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Date Posted: 06:04:13 11/13/01 Tue
Author: df
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Subject: A Simple Mistake (Gone horribly wrong)

I messed up again,
This time real bad.
It makes me so sad,
I've lost the one I love.

I made a mistake,
Simple and honest,
Causing pain in the
Darkest hour.

I always seem to do this.
To mess it all up,
That which life has poured in my cup
And left it drown.

I'm sorry for my mistakes,
Sorry for not being there,
I hope you forgive me,
And see that I am truely sorry.

I repent and repent,
And still I can't clear my mind,
It keeps on asking "What will I find,
At the end of the line?"

I tell it only time will tell,
Mere men weren't meant to know.
That is the painful part of life,
The never knowing.

Please forgive me for all I have done.
I've given you my all,
And taken a great fall,
For without you I'm nothing.

The monster inside
Reared it's ugly face,
Causing me great pain
And disgrace.

That monster isn't me,
It is only a side,
One which I try to hide,
And bide my time.

We all make mistakes,
We really do,
I just made one too,
Please forgive me.

I'll try not to do it again,
And rear that ugly head.
But I need you back
Here with me.

I love you with all
My heart and soul.
Now I have a big hole.
I want you to forgive me,
And come back,
Only then will I be whole.

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