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Date Posted: 05:01:15 12/13/01 Thu
Author: choklit cow
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Subject: picses

let me rotate you on all planes, axis junkie
you will wait for high tide in moonlight and silent appreciation
your body bathed in blue neon, full glare
i have to look away
be blinded with cathode
you wont do it any other way

you step, scattering the crabs beneath you
the kiss around your ankles of wet, the squeal of sand in your pores, softening texture
a minute massage of your callouses lining your feet

your introduction twenty two years in the making
details complete, make your enterance rockstar
they (i) cant (wont) touch you, jaded masterpiece, they all love you in your final action squence
a one take multiangle with no second take

you jump, impaling your pelvis in the dark blue
waves scattering no reflection, no sunglass stare
boyant, edge the rest of they way on your toes
that moment has to be perfect, it will last forever

(we watch you on open circuit tv. zooming in on your face, for the reaction, for the ultimate impact,)

for the way the pain will explode out of us
instant fantasy, i wont believe you
ill always see tracers of your image one frame at a time

you dive, a splash with no ripples. this isnt supposed to affect anyone.
this is beyond rebirth, the fine points to the human experience gone totally wrong
and weve stopped justifying it, the last action in obsession
you are past prefessional, knowing when to smile with silence, with no glitter in your eyes
they will follow you for a new cliche

(this really isnt about you ive found new ways to complete my plan ive done enocuhg to know the longer i wait the more difficult it becomes. how much more direct do i have to be? let me list the sterotypes for you i dont think youve heard them all.

cum enter me, my waves will drift you
asend in tidal, monsoon. i will have no other name)

if you wont do it, i will take your place
this is not an option a choice or a remake
i am your side effect, there will be no others after me
blackhole, i only exist by what you see around me.

you jump, fall under the surface with no sound.
we edge closer to the screen. this what we want. this what we will get.
we.re to lazy to do it ourselves, you will be the imposter in our hearts, in the corruption of our minds

your breath is pushed out of you, the first form of sign change
cancer to pisces, now there is no escape.

you do not resist you do not kick or see the eclipse of the moon
you drift you fall you open your eyes to nothing, the salt water sting calms you
your mind becomes clouded your light your first deprivation high
youre transformed into memories brought into reality, dream with no sleep

you hug her you kiss her you meet her in esctasy
you fuck you love her you strive for lesbian cunnilingus


you hate her you hang up on her you cry for her you die for her (if only. . . if only it wasent too late now)
you smell her hair in the shower you smile you are the one she wants you are real

you wake you scream you claw your way in what was the last memory of up
you take water into your lungs

( we are standing, weve turned the sound up. we want to see you dead)

you grow no wings. youre a victim of gravity and the pisces you surround yourself with
you are one of us now. welcome to the otherside.

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