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Date Posted: Sunday, December 28, 12:16:12pm
Author: Lij
Author Host/IP: adsl-108-67-94-194.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: Some of these mixed breeds just shouldn't be.... but others?


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[> Others..... -- Lij, Sunday, December 28, 12:22:11pm (adsl-108-67-94-194.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net/


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[> Shouldn't be? More like couldn't be. -- AurraSing, Sunday, December 28, 03:01:23pm (d154-20-59-35.bchsia.telus.net/

Honestly, just looked at the first link and several of those are just people putting names into pictures of dogs they THINK might be the result of. More than a couple are breeds that never should be crossed for health issues (Shar Peis and Bulldogs already have multiple health issues that makes crossing them with other breeds with health issues gives me nightmares...)
The Dachshund is a merle. It's a thing you see in the breed now. You don't need to cross them with anything to get that coloration. A few others are mislabeled, I think. At least one picture was an Austrailan Shepherd pup labelled as something else...

Also, short legs on a dog doesn't mean they have basset or corgi or one of the other short legged breeds in them. It's more likely they are mildly inbred; I used to see lots of husky and shepherd crosses coming in off of the native reserves with short legs in a form of dwarfism. Case in point would be my dog Delilah, who came off a reserve south of here. She's got a long Dachshund style body with longer legs than you would ever see on a Dachs, with what could be French Bulldog ears with a long nose and is chocolate brindle in color. But there are no purebred dogs on the reserve unless you think of Pitbulls as a breed...she is just a happy accident and we call her a terrier cross because honestly, nobody will ever know.

I do agree with getting a mixed breed dog from the SPCA or the local pound. Just don't expect your dog to turn out looking exactly like it did as a pup, it may have some much bigger genes lurking in the pool!

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[> [> The mixes with Shar Pei just freaked me out. -- Lij, Sunday, December 28, 11:46:25pm (adsl-108-67-94-194.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net/

And that one called a Bulldog Shepherd nearly made me throw up. I'm not a fan of bulldogs in the first place but the cross just irked me all the more.

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