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Subject: TC Pro

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Date Posted: 04:05:12 06/10/03 Tue

Some of you have asked why we haven't had any Viper Venom lately -- We are now stocking TC Pro (we got special pricing on this PREMIUM p8nt while it lasts) and can offer you a better grade of p8nt for the same money as Venom ($60.00/case). No one has had any complaints with TC Pro so take advantage of this when you're at the Pro Shop!
If you buy your p8nt from us, the same deal we have always had is in effect:
Purchase a case and your field fee AND all day air is FREE!
Purchase 500 rounds or more and we knock $5.00 off your field field and give you FREE AIR!
If you have your own p8nt and want to bring it, that's OK, too. There is NO EXTRA BYOP CHARGE for bringing your own p8nt to ARPB, just pay your field fee and shoot your own p8nt. When you run out, we have some great p8nt prices if you need any. And your AIR IS INCLUDED with your field fee!
Kinda hard to find a deal like this --> But then, we're not your average blood sucking paintball field, either, are we?
We have a lot of playas that make the drive to our field because we treat our playas fair & square where it counts - in their wallets! Try some TC Pro next time you're at tha field and see what a difference a better grade of p8nt can do for your game!

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