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Date Posted: 17:43:17 12/27/01 Thu
Author: Moonchild
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Subject: Snow Genie


Once upon a Christmas, so long ago,
Children everywhere prayed for snow.
The sky was silver with a touch of gray.
The air was crisp with a touch of frost
But still no snow would fall from the sky.
Their prayers went unheard, or so it seemed.
In a village not too far from town
There lived a beautiful snow genie.
She was dark and slender with emerald eyes.
She was mysterious and magical with many charms.
From a distance, she heard the children’s cries
And the sadness of those cries broke her gentle heart.
She knew the importance of what she had to do.
So with a twitch of her nose and a nod of her head,
She gazed at the sky and whispered 3 times, “snow gently fall.”
Suddenly snowflakes were blanketing the ground.
The children began jumping and cheering aloud
Making snow angels and frosty snowmen.
She closed her eyes as happy tears began to fall
And with a twitch of her nose and a nod of her head,
Up, up and away she flew through the night.
She knew in her soul the worth of this magic
As she glanced down at those smiling faces
Once upon a Christmas so long ago.

© Karen Davies

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