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Subject: Southend Carnival is Go

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Date Posted: 14:32:38 08/04/03 Mon

Southend Carnival 2003 Saturday 16th August 2003 IS GO!!!

Starting time 18:00 hrs finishing time 22:00 hrs.

For more information contact Paul @
paulgarrycostin@hotmail.com or 0794 120 8258

Anybody interested in coming along they should contact me prior to event so that I have an idea of numbers.

It has been decided that this year will be more of a "Meet".

Therefore, from about 3pm onwards a "Meet" will take place in Chalkwell Park on the East side, where the main car park is situated.

In order that people only have a short distance to cycle at the conclusion of the event, it is suggested they drive their cars to Southend East Railway Station, and take there bikes on the train to Chalkwell Station about 3 stops down the line. Chalkwell is a short distance from both the start line AND Chalkwell Park.

The Carnival concludes at about 10pm, near to the Castle pub, where , if people want to socialise further, they can without having to rush back as happened on last years event....

Lights on a bike are a must In addition, neither the event organisers, or I, want anyone Under the Influence while in the saddle on our "float". As I am the one who is the point of contact for the event organisers, it is reasonable to ask that nobody brings any shame on the Chopperworld! (another reason to know who is intending to come along!!!!!!!!!!!) " Full First Aid cover will be provided by RCOC during the Carnival.

See you all there!!! :)))


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