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Date Posted: 20:31:26 12/07/01 Fri
Author: Moonchild
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Subject: For You, For Me, My Friend Peggy


Flying with the angels,
Now belonging to Heavenly skies,
She glowed with neon stardust in her eyes.
She lit the whole universe
With the sunshine in her soul.
Love and acceptance were her lonely lifelong goal.

Fly away sweet angel face.
Meet your dreams of Eden’s grace,
In the arms of God’s embrace.
Feel now, for the first time,
That you were truly blest
With the love you always needed
From the ones who knew you best.
Close your eyes sweet Nile doll
In eternal peace and rest.

I always wished a song
Would have my name in it.
Could you please ask Jim Morrison
If he would kindly consider it?

I always wished my portrait
Could be painted by Monet.
Peggy, my friend Peggy,
Would you ask him, by the way?

Maybe I can find Leonardo
And in return to you,
I would ask him for his
“Heart Of The Ocean” amulet
And fax it through a silver star beam just for you.

For all your dreams come true
In Heaven by the power of God,
I would show Leonardo all your
Poems of your love for him,
Your only dream in my power to make true
On this troubled earth where he and I still dwell.

© Karen Davies

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