Eckert, are not one of them,” Natalie yelled.
“Shouldn’t you be getting ready?” Maxie asked as she came down the hallway, already dressed for the party.
“Ah look, it’s the kid. You can’t even get into the casino, can you?” Natalie asked snidely.
“What, when you married Jason did you get his personality?” Maxie asked. “Oh no, I remember, you hate me because I slept with Lucky and you never got to.”
Natalie narrowed her eyes at the college student. The truth was, it never really occurred to her to hate Maxie for that reason. In fact, she didn’t think much of the kid at all.
Until now, now she did hate her.
“Listen, kid, just because you had Lucky in a night of drunken sex doesn’t mean he ever loved you. He may not be in love with me, but he cares about me more than he cares about you,” Natalie hissed.
“I can kick your ass,” was Maxie’s reply. “I come from good pedigree.”
“Oh really? Bring it on, bitch,” Natalie challenged, holding up her fists like a boxer.
Within an instant, Lucky was charging down the hallway, a garment bag in his hand. He jumped between the women, looking at Natalie first.
“What is wrong with you, Nat? Are you on a one woman mission to get us thrown out of the Bellagio?” Lucky asked, shaking his head.
“That’s my wife, the public nuisance,” Jason muttered, having come upon the scene. He didn’t stop, just continued walking towards his room.
“Screw you, Morgan!” Natalie yelled.
“You wish, Mason,” came Jason’s reply before he disappeared around the corner.
“Maxie, go back to your room,” Lucky ordered.
“I don’t want to. Alison is in there, talking to herself, it is really not pleasant,” Maxie argued.
“Fine, just go somewhere that isn’t . . . here,” Lucky said. He waited until she left to turn back to Natalie. “What is going on with you? I can see getting into a fight with Morgan, but Maxie? She’s a kid.”
“A kid you slept with,” Natalie pointed out.
Lucky closed his eyes, not wanting to deal with this right now.
“It meant nothing—she meant nothing, Nat,” Lucky said tiredly.
“More than I ever meant, I guess,” Natalie said sadly.
“No, not more than you,” he tried. “I care about you, I love you Natalie.”
“I know, I know, you already told me this,” Natalie sighed. “You love me, but you’ll never be in love with me. I get it, Lucky. I get it. Let’s not have this conversation again . . . I’m cranky, tired, and a little drunk.”
“Ok,” Lucky said, trying to smile.
Natalie looked into his blue eyes and felt something click in her head. She really did get it. She’d never be with Lucky. And, more so, she was for the time being married to Jason Morgan. The one person who got under her skin, though in a much different way, as much as Lucky. The realization hit her kind of hard.
“Lucky,” she said with a sob. He pulled her into a hug.
“Hey, don’t cry, we’re cool. Right?” Lucky said soothingly.
“That’s not it,” Natalie said, wiping away a tear. “I’m married to Jason! What the hell have I done?”
“So, after all that, tonight should be a piece of cake,” Carly said, as she and Lucky walked toward the valet pick up.
Lucky chuckled softly, “Oh, yeah. What’s a little party thrown by the psychotic protégé of the world’s most evil woman compared to the soap opera that is our life.”
“You ready to end this shit once and for all?” Carly asked, resting her head on Lucky’s shoulder as they waited for the rest of the gang to join them.
“Do we finally get to win?” Lucky wondered.
“We’re Spencers, we can’t lose.”
“That’s what we always say,” he muttered wearily.
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