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Subject: Re: ARPB 5 MAN --> We Have A Conflict Of Dates With The SCPFOA Event!

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Date Posted: 06:09:10 05/26/03 Mon
In reply to: Blake 's message, "Re: ARPB 5 MAN --> We Have A Conflict Of Dates With The SCPFOA Event!" on 01:31:28 05/26/03 Mon

A lot of factors determine how successful an event will be -
but scheduling a 5 Man on the same day as a league event that most of the teams will attend instead of ours is not wise, course having two 5 Man events out there that fall 2 weeks apart is gonna put a hurt on some wallets, too.
If we schedule the event on the 28th then a lot of teams may have p8nt left over from the SCPFOA that they can use for our event - this is a good thing. If we leave the date for the 14th, then WE will have a lot of p8nt left over - this is a bad thing.
Field Owner Comment - every team out there knows they should contact the field well in advance of an event to let them know they are attending, yet a lot don't extend this courtesy to the fields and just show up at the last minute like you sed. We don't want to run any event where there is a poor showing if we could have prevented it in advance, this is not showing consideration for the teams. You will have a much better event for the teams if they have more competition when they show up.
We are going to put the best interests of the teams first by scheduling the 5 Man on a date when there is not another event that will draw them away from ours.
If any 5 Man teams "show up at the last minute" for the June 14th event they will get to "practice" on tha field
for free (no field fee) in preparation for the June 28th event. They can let us know on the 14th if they plan to enter on the 28th - that's what we call advance notification. We can plan around that - best we can do in light of the circumstances. Let's get the word out (again) starting NOW! Holla!

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