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Subject: |-| Defenders of Thieves |-|

Risho . Takia . Nero
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Date Posted: 19:12:43 03/21/03 Fri
Author Host/IP: d221-216-98.systems.cogeco.net/
In reply to: -->Inuyasha<-- & [Kagome] 's message, "†.No More Words.†" on 18:11:44 03/21/03 Fri

.:.Pushing the thing back as the two move, he sheaths his sword as it growls and rushes away. Frowning in it's direction, he grumbles something to Nero as the younger boy edges towards the two .:.

+ Grinning, he two un cocks his bow, putting the arrow back in his quiver and unstringing the bow. To the halfling he says Hey, cool it man, he's just trying to help laying his hand on Nero's shoulder.+

^ He jumps, startled at the male's harsh reaction to him. Cautiously, he moves towards the two again, both hands in the air, his dagger now sheathed. Slowly, catching the male's gaze, he lowers his hand to rest it gently on her forhead, her brow hot against his cool fingers. Consentrating, he closes his eyes, and a simple orange light outlines his hand for a secon, before spreading through the female's body. ^

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†.Not What I Appear.†-->Inuyasha<-- & [Kagome]19:19:02 03/21/03 Fri

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