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Date Posted: Monday, November 14, 02:54:57am
Author: Lij
Author Host/IP: 162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: Thank you, and you too!
In reply to: AS 's message, "Sadly being sorta numb kinda helps" on Sunday, November 13, 01:22:21pm

I've heard one of the Le Pen folk are coming here to commiserate with Trump.

What I find that I cannot understand is that a lot of working folk making less than $50,000 are so damn supportive of Trump. He is just a big con-artist.

1 - no wall
2 - dialed back the rhetoric about getting rid of marriage for gays and lesbians
3 - a bunch more....

But people do not seem to understand his tax/economic policies and how they would negatively affect them.

First his tax plan doesn't give a tax cut to anyone below about $38,000 in income. And for some below that it raises their taxes! The people who really get a big tax cut are those who make the most money. It's almost obscene what their tax breaks are. And that sort of 'trickle-down' economics has been show to never really work. And in the end the Federal Deficit will once again start accelerating out of line, throwing the nation into worse debt.

But what I fear most are the tariffs Trump wants to put in place. He wants to tax goods from Mexico (screw NAFTA) and China 35%. Who ultimately pays that - the American consumer. Trump will claim his tax cut will cover it, but not for the majority of Americans. What will then occur is a trade war with China, they will set retaliatory tariffs on American products or just quit buying from America, like with farm products. Trump will end up fucking over farmers, who supported him 3-1 (I sometimes feel like that 'only' one). There is a whole thing where China is overextended on credit as well and that might fuel a collapse in their economy which could spread.

The American economy will go first into a period of stag-flation and then with weakening buying, weakening trade and weak consumer confidence, the economy will go on the skids into a recession or worse and people will start losing their jobs all over again like under George W. Bush - or much worse.

When that happens, look out world. The recession won't stop with America it will spread to the entire world. So if Trump kicks in the tariffs (which he can do by presidential 'edict' without any vote of congress), become a prepper - the apocalypse might be near.

I ain't kidding.

Best to you, though!


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