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Date Posted: Saturday, March 11, 11:49:43am
Author: AurraSing
Author Host/IP: d154-20-59-185.bchsia.telus.net /
Subject: That was a really good interview! It's so hard to believe we are looking at the 20th anniversary
In reply to: Lij 's message, "Warren speaks!" on Wednesday, March 08, 03:01:03am

I think back to how much love the show garnered from the fans and how much positivity it created about being female and strong, being true to your friends, having friends that were as rag-tag as the Scoobies, etc. Most fans could seem themselves in one or more of the characters and that appeal went across a wide age spectrum obviously!!

We like to joke about how Ali's introduction to horror was watching "Hush" with our babysitter at the tender age of four (!?) but I will tell you that Ali is all the best parts of Buffy and Willow combined, she is a small woman with a fierce intellect, she punches above on a regular basis and has empathy for the underdog so who is isn't afraid to speak out and I think like most of us, she is a better person for having Buffy in her life.

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