Subject: Re: Very Interesting |
Author: Ancient One
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Date Posted: 02:24:38 02/14/04 Sat
Author Host/IP: In reply to:
's message, "Very Interesting" on 15:58:24 02/09/04 Mon
Hi Mike,
I'm glad that you get benefit from my forum... :-)
The main reason I even started this forum, was to get a feel for weither anyone out there in the world, was ready to consider what I say as having any truth..
Plus.. this forum gives me the chance to experiment with different ways of saying or presenting to others what is truth for me...
I already realize that many more people, than I had hoped for, are open to the profound things that I have revealed in this forum...
Getting back to your questions:
>When we are reincarnated, are we born into the same
>family that we are with now or does that change from
>life to life?
NO.. it is possible for that to occur, but it almost never happens...
Each person has some choices presented to them, before having another lifetime, as to who your mother will be..
The choices of mother are based on what specific soul lessons you need to learn in your upcoming lifetime & you will have several mothers to choose from that would fulfill your soul lessons....
>You said that animals only have one lifetime. Please
>tell me they have souls. They sure seem like they do.
>I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't see my dogs
>again ??
Mike... I will try to explain how it is...
Each animal does not have a SEPARATE soul...
BUT... every species of animal has a group guardian soul that all the animals of that species share...
So through the group soul of the Dog species, you can see your dogs again in your afterlife..
You also spoke of Astral Hells. Is that the same hell
>as with the devil? Or a God given hell? If you go to
>the devils hell is it only a sentence you have to
>serve or is it eternity?
When each living person dies, they either go to an astral heaven or an astral hell...
Each person has what is called a life review, prior to going to where they are supposed to go...
There are astral heavens & hells for each religion or belief system...
Satan is what is called a fallen angel...
There are NO fallen angels what-so-ever in the Astral plane... So Satan does not exist in the astral plane..
There are however astral demons in the astral plane, & most people think that these astral demons are actually fallen angels...
Being sent to an astral hell after death, is in most cases a SENTENCE.. It is not for eternity... The usual sentence to an astral hell is anywhere from 100 years up to 10,000 years...
Not all astral hells are the same... None of them are pleasant.. Souls are not in constant pain & torture in the lesser astral hells...
BUT the worst astral hells are places of un-imaginable constant pain, torture, and suffering..
Try to imagine what it would feel like if your physical body was in a steel furnace, with a temperature of about 5000 degrees farinheit, 24 hours a day, and you could not burn up or die or pass out from the flames, but you could feel every bit of the pain, every second that you are there... If you can imagine that,then you got a good idea of what the most evil people face when they die... Imagine a 10,000 year sentence to something like that...
All I'll say is that anyone that gets released from 10,000 years in there, will NEVER ever do evil in any future lifetime... Somehow HELLS FIRE cured them !
So if Satanists or anyone else thinks they will enjoy what I just described, I'll reveal that ALL souls sentenced to
that, are begging for mercy, less than one minute after
they get there... BUT..there is NO release from such a hell until you have served your full sentence...
There are however some people that are so evil, that they are sentenced to remain in their astral hell until the 2nd COMING... There are some who have already been in their astral hells for the last 200,000 years... So it probably seems like eternity to a soul thats been there that long...
Ones such as Hitler gets a sentence like that....
I am saddened by satanists. They are such misguided
>fools. I just read about what some death metal band
>did in poland I believe. It's just not right ??
Mike.. I am not endorsing Satanism in any way, by my following statement..
My personal viewpoint on Satanists, is that I'm not in this world to judge them or anyone else... GOD gave those who are Satanists the free will to choose Satanism if they wanted to... So if I meet a Satanist & he treats me with respect & doesn't make judgements on my dedication to GOD..then I will treat him with respect & won't make judgements on his choice of religion... Personally I think that we all should be more tolerant of each other, no matter what our religion is...
There are many more evil people in this world than there are Satanists... In fact some Satanists are far better people than the likes of some of the people in positions of power, who are not Satanists, & who sit behinds their desks, and order all kinds of terrible evil to be done on hundreds, or thousands of people...
ALL those who truly commit evil on others, will face horrible karma, irregardless of what religion they practiced or if they even had any religion...
>Also I read in another post someone asked if they
>could meet you. I would also like that honor. Please
>let me know how that may be achieved.
I am open to considering meeting someone in the real world,
who is truly seeking higher truth & knowledge...
I have occassionally taught one-on-one for over 30 years...
I studied under two personal different personal teachers over 30 years ago, who opened my mind to who I am & why I am here in this world...
So if you are sincere, in your request, then e-mail me & tell me where you are from, and what you would like to learn from me, if there is anything you seek to learn...
Mention this post, when you e-mail me... Then I'll give your request consideration...
Ancient One
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