Subject: Re: aliens |
Author: Ancient One
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Date Posted: 02:06:05 06/13/03 Fri
Author Host/IP: In reply to:
emma evans
's message, "aliens" on 15:08:30 05/16/03 Fri
Hi Emma,
It's refreshing to see your post..
You are the very 1st person that has asked any intelligent questions about my group, since i opened this forum...
I have not approved 98% of the posts submitted to this forum because they were just flaming me...
I'm not asking anyone to instantly accept everything i say.. I only hope readers & posters will objectively consider what i reveal as having the possibility of truth...
I have been considering going PUBLIC in the real world, with my knowledge & understanding & teaching people about my group & why we are here... SO i opened this forum as an experiment in seeing how many people are open to considering the things i have said so far & the things i can say as possibly having any truth...
Your Questions With The Answer Below Each Question:
How many aliens are in your group here on Earth
ANSWER: I do not know the exact number, but there are from several hundred thousand of us, to several million of us, allien soul volunteers in my group, being born as humans..
Are you geographically scattered or concentrated in the more technically advanced regions of the world?
ANSWER: We are scattered throughout all the countries of the entire world...
Do all of you work in positions of control and power within various government organizations or are you employed throughout the various lower and middle classes?
ANSWER: NO.. Having a position of power and/or control within ANY government or any other power/control position is NOT necessary for me or anyone in my group..
Most of us are employed throughout the various lower & middle classes...
We are here to assist, not control...
Can you tell (and how?)who is human and who is alien?
ANSWER: Bear in mind, our ET souls were transported to your world, about 150,000 years ago... So none of us came here in any physical form... Then our ET souls began being born as humans & living lives as humans..
So we can't necessarily know or recognize any Et's who were born as ET's on another world...
Myself & the others in my group can usually detect another ET soul from our volunteer group...
NOTE about physical Et's coming here from other worlds:
We have NO connection with any ET's that were born as ET's on another world & came here or come here as physical Et's in UFO's..
The ET's who secretly interact with the governments of your world, or kipnap humans are NOT part of my group..
Have the aliens bred with humans and are there children?
ANSWER: Myself & all those in my group have NEVER had any lifetimes in your world, physically, as anything but a human...
Our ET natures are within & part of our souls & minds, NOT our human bodies...
I have lived thousands of lifetimes among you as a human...
By being born as a human for so many lifetimes, all of us have fully experienced what being human is like...
SO all of us have mated & have had children in thousands of lifetimes, BUT we do NOT pass on any ET qualities or capabilities to any children in any lifetime, because our ET natures are part of our soul natures & NOT part of our physical human genetic DNA...
Do these children have any special abilities?
ANSWER: Does NOT apply, as explained in last answer....
How is it possible to remember your home world after thousands of years of reincarnation?
ANSWER: It has to do with our ET soul natures... ALL souls contain within it, memories of any & all lifetimes, that soul has experienced, this applies to human or ET souls...
I have never met a human, who can consciously remember themselves on a soul origin level & previous soul experiences level, so i have come to the conclusion that this is one of our ET capabilities...
Myself & each of my group members has our ET soul memories activated in each of our lifetimes as a human...
Plus we consciously remember many of our lifetimes as a human...
None of the humans can remember their reincarnations.
ANSWER: You are incorrect.. there are humans who can remember a previous lifetime or a few previous lifetimes...
Humans who can do this are called "unveiled"
Why do you think this is your last lifetime?
ANSWER: A few of my group members in my geographical area, had a gathering of us ET volunteers, a few years ago...
This is the only time in this lifetime, i met with a number of my ET group brothers & sisters...
It turned out that each of us had the strong feeling that this is our last lifetime in your world...
Each of us feels that our group mission will be completed in this lifetime...
What is your group mission?
Your species development was adversely affected by the Lucifer/Satan spiritual rebellion,which occurred about 250,000 years ago... One reason we are here to spiritually help offset the negative affects that event had on planet Earth...
Myself & each member of my group were not just ET's from a species on a distant planet, on a similar level of species development to humans... Myself & each member of my group had to originate from a planetary ET species that was very spiritually advanced as a physical species..
Life on my homeworld planet in a distant galaxy, did not remotely resemble life in your world..
The human species is only about one million years old...
My ET species was about 5 billion years old as a species...
So my species had 5 billion years to advance versus humans only having had about one million years to advance...
So live on my physical homeworld was more like life in your heavens, where some of you go, when you die...
We had eliminated all wars in the 1st few million years of our species development...
We had a TRUE planetary wide permanent state of peace & brotherhood throughout our entire planet...
We volunteered to come here as souls, to use our soul understanding & knowledge of our own individual species advancements, from our ET homeworld planets, to help your young species benefit from our personal knowledge & experiences we had in our own ET species advancements...
Myself & each member of my group volunteered to stay on planet Earth, living & dying & re-incarnating just as you do, until such time as your species advances beyond wars, hatred, selfishness, greed, and power & control mentality...
We have been assisting you towards that ever since we 1st came here as souls about 150,000 years ago..
Myself & every team member of my group will be very happy when the human species has spiritually advanced on a planetary wide basis..
Myself & each member of my team misses our homeworlds & being with our own native species...
You may think that the human species can't possibly advance as i just described, within the scope of my lifetime...
The truth is that the human species will have outside
intervention to make this occur sooner, rather than take millions of years more for your species to advance to that point..
Myself & my group can not give you this outside intervention i refer to... So your outside intervention will be DIVINE INTERVENTION from GOD Himself...
Myself & each member of my group eagerly await this DIVINE INTERVENTION of GOD...
Myself & my group have been helping you as much as we can, these last 150,000 years of time, waiting for GOD to complete what ONLY He has to power to do !
Please do not think that anything i say is intended to convey to you that myself or anyone in my group is better than or superior to any humans... WE ARE NOT !
We are all from a species that is more advanced as a species & we all are more spirtually advanced as souls, than humans, which does NOT make any of us better than a single human..
It was simply necessary for each of us to have this soul background in order to qualify, to be accepted as volunteers for the mission we volunteered for...
REMEMBER all souls are EQUAL to GOD... so species advancement or spiritual advancement on a soul level, DOES NOT make that soul any better than an unadvanced soul...
ALL SOULS ARE EQUAL TO GOD .... so myself & those in my group are just serving GOD, in our own way & within our capabilities...
Just as those humans who choose to serve GOD, do so within their own level of soul growth....
Emma, hopefully my replies have answered your questions..
If you have any more questions, feel free to post them...
Ancient One
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