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Date Posted: Saturday, November 22, 11:00:10pm
Author: AurraSing
Author Host/IP: out-ab-157.wireless.telus.com /
Subject: As rare as hen's teeth, he is.
In reply to: Lij 's message, "A rare male totoiseshell-colored cat" on Saturday, November 22, 10:21:22pm

I've never seen one nor has anyone I know seen one either. Curious to see how he would turn out when mature, if he's like the majority of torties and will either be super sweet or aloof. The two calico/torties we've owned over the past 35 years have convinced me to stay away from that coloration whenever we get another female cat. Marble the Tortie was too aloof and Kandy the calico hates everyone except the humans in the family. It's just not worth it!!

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[> More pictures.... -- Lij, Sunday, November 23, 10:59:25am (adsl-99-102-186-195.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net/


Evidently, Harry has a brother who is black and white. Makes me wonder why Harry isn't a calico instead of a tortie. Reading the comments I've found that there can also be a torbie. Torbie is correct according to Wikipedia: “Occasionally tabby patterns of black and brown (eumelanistic) and red (phaeomelanistic) colors are also seen. These patched tabbies are often called tortie-tabby, torbie or, with large white areas, caliby. Tortoiseshell can also be expressed in the point pattern.”

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[> [> Cat litters can have more than one father, which means colors can be very mixed. -- AurraSing, Sunday, November 23, 03:17:26pm (d154-20-59-35.bchsia.telus.net/

The part I find amusing is the part where they talk about the possibility of the kitten being fertile-since he's at an animal shelter I would like to think he's going to be neutered no matter what happens!!

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