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Date Posted: 21:12:36 01/17/20 Fri
Author: lper424
Subject: Need a computer-based job you can do from home? Seeking applicants!

Our company is in search for applicants for the opportunities as a Marketing Specialist. Full training provided, FT/PT Flexible Schedules, Bonuses and Incentives. Requirements are being organized, focused, self disciplined, a love to help others in customer service, coach and teachable, able to attend conference calls, trrainings, follow-up on emails, and internet requests. A few other requirements for individuals interested in applying include: a desktop or laptop computer, a stable internet connection (not dialup). Serious inquiries only, this is not for everyone; we prepared a presentation for you outlining the opportunity, please watch through it in its entirety before contacting us.. Process is as follows - next go to https://bit.ly/2TBjoGY to review the training process. This will only be available for a limited time so make sure to register and watch the training as soon as possible. We look forward to all interested candidates.  

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