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Date Posted: 14:22:43 03/16/06 Thu
Author: Carli Josephy
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Subject: Miss. Amphetamine

Miss. Amphetamine

Once I found a special friend
Who promised to share my ups and downs
"I'll be here til the end," she said
"I'll always be around."
So she took me on an adventure
And then a couple more
Before she mentioned that if I left her
She would even up the score
But I didn't want this friend of mine
To ever go away
When she was gone I would search for her
All through the night and day
So much fun we had together
Laughing all night long
Staying up for days on end
With her I felt so strong
She would do my make-up for me
Until she got it just right
She made me look so beautiful
And feel so full of life
Her energy level
Was always through the roof
And whenever I was feeling down
She would always give me a boost
I came to love this special friend
More than any I had loved before
I came to love this new life of her's
To which she had opened up the door
Together we experienced adrenaline
As I had never felt it before
She brought me to new rushes
That I needed more and more
Eventually we were inseperable
Together everyday
I would beg her not to leave me
And she would promise to always stay
Everybody told me
She wasn't really my friend
That she didn't care if she hurt
Or even killed me, in the end
But I wouldn't listen
To what they had to say
I knew that they were jealous
And made them go away
Finally, it was just the two of us
In it til the end
Just me and her,
Because I had no other friends
Then one day my special friend
Started to get mean
Whispering paranoid ideas in my ear
She wasn't as nice as she once seemed
No longer did she make me feel
So beautiful and strong
Confusing my reality
She began making me feel all wrong
No longer could I handle
Staying up for days
Getting thinner and always weaker
I was going in a craze
No longer did I love her
Or want her by my side
But she had me in her power
And wouldn't let me say goodbye
So I stuck by this friend of mine
Who wasn't really my friend
I had come to realize that she
Was nothing but my bitter end
But she had me in her grips, you see
And she wasn't letting go
She wanted to take me with her
To take me 6 feet below
And the more I fought against her it seemed
The harder she held strong
"I told you in the beggining," she said
"It's together that we belong."
But she didn't take my pain away
As she did before
Instead she added to it
And increased it more and more
"I think I'm going crazy," I would say
As I would sit and cry
"I want you to go away,"
"I terrified to die."
But she would only snicker
And tell me that she would stay
That she was my special friend, and as such
She would never go away
And so that was how it went
Until she got her way
We were together until the end
She never ever strayed
And what a special friend she was
There til my last breath
Kissing me on the lips
With her special kiss of death
You're probably wondering
Who a special friend like this could be
Well, I will tell you her name
It is Miss. Amphetamine
And if you ever come across her
Just turn your back and run
Because this special friend is no friend at all
Only death to everyone

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