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Date Posted: Friday, March 18, 03:14:19pm
Author: Lij
Author Host/IP: adsl-108-67-93-117.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: Honestly, I don't like either of them.....
In reply to: AurraSing 's message, "Am pretty sure the current budget didn't include an "Let's invade while confusion reigns"" on Wednesday, March 16, 10:53:33pm

Bernie or Hillary. Sanders for all his good intentions is too socialist for me. He is the antithesis of what a Ronald Reagan or George W Bush was; and yet both of those Republicans and Sanders would cause the government to go into more debt than we can manage. Trump and Cruz would do the same. Their tax plans would cause more debt to be added than that they decry under Obama. And Trump's full economic plans would cause inflation to run rampant. He thinks he can slap a tariff on products from Mexico and China and that will help the debt, but all it would do is cause prices to escalate for the consumer.

I'd rather Evan Bayh, a moderate Democrat and ex-governor/ex-senator from Indiana, would run. Bunch of us keep writing to him trying to goad him into it.

Trump is serious, and Trump is a narcissist. If insanity is an over-blown ego, then Trump is insane.

I am worried that Trump won't get the nomination. Lately, there have been polls showing Trump loses to Hillary, but Cruz could beat Hillary. As a gay man, Cruz scares the hell out of me. The election is important not just for the current Supreme Court seat that probably will not be filled; but for the 3 or 4 more that will have to be filled by the next president. If a democrat doesn't win, personal freedom in this country could be severely compromised.

I'm also looking to buy a 17 foot Aluma-Craft boat. You might find me at the Ladysmith waterfront some day. I've got to get my health in check though. I have some scaring on my leg that is the legacy of an old MRSA infection and it isn't healing too well. Plus I get sick about every 6 months presumably when the MRSA tries to come back. But I'm working on it.

. . .

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[> [> [> Don't forget to bring along your PFD -- AurraSing, Sunday, March 20, 11:49:06am (d154-20-56-110.bchsia.telus.net/

Agree that everyone in politics has flaws. Trump comes off as a mega-church preacher (not my words but agree with them) and we all know what a huge scam those are. If he's out for power, Will the GOP to stop him before he gets a place on the final ballot? Cruz is creepy and going evangelical will hurt a lot of people...*shudders* I don't see anything good coming from the right but maybe saner heads will prevail? Seems like we see cycles of oddball candidates every election but usually they get weeded out sooner than this??

It's all a little confusing to us north of the 49th. (Technically the chair I am sitting in is south of the 49th but you know what I mean) Our candidates can start out ranging from staid to bizarre but come election time, we're usually down to three (oh wait, four) kinda boring individuals in suits who look earnest and want to play fair. Justin was kind of the wildcard that people utterly bored by or pissed off by Harper reached for. (Dear Jack Layton, how we miss you!! Though in hindsight, a Liberal gov with the NDP as the official opposition would be getting a LOT done right now. I mean so far I have not even had to shake my head at any of the decisions the Liberals have wrought so far since the election...)

Get better and come on out. Just be safe and keep on looking after yourself, ok?? *hugs*

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[> [> [> [> also, please don't think the suits are all that matters! -- AS, Sunday, March 20, 01:12:15pm (d154-20-56-110.bchsia.telus.net/

Justin may wear the suit but have you checked out some of his sock choices?? Pierre would not have been caught dead wearing those!! 😎

Though in all fairness, even though Pierre mostly raised the boys, I see an awful lot of Maggie in them, from career choices to how they seem to view the world. It's still a little weird seeing a man you saw first as a baby becoming the prime minister of your country-not complaining at all but it is a little like suddenly having King William, if you get my drift.

Also in the news today-where is Steven Harper?? Now that the press is a lot more involved on Parliment Hill (Harper avoided talking to them and muzzled a lot of his cabinet and senior staffers in the gov ranks), his former Nibs appears to be playing it very low key. Mind you his ears must have been burning the past few years and right through the election...I have kept a couple of the MacLeans magazines during the election run talking about how perhaps the Harper gov were heading into a defeat despite them calling Trudeau "not ready" at the top of their lungs. Because a lot of people below the age of 60 felt otherwise, hah.

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[> [> [> [> I won't! -- Lij, Sunday, March 20, 08:30:01pm (adsl-108-67-93-190.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net/

What gets me is the Sander supporters who have recently said they would never vote for Clinton. That scares the hell outta me. Are they so damned foolish that they cannot see that if Cruz or possibly Trump gets into office with a Republican majority that they will screw this country over economically and in terms of personal liberties? Especially with Cruz, the country could revert to the 1950s socially.

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[> [> [> [> [> Agreed, that kind of voting when it comes down to the White House is stupid. -- AurraSing, Sunday, March 20, 10:33:07pm (d154-20-56-110.bchsia.telus.net/

I mean REALLY, staying home or ruining your ballot at the polls would be the stupidest thing possible. Childish, even. It's the moral equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot and then complaining because you now have a limp. Hopefully when it comes down to the election they will swallow their pride and support their party, not so much for right or for wrong but because looking at the GOP candidates is enough to to give them the willies!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Many of them do not consider themselves to Democrats.... -- Lij, Monday, March 21, 02:59:56pm (adsl-108-67-93-69.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net/

They consider themselves either Progressives who are more liberal than Democrats or Independents. But in any case their political leanings are further left than they consider the Democrats to be. But it seems they do not understand the implications of the current Presidential contest. Forget the one appointment to the Supreme Court there are likely going to be three more to the Court under the next President. Under a Ted Cruz or Donald Trump the court could become the monstrosity of theocracy that these people are clamoring for and send us back into the dark ages in terms of personal freedoms.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Unable to see that far ahead? -- AS, Monday, March 21, 09:45:04pm (d154-20-56-110.bchsia.telus.net/

Between the attacks on Planned Parenthood and fights over religious inclusions in public school curriculums,etc there is already enough far right politics happening at most levels in the government down there I should think. Up here we have the NDP or Green Party operating at the federal level that there is someone "more liberal" to vote for in most elections. How do Libertarians fit into the spectrum down there? Do they vote leftish, rightish or stay home??

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> People who call themselves libertarians in the US..... -- Lij, Tuesday, March 22, 02:04:54am (adsl-108-67-95-150.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net/


Libertarian is another word for authoritarian conservative, who thinks their way is the only way and simply wants to shut-down government. There is no social liberalism in their libertarianism. Pretty much all they are about is me, Me, ME!!!

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