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Date Posted: Thursday, July 27, 07:42:50pm
Author: dee (*sad*)
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: The entire Trump Administration is a national embarassment

It's the "Trump and da Mooch" show with no signs of getting better.

What a joke.

Sorry. Had to vent.

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[> I get the need to vent. It's hard to see some of this stuff happening. -- AurraSing, Friday, July 28, 05:45:08am (d154-20-59-185.bchsia.telus.net/

The hard part for me is watching how low things have gotten and how disruptive this has been on all government fronts. I've always thought our two countries were a lot alike but the past year has proven to me beyond the shadow of a doubt we have some huge differences when it comes to political choices impacting how the country is run, the vast gulf between the two parties down there and how things can go so far south so fast. It's scary to think what a sorry joke the whole situation has become, when you are talking about what used to be the powerhouse of the "free" world. Sadly it's going to be a long while before things get better-the seeming inability for both sides to say "enough is enough!" and move to end the crazy clown show is one of the most bizarre aspects of this.

Sorry, I wish I had something constructive to say but every time the bar drops a little lower on how things are going in DC, my ability to wrap my brains around the insanity of it all just makes my jaw drop.

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[> [> *hug* -- dee (hope), Sunday, August 06, 07:11:39pm (NoHost/

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