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Date Posted: Saturday, July 16, 11:45:19am
Author: AurraSing
Author Host/IP: d154-20-56-110.bchsia.telus.net /
Subject: Sigh

So the GOP running mates reveal show that Trump has pandered to the religious right crowd-I have heard Pence referred to as "Palin without the charisma"

To be fair, I have been following the massive shit show that is English politics over the past few weeks and as bad as the US dog and pony show looks, the backpeddaling and obvious back room deals that made up the short lived run for a new Prime Minister was enough to make a strong man weep. Holy crap you have to be able to hold your nose looking at some of the stuff they have been doing over there.

Also, the so called "war on terror" is going to take decades to wind up, if it was ever does at all. I have noticed a certain sense of numbness creeping into the way we are processing the news of suicide bombers and terrorist attacks-it hints of a certain need to preserve our internal equilibrium without succumbing to overwhelming sadness and despair. Sadly the same cannot be true for those willing to kill for whatever reason they twist into an agenda...I think it's going to be a long, long time before we or our children will not be seeing or feeling the impact of attacks.

2016 is not proving to be a good year at all. The one positive thing here is we at having a cooler and damper summer so while people working on their tans are griping, the forests and reservoirs are not as dire as they have been the past few drought summers.

Off to contribute to the local economy by grocery shopping with Ali. Take care, all.

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[> My governor couldn't eve say if... -- Lij, Saturday, July 16, 09:30:57pm (162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net/

.....it was right or not to discriminate against gay people.

Forget about Peter denying Christ thrice, Pence denied gays eight times.


It has definitely been a bad year for a heck of a lot of reasons.

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[> [> have heard he also says smoking isn't bad for you. -- AS, Saturday, July 16, 11:39:00pm (d154-20-56-110.bchsia.telus.net/

There is a rumour floating around that Trump didn't really want Pence but it ended up being a default issue thanks to some bad timing and press release screw ups.

The post of Vice President has always been kind of odd to me since outside of Cheney (I saw an amusing series of rants the other day claiming Cheney was really running things during the Bush administration) the job seems to be mor of a placeholder than anything else. We don't have an equivalent up here and I've always wonder how the post got created. Anyhow, it seems they are very much an oil and water mix, am wondering how many folks will just stay home rather than vote that ticket now since he doesn't have much affection in the more centrist GOP crowd

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[> [> [> Heard that too -- Lij, Sunday, July 17, 07:26:55pm (162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net/

VP is Constitutional position. Used to be an elected office in which the person who got the 2nd highest vote count would be the VP. That meant that the two main candidates would hold the offices. So then there were usually two rivals in the executive. This proved to be not useful and the idea of the running mate was born.

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