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Date Posted: Monday, April 13, 06:35:05pm
Author: Lij
Author Host/IP: adsl-99-137-202-137.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: Joss Whedon - done for now with Marvel - next project "a sequel to something?"

“They came to me about the movie, and what I said was, 'I'm tapped out' ... and I think they knew that even if I could give them something, it wasn't going to be anytime soon,” Whedon said. Still, he wouldn’t rule out some sort of screenplay contribution in the future: “I love this place and these guys, and I can't imagine not sitting down and talking about the movies with them, but whether or not that's an official thing, I don't know.”

As much as he’s able to, Whedon brightens when asked about what comes next: He has no idea, and that's thrilling. “As an artist, I need to create something of my own, and I also need to do something new,” he said. “This idea of trying to be better at my job and trying to broaden my vocabulary is not one I intend to walk away from. The next thing I think of may be a sequel to something, I don't know, but the idea that all bets are off now is incredibly exciting to me.”


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[> Those mega productions are kind of crazy -- AurraSing, Tuesday, April 14, 10:33:26am (d154-20-59-35.bchsia.telus.net/

He's gone from back yard shoots to about as big as you can get-something in between would be kind of nice.

So, how are you doing?? We're sitting at the occasional nighttime frost but temps some days in the mid teens. I am enjoying the longer hours of sunshine when I have enough energy after supper to take the dogs out for a walk...

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[> Warm here.... mushrooms popping.... -- Lij, Tuesday, April 14, 05:34:32pm (adsl-99-102-186-18.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net/

But something got to my stomach over the weekend and I'm still queasy. I blame the Game of Thrones marathon on HBO. I don't normally get HBO but DishTV had a freebee going on.

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