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Alia's Anything Goes Martial Arts
*aeris*' ff message board
Jason Jones' PANDEMONIUM mb
Turbo Journey
Wayne's Outer Heaven
Mortis' Final Fantasy message board
Reod Dai's Xenogears and Final Fantasy lounge
CrossX's Video Game Message Board
Dark Nation's Final Fantasy message board
Lloyd's RPG Heaven
Princess Ditzyhick's message board
The Creative RPG board
Gold 13's Place in the Crowd
Moomin's message board
Moonshade Warrior's message board
AE Ivy's Fantasy Realm
Zefer's ezboard forum

And these sites are personal favourites:
This is a fanfic site dedicated to FF7. The owner is certainly dedicated: he wrote an entire series of books based on fictional events taking place after the game! And there's countless other stories on the side...

Another site(pointed out to me by The Joker):
Message Mates
Either you'll think it's incredibly offensive, or unbelievably funny!

Another comedy site, this one by someone I know...
This World Sucks

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