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Date Posted: Tuesday, August 22, 11:25:03pm
Author: AS
Author Host/IP: d154-20-59-185.bchsia.telus.net /
Subject: Exactly. *hugs*
In reply to: dee 's message, "understood." on Monday, August 21, 09:58:25pm

To be honest, it was my two kids who broke the news to me about this essay, Andy texted Ali and she passed it on. My kids grew up with Buffy and Firefly-they are more cynical than I recall being at their ages but with privacy being less and less of a thing these days, they took this news with some eye rolling and moved on. I tend to have a very low tolerance for bullshit these days so I am less angry than some fans but yeah, I still think the good outweighs the bad when it comes to a fair bit of what Joss has helped create over the years. After hearing this news and looking at the last two creative efforts he worked on (Avengers 2 and the Wonder Woman script), I'm quite happy to not watch anything more he directs or produces...they both were pretty drecky.

There has been a lot of arguing about feminism and cheating and enabling and false faces the past couple of days in the fandom. I think my lesson learned is going back to that old saying of "If it's too good to be true, it probably isn't" Which is sad and makes me think we should be a little more willing not to put public figures on a pedestal because like most of us, their feet of clay will trip them up some day.

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