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Subject: Southend Carnival is Go

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Date Posted: 17:32:15 06/22/03 Sun

I am looking to adjust plans slightly for the Southend Carnival this year to make it more of a "meet" ..the plans (subject to change) are as follows:

If people make their way to Southend East Railway Station and leave their cars in that locality and get the train BACK to Chalkwell with their bikes,three stops down the line. (Southend East is near to where the carnival finishes and is about 5 minutes cycle away from the seafront..this hopefully will save the mad dash back to the Elms pub for "finish time" drinks)

Chalkwell is the start point for the Carnival and it is also about 5 minutes cycle (uphill) to Chalkwell park where It is intended to have a pre carnival "meet" from about 2-3 pm onwards....I am intending to get in contact with Southend Borough Council to see if it is okay to set up a Bar-B-Q in the park and maybe a few Beers/soft drinks etc

From about 5.30 we can then cycle down the hill or push the bike and join the start of the Carnival...at the conclusion of the carnival more socialising and then Voila!!! - a SHORT ride to Southend East to pick up the cars....

I may be in a position to sort out accomadation for those that require it but obviously need an idea of who intends to come....

I should stress that the carnival organisors will not tolerate anybody who is Pi**ed ( and neither will I!!) and lights are needed for all bikes...

I am the point of contact with the council for our "float"...

Lets make it a good one!!!!!!!

Please email if you intend to join us!


PS I forgot to add that the "Castle" Pub is also near the finish line!!!!!!

Any Queries contact Paul at paulgarrycostin@hotmail.com

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