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Date Posted: 11:04:29 11/22/01 Thu
Author: shade
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Subject: Yvonne's Barstool

Wobbly barstool from Yvonne's
I bet it got that way from sex
Back and forth
The teetering, the tottering
Made it sway from center axis

I know Yvonne,
I know her well
But as a friend
who will kiss and tell
I could never quite
get past
the on-deck circle
Never up to bat
Just a circle jerkle

I acquired that barstool
Just because she was
discarding it
When it wobbles
to the sit
I imagine what was happening
on top of it

I remember a party moment
When I left to puke my guts
And I found her outside
Doing the same; disgust not discussed

It reminded me of
"Days of Wine and Roses"
Alcohol hidden
in the soil of plants
She was easily turned on
I could think of her soiled pants

That's why I have the barstool
On display at my Smithsonian
When I drink occasionally
It's nostalgic like
Brigitte Bardot in magazines

I don't drink that much
But when I do
I write nostalgic poetry
Of when I knew Yvonne
How she was ruled by body chemistry

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