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Date Posted: 02:48:51 12/31/01 Mon
Author: Beki
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Subject: SLeeping Alone

Sleeping alone tonight
beneath gentle rain
and our special star,
I remember how it was
to sleep with you.

Sometimes a casual nap
after making love
would find me gathered
close in your arms,
your mouth soft against my hair,
my ear pressed close to your chest.
Your heart would beat
like distant mountain thunder,
its familiar rhthym lulling me to sleep.
Rest always came easy then,
beneath your arm I felt
safe and protected.

Often we nestled together
like polished spoons
in a silver drawer,
with your broad chest
pressed close to my back.
I would curve into you completely,
our bodies melding into one.
I remember smiling in my sleep
every time you claimed my breasts
with loving hands.
Your earthwarm breath
against my ear
was all the lullaby I needed.

Once in Phoenix
we slept back to back -
I felt so distant from you.
It's true your weary snoring
kept me awake, but looking back
I know I'd rather spend the night
awake within your arms
then sleeping outside
the circle of your love.
That night your back was a wall
that separated us as surely
as the six beaches
that lie between us now.

Lying still beneath these stars
with only my own breathing
to sing me to sleep,
I miss you more
than my poems can ever say.


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