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Date Posted: 21:53:19 04/04/03 Fri
Author: J. T. Magnus, JuPiterian
Subject: [Info] *sighs...*
In reply to: Amanda Vegita-Williams Hashiba Curtindolph 's message, "That early? Um... tell me, why are you a fan of that, exactly? Aside from the ep I mentioned, I don't see how people could think that." on 20:54:38 04/04/03 Fri

1. They share similar backgrounds (right down to each having a tragedy where someone close to them was killed. Tom-Caldik Prime Kathryn-Tau Ceti.) and similar ways they want to live their lives. On a starship piloting/exploring, where as Legend Boy would rather drop on a planet and stay.
2. As I stated, Kathryn and Chakotay have far too different views on life.
3. B'Elanna and Tom... A fellow JuPiterian summed it up best in this excerpt:
Tom Paris, Personal Log. Stardate... whatever....

B'Elanna and I had another row today. I wish that were news. But it's not even fun fighting any more.

We were on the holodeck. I'd been working on the car and B'Elanna came in. She stood there, her hands clasped in front her, that forced smile on her face.

"Oh" she said, "you're working on the car," she said, "That's Nice".

Nice. As if she were remotely interested. As if she gave a damn.

But she doesn't. She knows she doesn't. I know she doesn't. She tries so hard to get involved with the things I do. But they're just not HER. So she stands there with that fake smile. And I'm supposed to feel grateful. Supposed to drop what I'm doing and rush to this woman who tries so hard to get into my life.

I wish she didn't try. I wish she'd shout and yell at me. Call me a selfish Pig, like she used to. I respected her for that.

She stood there today, with that smile. And written all over her face was "Love me - I'm a wonderful woman to take such an interest in you".

I couldn't help thinking of the last time I took the car out. Chakotay's little plot to get the Captain to take some time off duty - driving down the highway with Kathryn Janeway herself. And then we had that damned tyre blowout. I was so furious: furious at the car for spoiling a perfect moment. Furious at the Captain for being there, seeing it happen. I knew I'd have to let the computer replace the wheel holographically, and I hated that. Every little inch of that motor had been done by hand, and now it would be ruined. But I couldn't let a flat tyre spoil the Captain's R &R.

I remember her asking about the repair - and by the time I'd got my seatbelt undone she practically had the car up on blocks; the jack was in place, the wheel trim off. And she loved doing it. Undid the wheel nuts with her bare hands, regardless of how dirty she got. By the time we were done she had a great oil smear down her face. God! She looked beautiful!

All that was flashing through my mind as I looked at B'Elanna standing there. Trying so damned hard to please. Oh B'Elanna, B'Elanna, where did your fire go? Where is the woman I had to fight with to even call her my friend?

That's what you are, you know, B'Elanna. What you'll always be. My friend. I remember *that* day... your god-awful Day of Honor. Floating out there in space, I was so sure we were both going to die. And you told me you loved me. I guess you're still waiting for my answer. And trying, trying so hard to make me say it.

God, I wish I could! I wish I could tell you that I love you. But I won't lie to you, my friend. I value your love. And I really didn't ever want to hurt you. My friend.

But you can't... you don't... we're just so different. You had a klingon word for it. A way of saying we're a bad match.

So. yet another log entry: B'Elanna and I had a row. Not the full-blooded pounding excitement of a fight. Just another shot at going over the same old, same old. I wish she still had the guts to tell me to go to hell. Instead of keeping me here.

So I suppose I go replicate some flowers, and go round and make up. That'll make sure I don't respect myself, either.

And in the meantime, I got to think up a new holodeck programme for Kathr... for the Captain. She's worked nine days straight without a break again.

End Log.

4. Kathryn is the kind who would work herself into exhaustion, as would Temper and Legend Boy. Tom would keep her from doing that while at the same time she'd rein in his wilder tendencies.
5. Yes, Legend Boy gets to call her Kathryn, but does she spend her off-duty time consulting their spirit guides together or playing pool with Tom. And whose shoulder does she habitually place her hand on on-duty?
6. Ah, "30 Days." Simple. Her reaction WASN'T that of a captain, but of a woman who had felt personally betrayed. As Tom's distancing himself from her afterwards was the action of a man betrayed.
7. If you look at the schematics of Voyager, you'll see that Frog-boy-Tom took a near DIRECT route to KATHRYN. Remember, he was then near omnipotant, including knowing himself without the self-lies. Would he have gone after Kathryn if he had loved B'Elanna? Hell, if Kathryn had loved Legend Boy would they have mated? I mean even as hyper intelligent lizards they would have been able to control themselves UNLESS they had no reason to, I.E., they loved each other.

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