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Date Posted: 21:19:40 12/25/01 Tue
Author: Moonchild
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Subject: The Christmas Puppy


Once upon a Christmas long ago,
Lived a lonely little pup named “Glow.”
He trekked and traveled through the freezing snow
Looking for a loving, warm house to go.

In a town not to far away,
Lived a poor family in dismay.
Little Lisa and Nathan by their beds that night prayed
For a present for each other to play.

Mama and Papa were so sad and forlorn.
They wanted only for their children to have a Christmas morn
With presents like every other child born.
If only this Christmas they could smile instead of mourn.

Little “Glow” was so tired and hungry.
Miles up ahead, no house could he see.
He kept moving on dreaming of a family
Who would hug him and love him endlessly.

Suddenly, through the dark, he saw a light shining.
He ran and ran to the light that was glowing.
With a happy heart and anticipation growing,
He finally reached the house at the day’s new dawning.

Christmas morning finally arrived.
Lisa and Nathan were so surprised!
They heard a scratch at the door and there stood a pup with big eyes
Staring up at them with love in disguise.

Mama and Papa awoke that Christmas morning
So happy to see their children’s faces smiling.
That Christmas day, love and happiness were overflowing.
For a little Christmas puppy, sent from God above was a families blessing!

© Karen Davies

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