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Date Posted: Monday, January 23, 03:39:51pm
Author: Lij
Author Host/IP: 162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: I'm not at all sure what will happen.....
In reply to: AurraSingKS 's message, "Yesterday was a good day." on Sunday, January 22, 11:23:38am

Many of the Republicans of this country seem to be single-mindedly in need of gaining and keeping power. As such they gerrymander districts and create laws which make it more difficult to vote for some people. I'm not at all sure what will come of the Supreme Court. Fundamental Christians are making noise that Trump's picks are not conservative enough.

One word seems to characterize the new administration: CHAOS.

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[> [> Chaos, misdirection and lies -- AurraSingKS, Tuesday, January 24, 10:31:54am (d154-20-59-185.bchsia.telus.net/

Seems to be the new norm down there. He has signed off on a few campaign promises but failed a few others, like deporting 2000 illegal immigrants on his first day in office. Then again Drumph's life has often woven in misdirection and lies...look where it got him. It's most likely that the only way to keep him in check is to call out the lies, pressure your representatives about the dismay felt over his unAmerican demeanour and decisions, campaign energetically over the next two years for candidates less likely to roll over and support the GOP stances, etc.

Only time will tell but I have some hopes saner heads will prevail and the Nazis, the hucksters and the conmen will be called out and slink off like the rats so many of them are. Strike that, the sewer dwelling cockroaches so many of them are.

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