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Subject: Re: Can I come with you?

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Date Posted: 07:50:39 10/15/03 Wed
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In reply to: Ancient One 's message, "Re: Can I come with you?" on 01:43:16 09/11/03 Thu


I am a bit skeptical since I have not seen any proof of the change in our planet however this does not mean that I do not believe something will occure. From what I have read, we will ascend by Dec 21, 2012. If this is true, would we fully understand and be capable of joining the council at that time and have a full understanding of our galactic friends?

King Regards,

>>Hey do you have some kind of spaceships? I would like
>>to go to a different world. Can I come with you?
>Hi OlharaK,
>NO... You can't come with me when i leave this world &
>return to my home world... My home world is in a very
>distant galaxy, many hundreds of billions of miles
>from Earth... HOWEVER your opportunity for travelling
>through the stars will in fact come in the future of
>this planet...
>When the human species has advanced beyond the conquer
>& kill mentality & when there are no longer any wars
>on your planet... When humans no longer have power &
>greed as their strongest motivation... These things
>would indicate that the human species has advanced
>spiritually as a species...
>THEN positive & spirtitual ET's will come to planet
>Earth to give Earth new advanced scientific technology
>& teach humans how to build spaceships that travel at
>speeds in excess of the speed of light...
>Planet Earth will be invited to join the Galactic
>Federation Of Planets at that time & be permitted to
>have representatives on the Galactic Council...
>Only planets that have advanced beyond war like
>mentalities are eligible to join the Galactic
>Federation Of Planets..
>Each galaxy has its own Galactic Federation Of
>THEN you can travel to any worlds that are members of
>the Milky Way Galactic Federation Of Planets...
>Presently there are many thousands of planets in this
>galaxies federation of planets...
>There will be many other wonderful surprises in store
>for Earthlings when that time comes...
>Ancient One

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[> [> [> Subject: Mayan Calendar & Planetary Wide Ascension

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 00:12:45 10/21/03 Tue
Author Host/IP:

>I am a bit skeptical since I have not seen any proof
>of the change in our planet however this does not mean
>that I do not believe something will occure. From what
>I have read, we will ascend by Dec 21, 2012. If this
>is true, would we fully understand and be capable of
>joining the council at that time and have a full
>understanding of our galactic friends?
>King Regards,


Hi Roy,

Your post touches upon some areas I haven't discussed, when you make reference to ascending by Dec 21, 2012...
I do make it a point to keep myself informed on many things going on in this world... Including predictions made by major past & present psychics & seers.... And some of the different theries that emerge, such as the one pertaining to your date...

So I am definately familiar with where the date: Dec 21, 2012 originates from...
I have read the books pertaining to it, where the date Dec 21, 2012 comes from deciphering the Mayan language, and calander...
According to the Mayan calander, the Mayan's break everything down into cycles... And Dec. 21, 2012 is the beginning of a new cycle thats something like 35,000 years long... According to the Mayan's near the very end of a 35,000 year cycle, the earth goes through some major earth changes, prior to the beginning of the new cycle... The new cycle beginning on Dec 21, 2012 is suppossed to be an age of peace, with no wars, a golden age...

As far as to when a planetary wide ascencion will take place, NOBODY but GOD himself, knows when it will occur...
Even when a planetary ascension does take place, everyone will not ascend... Some won't be capable of ascending...
The planetary ascension will take place at the time of the 2ND COMING of Jesus... He is truly the Son of God...
It doesn't matter who believes that or not, as the entire population of planet Earth will know this for a fact, when the 2ND COMING occurs...

You or nobody else is required to personally be a christian or believe that Jesus is the Son of God, at the time of the 2nd Coming... So any person can have whatever religion they want, as GOD truly does not care, what religion anyone has or what someone's conception of GOD is...
What is important is that you do love GOD, within your own religious beliefs or traditions, in order to qualify for ascending...

So the Mayan date of Dec. 21, 2012 has nothing to do with a planetary wide ascension...

I myself, used to think that the 2nd Coming would occur by the year 2000... But obviously 2000 has come & gone... I am still inclined to think it will still occur in my present lifetime... But since NOBODY can really know, it might not take place for another 1000 or more years...

The human species, will in fact be members of the Galactic Federation Of Planets after the ascension takes place...
Planet Earth could well become eligible for admission to the Galactic Federation Of Planets, before any planetary wide ascension...

Ancient One

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