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Date Posted: 13:34:16 11/23/01 Fri
Author: Peggy Meeks-King
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Subject: "Perfect Things"

It was one of those Ads, you know what
I am talking about, well if you don't,
I will be most glad to tell you.
It was in "The Atlantic Monthly"
issue yeah September 2001, (it came to my mail box one day.)
on the front of the cover, I
guess you call that the 'cover art',
was a man all dressed in the best money
can buy, white gloves , the whole rich bit gig,
in this man's hands was a little note with only
two words that was wrote on it YOU'RE IN.
which really has nothing to do with this poem
but then again maybe it has everything to do with this
poem - And there on page seventeen was the damn Ad.
to receive our catalog call toll- free at ___________,
or visit our new showrooms soon, and something about
New York and San Francisco two places that are great
titles for songs. (Am I wrong?)
Anyways, the picture AD you know the saying a picture
is worth a thousand words - the picture
was of a perfect table in a beautiful room
with a perfect vase and a perfect rose reaching up
to high places reaching up to the saints,
a divine kind of thing, and the table was on a perfect
wooden hard wood floor, yes with perfect walls
with just the perfect blend of mix of sun and shade
and haze on the walls. It made me angry,
it made me mad yeah where is my piece of Eden
my perfect piece of the pie so to speak,
I want that kind of life where I live in a pretty
whole house no bugs or cold can get in and mess around
with my space.
Perfect in everyway with the upmost beautiful perfect things.
I guess I am not in or anything
but I would really love to visit New Orleans before
I die - before I pass on . I remember reading once that
Walt Whitman said it was a wonderful City.
By Peggy Meeks-King

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