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Date Posted: 10:46:05 05/17/12 Thu
Author: S (HAPPY)
In reply to: adnan farooq 's message, "Work at Home" on 07:09:14 04/13/11 Wed

As seen on 20/20 and Oprah

This Works Quickly and Legally

You may have heard of this program on 20/20 or even in the Wall Street Journal.
$10 that's all it takes. I'll try to keep this short and sweet....

To get started, just copy this whole page and paste it to your documents to edit it. Simply follow the instructions below and in 2 to 4 weeks, you could have as much as $50,000 in your PayPal Account or even more..


First, set up a paypal account

Firstly, send $5 to the first person ( listed at No. 1 ) on the list, by using the PayPal 'Send Money' feature and be sure to include in the email "Payment for Internet Marketing". THIS KEEPS THE PROGRAM LEGAL.

Then, send another $5 to the 5th person on the list ( listed at No. 5 ), with an email that says "Payment for Internet Marketing 5th".

Once you have done this, REMOVE the 1st email address listed at the top ( position No. 1 ) and place your address at the bottom ( position No. 5 ).

This then moves the 2nd email address to 1st, 3rd to 2nd, 4th to 3rd and the 5th to 4th. You now become the 5th email address.

Send a similar email with the words "PAYMENT FOR INTERNET MARKETING 5TH" with the other $5 Dollars to the 5th person. This will help the 5th person to track the progress of the letter and to continue to send out more emails.

Here is the list:
1. shoedreams@gmail.com
2. monsooncomputing@mail.com
3. biancadurrant@aol.com
4. schlaps_5@hotmail.com
5. houses52@ymail.com

( Make sure it's the same email address that you used to open your PayPal Account as this is the way you will receive your payment ).

Now that you have paid the 1st and 5th person and sent them both an email ( via the PayPal Account ) and placed your email address in the 5th place, then all you need to do is post your letter. You can post on message boards and newsgroups ( there are thousands ). You can even send an email to your own email list.

Now the fun happens. We reap what we sow. Other people will see your posting and do the exact same thing. As you wait through the 4th 3rd and 2nd slots for your work as guardian to pay off, hundreds even thousands of others will be assuming the role of guardian and keep the program moving.

Once you have arrived at the 1st position it means hundreds and maybe even thousands have been working the program since you started. All of those people will then pay you as the 1st and you won't believe the kind of money that has been generated.



Step 1. Set up your PayPal account, if you don't already have one and send the top name ( 1st person ) $5.00 Dollars.
DON'T FORGET to include "PAYMENT FOR INTERNET MARKETING". This is IMPORTANT as it keeps the program legal.

Step 2. Send the other $5.00 Dollars and a note stating "PAYMENT FOR INTERNET MARKETING 5TH" to the 5th name on the list.

Step 3. Remove the top name and move the other 4 names up one place each. Place your name in the bottom slot and you will receive a minimum of $100.00 for your efforts.

Step 4. Keep sending/posting the letter until you receive 20 "PAYMENT FOR INTERNET MARKETING 5TH" replies in your mailbox.

That's it - It's that simple!

Please give it an honest effort, you will not be disappointed and will be very glad that you did when it starts to work. Remember, all you are going to be out of pocket is about the cost of a couple of coffees and will have the opportunity of banking thousands of dollars into your PayPal account! Take the smallest risk of your Life!!!

The Guardian system is based on HONEST people helping each other out.

This Program is completely legal if you follow the step by step instructions.

It's the same concept of building a downline except more profitable and affordable.

Wishing you the very best of luck and may you prosper in fortune. Make BIG money in an HONEST way!

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