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Date Posted: Tuesday, November 10, 07:22:30am
Author: Lij
Author Host/IP: adsl-108-67-88-68.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: Joss Whedon is working on a new musical!

It doesn't sound like the Dr Horrible sequel - but Joss Whedon is working on a new musical...
Joss Whedon is very possibly still exhausted from making Avengers: Age Of Ultron, but that doesn’t mean his ever-active creativity is on hold, and he last night told the University of Oxford’s Student Union something of what he’s been working on.

Though any details of plot or setting were entirely absent, Whedon told the union crowd that he’s cooking up something new, and that it’s going to be a musical. The format fits the emotionality of what he’s going for, he explained.

For all we know it could be a musical western, a horror musical, a musical romance, a musical with vigilantes, a musical animation about anthropomorphic pottery. All we’ve got so far is that there will be music, almost certainly in the shape of songs.

Whedon has two famous musicals under his belt already, including an episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and his self-funded Doctor Horrible web series. For many years there have been suggestions - I thought about saying promises, but that’s not really fair - of a Doctor Horrible sequel, but it hasn’t happened so far. And it certainly wasn’t what Whedon was talking about last night; whatever this new project is, it’s an original.

Maybe it’s something Whedon will take to the studios, maybe it’s something he’ll make under his own steam, and through his own production company, Bellwether Pictures. In either case, it’s good to be reminded that Whedon is out there, working away, and that sooner or later, we’ll be treated to the harvest of his labours.

The Oxford Union usually publish their Q&A sessions to YouTube. We’ll update with the video once it’s available.

Read more: http://www.denofgeek.com/movies/joss-whedon/37740/joss-whedon-is-working-on-a-new-musical#ixzz3r5fllJE7

10 November 2015
He’s only watched one episode of Mad Men.

This is the first holiday he’s currently had since he started working, and he’s filling it by watching Bletchley, Peaky Blinders, iZombie [YES!! - Lij] and Reign.

He is aware Reign is a teen soap opera, and he loves it.

His musical influences include a lot of 70s bands, and Coldplay.

He also loves Taylor Swift and is hoping for an invite to her squad.

No kidding, she counts amongst the artists he likes at the moment.

He’s not giving up working in the MCU because he hates it or he finds the studio too difficult, but because he knows that if he even starts dipping his toe in it’ll take over (he said it’s very addictive to be involved in), and he wants more time for himself.

There’s a musical he is currently working on.

There is a ballet he has also come up with, that he would want to create into reality one day.

He once read Hamlet with the Buffy cast where he was Hamlet and Anthony Head played the role of his father.

He calls himself an idiot.

He’s afraid of resurrecting long beloved shows like Firefly because he only wants to give it 100%, and cannot be sure of that when he’s afraid of it coming back like an old family member that should not return (see the story of the Monkey’s Paw if you’re still confused).

When it comes to more women in the MCU, he says that’s not entirely up to him or Kevin Feige, but that a lot of it peggs on the people with money for whom considerations like more women in film do not appear.

He would like to see more women appear, however.

His favourite actors to work with are Amy Acker, Nathan Fillion, Amy Acker and Amy Acker.


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[> "he calls himself an idiot" -- AurraSing, Tuesday, November 10, 10:53:08am (d154-20-56-53.bchsia.telus.net/

Gotta love a man who refuses to put himself on a pedestal.

Also, please don't resurrect or have anything to do with resurrection of your old shows. It rarely works out well and leaves a bad bad taste in the mouth.

Thanks for this, always nice to see what he's thinking about though I would have been much happier not to see the Taylor Swift bit, lol.

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[> [> I definitely have to agree about..... -- Lij, Tuesday, November 10, 07:26:56pm (adsl-99-102-184-47.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net/

...... resurrecting any past show, even Firefly - and most especially Buffy. It seems that these TV shows are as much a product of the times they were made as they are a story unto themselves.

Seems to me that when Joss announced he was taking a break after Age of Ultron he mentioned something about an idea for a musical. I'm going to check.....

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[> [> This is what I was thinking about.... -- Lij, Tuesday, November 10, 07:32:38pm (adsl-99-102-184-47.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net/


As much as he’s able to, Whedon brightens when asked about what comes next: He has no idea, and that's thrilling. “As an artist, I need to create something of my own, and I also need to do something new,” he said. “This idea of trying to be better at my job and trying to broaden my vocabulary is not one I intend to walk away from. The next thing I think of may be a sequel to something, I don't know, but the idea that all bets are off now is incredibly exciting to me.”

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