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Date Posted: 13:05:02 12/05/01 Wed
Author: Tirepoet
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Subject: The Crown Jewel---The Kiss

The Crown Jewel---The Kiss

Speaking of the kiss. The word is so sweet.
What will the deed be? What will it lead too?
Are your lips afraid of even its name?
Not much afraid---are you---of that first kiss,
not too much! Have you not unwittingly
laid aside laughter, slipping beyond speech
insensibly, already, without fear.
From words to smiles---smiles to sighs---from sighing,
even to tears? One step more---only one.
From a tear to a kiss---one step, one thrill!

And what is a kiss, when all is done?
A promise given under seal---a vow
taken before the shrine of memory---
A signature acknowledged---a rosy dot
above the i of Loving---a secret whispered
to listing lips apart---a moment made
immortal, with a rush of wings unseen---
A sacrament of blossoms, a new song
sung by two hearts to an old simple tune---
The ring of one horizon around two souls
together, all alone! The crown jewel!

A kiss may I have won---what have I won---
A feast of love---and I am Lazarus!
Yet---I have something here that is mine now
and was not mine before I spoke the words
that won you---I do tremble, I weep.
Kissing my words---my words, upon your lips.

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