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Date Posted: 20:58:02 12/20/01 Thu
Author: Splooge Turpin
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Subject: veil

The bride wore a veil
She was dressed in white
Could only be seen by her husband
It was Taliban lite

She walked down the aisle
She carried a bouquet
She threw it behind her
Caught by her new protege

The groom wore black
His face was open
The bride was covered
Was culturally broken

The double standard
Began at the altar
She was his prey
They began to falter

She lost her name
She lost her dreams
She merged into
A help(less/ing) scene

A helping hand
Identity in the man
She became his family
Like the faith of a Christian

A person of faith
Seeks to lose himself
To find his savior
Put himself on a shelf

A person of faith
Seeks to please his master
To trust and obey
Until death or disaster

(Disaster, a test
Does he praise the Lord?
Curse the Law?
He who endures to the end
Will have works of gold, not of straw)

A good wife, who can find
Is what the Proverbs text reads
One who will do him good
All her days, one who bleeds

A good servant, who can find
Many are called, few are chosen
He would that we be hot or cold
Better off boiling, perhaps frozen

I carry the name of Christ
I have sacrificed my own life
All my dreams, my ambitions
It's suicide lite

I walked down the aisle
I carried my crown
I gave it up to Him
He said, "Well done."

The Groom wore white
He was the Light
He smiled brightly
We're the Bride of Christ

All of us together
We make one union
Loneliness abolished
When we merge in communion

The double standard
Began at the cross
We're not perfect
He is
He footed the cost

I wouldn't dare say
The Taliban's right
Horribly distorted
In Satanic delight

The devil knows
A woman's made to receive
He makes it ugly and cruel
Gives the cross back to carry

A woman, it's true
Wants to be liberated
But still wants to serve
In what a truth serum's stated

The bride wore a veil
We were bathed in Light
Fooling ourselves, we're not seen
He sees, accepts us tonight

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