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Date Posted: Wednesday, September 16, 12:26:42am
Author: Lij
Author Host/IP: adsl-108-67-95-161.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: The Great Quake and the Great Drowning

Mega-quakes have periodically rocked North America’s Pacific Northwest. Indigenous people told terrifying stories about the devastation but refused to leave.

On Vancouver Island, the Nuu-chah-nulth people told tales of mountain dwarves inviting a person to dance around their drum. When the person accidentally kicked the drum he got earthquake foot and his steps set off vast tremors.



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[> That's an excellent article!!! -- AurraSing, Wednesday, September 16, 09:39:26am (d154-20-59-54.bchsia.telus.net/

Wonderful discussion and I love the illustrations.

Long story short-the people came back to more or less live in the destroyed villages areas because let's face it, the ocean here is the giver of life and source of so very much for the indigenous peoples. So once it was felt that the waters were not coming back and the ground was not going to shake again, people came down and began the rebuild. I am not sure why anyone would think otherwise-in so many cases we have continued to rebuild right on top of catastrophes, like London burning or San Franciso and their quake. This is a plentiful place to live and the First Nations up and down the coast are tied to the seas, not the mountains.

We are the same-our favourite place to vacation in the island is firmly within a tsunami zone. (Tofino) In fact the beach we are staying at next month has tsunami sirens...

For those who are terrified of the thought of earthquakes, there is the prairies and the mountains. There are also landslides and tornados, hurricanes on the east coast, etc. Let's face it, nothing is a sure bet when it comes to natural disasters.

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[> [> PS sent it to Ali -- AS, Wednesday, September 16, 09:41:17am (d154-20-59-54.bchsia.telus.net/

She takes a lot of First Nations study doing her anthropology degree, she will enjoy this.

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