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Date Posted: Tuesday, November 25, 08:58:11pm
Author: Lij
Author Host/IP: adsl-108-67-95-62.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: The only thing that stands out....
In reply to: AurraSing 's message, "It's the holiday season." on Tuesday, November 25, 11:04:44am

Was the year that dad and I went hunting down on the river for ducks & geese (or rabbits, we didn't care) on the day after Thanksgiving and things went bad rather quick with the pickup.

We were 'deep' in the river bottoms on our Savoree Bend. Somehow the electric system went kerfluey even before we started the hunt. Dad tried jumping the battery around the solenoid switch to start the pickup and instead managed to cause the battery to blow up in his face. I had to lead him down to the river and wash his eyes out. As it was the heavy jacket he was wearing eventually shredded out from the battery acid.

Somehow we got lucky and dad's cousin Clem came back on the Bend. Since dad ran a construction business we always had either chains or cable in the pickup. We hooked up a cable to our pickup and Clem's. He managed to pull us up over the levee and when we got on the more straight and level farm roads inside the levee they got the pickup up to a high enough speed that when they popped it into gear it managed to start the engine. We drove the old Ford home even though the top of the batter was blown off.

For some reason that's the main holiday story that always stands out for me. I think because it showed to me both the strength and the vulnerability of my father.

. . .

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[> [> Scary but thanks for sharing. -- AS, Wednesday, November 26, 02:32:50pm (out-ab-213.wireless.telus.com/

Your dad sounds great, I wish mine had been a little more handy that way. Things could have been a lot worse as far as the eyes go, he was lucky you were there for him.


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