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Subject: life and direction

jason darcy
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Date Posted: 15:46:52 12/16/03 Tue
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Hi, I feel like a lost soul sometimes and cannot seem to find any direction in life. I have good intentions and I want to be of help in life, but I know I am not. I am a very sensitive and emotional person and I lack energy a lot of the time. I worry that I will be punished in the after life for wasting my life and not achieving much or showing much religious interest. I do believe in a higher power, a 'God', and the value of good. So I know I am not evil, but is that enough?

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[> Subject: Re: Life and Direction & What You Can Do

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 03:13:57 01/20/04 Tue
Author Host/IP:

>Hi, I feel like a lost soul sometimes and cannot seem
>to find any direction in life. I have good intentions
>and I want to be of help in life, but I know I am not.
>I am a very sensitive and emotional person and I lack
>energy a lot of the time. I worry that I will be
>punished in the after life for wasting my life and not
>achieving much or showing much religious interest. I
>do believe in a higher power, a 'God', and the value
>of good. So I know I am not evil, but is that enough?


Hi Jason,

NO... that is not enough...
What you just described about yourself is a state of APATHY !

I basically gave you many of the answers in another post where you asked me the meaning of life.... But I'll give you more answers in this post....

It's very easy to feel like a lost soul with the strong atmosphere of confusion that exists on this world...

If it makes you feel better to know this, a large percentage of people are wasting their lives.... Sadly, quite a few people are born into this world, live out their lives into old age, and then they die, without having made the slightest spiritual progress in their life... They basically leave no better off than before they were born...
Personally I consider that a waste of the precious gift of life...

Nobody is in this world to see how much money & possesions & power and control over people they can accomplish before they die...
LOL... They will have absolutely no power or control in the astral hell that is waiting for them, where demons will power trip & control them & let them see what they put people through when they were alive...

Nobody is in this world to see how many people they can victimize...
LOL... Wait until they die & go to an astral hell where they will be constantly victimized as their punishment...

Nobody is in this world to torture others...
LOL... They have a very special astral hell waiting for them, where they will be tortured day & night without end for hundreds of years of time...
LOL... By the time they get out of that hell, they will be premanently cured of ever torturing or harming anyone again...

Actually nobody is in this world just to satisfy their every thought & desire, but you sure wouldn't know that nobody is in this world for those reasons, when those are the very self interests & self pursuits that almost everyone is pursuing...

So truly it doesn't surprise me one bit that the world is in it's present condition... The human species instead of seeking their CREATOR.. they just spend their lives seeking to fulfill their every want & desire...

Look at the state of the world, if you want to see what has resulted from living & thinking exclusive for ones own self interest & making ones own self interest as more important than anyone or everyone else... This type of thinking leads to selfishness, greed, love of money, love of power, love of controlling others, love of self, apathy, hatred, murder, torture, terrorism & any other problems you see everywhere in this world...

The world has been getting progressively worse for a long time now, BUT me & my group will be fixing this terrible situation before too long.... So all these ways that most of you take for granted as being how you should be, will soon be ending... This planet will be drastically changing for the better in the not to distant future...

Jason.. there is no middle of the road path or sitting on the fence for much longer... You have to decide which side of the road you want to be standing on, when the changes occur that me & my group will bring into this world... You don't have to be an evil person to be following in their footsteps...

If you or anyone else don't want to believe anything I'm saying, that perfectly ok with me...
BUT don't say you weren't forwarned to start changing yourselves for the better, by me in this forum, prior to me & my group coming forward onto center stage of planet Earth....


Stop hating... Eliminate greed in yourself, Do not seek any power or control over any person, Stop thinking only of yourselves... Start caring about your fellow man & woman... Be kind to everyone you meet... Be respectful & considerate to everyone you meet... Be ready to be help or assist anyone you meet... Love your CREATOR... Seek to know your CREATOR...

I predict you will see us come forth within the next 10 years... 15 years at the most...

Why don't you read all the posts made to me & every post I ever made in this forum, I think that you can get some postive direction from doing that...

Ancient One

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