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Date Posted: Sunday, December 04, 01:47:03am
Author: Lij
Author Host/IP: 162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: That about sums it up!
In reply to: AurraSing 's message, "Poor crybabies on that Tumblr, vote for a fascist businessman and get a conman instead" on Saturday, December 03, 11:41:17am

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[> [> [> this is pretty sweet -- AS, Sunday, December 04, 11:00:46am (d154-20-59-185.bchsia.telus.net/


Think she articulated quite well what some of us are thinking.

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[> [> [> [> Yep, I saw that earler today..... -- Lij, Sunday, December 04, 06:49:31pm (162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net/

I am aghast at the idea that people I know, people I otherwise trust, did not, do not recognize the flaws in Trump's character which make him completely unsuitable to be a President of the United States.

They did not look to even the facts of the man's life. He failed his way upward in business. His own projects failed miserably but he managed to palm off bankruptcy debt on those investors who had faith in the Trump name. That taught him the one thing that kept his businesses afloat over the years - he started to license his family name.

Even then he couldn't control his narcissism and greed and he ended up in court having defrauded people over Trump University. If he had not have settled out of court for $20 ($25?) million without admitting fault, it is likely he would have been impeached the day of his inauguration.

I sincerely believes America will survive. The spirit of the country, its laws and Constitution, will serve us well in the preservation of the union. But there are dark forces which now have a foothold throughout our government which would like to see it made over into a corporate structure.

As it is, Medicare may see big changes. I asked my cousin how she felt about voting in a party - the Republicans - who want to double her Medicare premiums while cutting her Medicare benefits. First time she had heard of that. She looked grim the rest of the day. As it is, I will likely lose the medical insurance I got under Obamacare, and may not be able to get Medicare when I turn 65, nor may I be able to get on my Social Security benefits either. They may set that back to age 67. The Republicans keep at this and it may turn into a Catch-22 situation where they keep moving the age out of my range.

May you always live in interesting times.

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[> [> [> [> With that said..... -- Lij, Sunday, December 04, 07:12:55pm (162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net/

One should probably be more worried about the war that the Republicans would start with Iran. Trump tomorrow officially nominates General James N. “Mad Dog” Mattis as Secretary of Defense. He has been spoiling for a fight with Iran for decades now since the car-bombing of the barracks in Lebanon in 1983 that killed 241 Americans. Iran was probably behind the bombing. They supported the fight in Lebanon at the time and the bomber himself may have been Iranian.

Republicans want to abrogate the nuclear treaty with Iran and would rather see the Iranian nuclear sites bombed into oblivion, as well.

That brings up the strangeness between Trump and Putin, especially as Putin has been backing Iran. Bend over, maybe....

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[> [> [> [> [> Didn't know that. Here I was thinking it was crazy-ass Flynn. -- dee, Friday, December 09, 06:37:29pm (248.38.ultimate-int.uia.net/

The only tiny positive thing I can see coming out of this bullshit election is how most grown-up Americans are going to have to look up from taking selfies and checking their social websites and cell phones and actually participate in responding to the bullshit going on in this country.

Thank God Standing Rock is delayed for now.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Standing Rock - not for long.... -- Lij, Friday, December 09, 08:02:45pm (162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net/

Trump gets in and the decision by the Army Corp of Engineers will most likely be overturned by executive order.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> I know. -- dee, Saturday, December 10, 12:18:20am (248.38.ultimate-int.uia.net/

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[> [> [> [> I am sorry to hear about the Medicare issue. -- AS, Sunday, December 04, 07:49:11pm (d154-20-59-185.bchsia.telus.net/

Of course rolling back any advances made with 'Obamacare' would be at the top of the list of things the incoming administration will want to do. And that is of course on the backs of those least able to financially cope with paying for healthcare.

So many things floating around today involving US politics, in some ways it would be easier to bury one's head in the sand but I refuse to pretend it''s not happening. For every positive news article like a possible peaceful resolution at Standing Rock, you see where is Orangeness is calling out China on his Twitter feed today....😳😳😳😳

Iran has oil but so does Iraq and that war only lined the pockets of defence contractors and big oil. Given the crook elected into the presidency, it could well be part of his plan to help friends and aquaintances fill their pockets too, done at the expense of lives both here and in the Middle East.

I'm with you in wondering what people were thinking when they voted for him. Maybe they were wearing the blinders of blind faith and wanting change at any cost, maybe they were simply swayed by his inane speeches or maybe they refused to vote for a woman or a party that at least tries to be inclusive rather than racist, homophobic and fascist at heart. Because it's easier to hate than to love your fellow man for far too many people...

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