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Date Posted: 08:07:33 05/08/03 Thu
Author: MR AL

Hi Everyone,
Just a note to all of the contestants who stayed at the Ramada Conferance Center Hotel on Harrison Road, CALL THE BETTER BUSINESS BEURO!! Donna has already filed an official complaint with them in writting! We need you to do the same so that this does not happen to another pageant! The BBB number is 478-742-7999 then press 9 for a "real" person. They will fax or mail you a complaint form and then you need to submit it to them. Next, We called the Board of Health...YOU NEED TO CALL THEM TOO!! Their number is 478-745-0411. THIS HOTEL IS NOT EVEN PERMITTED FOR A POOL!!! The Board of Health is going to go inspect this hotel again. They have complaints but need more for any "real" action. The BOH said they only inspect hotels twice a year. The Permit department is going out also because thier pool is not permited and is not even suppose to have water in it. The gates are suppose to be pad locked. Finally, CHECK YOUR CREDIT CARD BILLS!!THEY CHARGED MY CARD 3 TIMES FOR THE BILL.!! So, rather than a 1200 bill, We now have paid them 3600! Vivian also hung up on me when I called to get the other 2 charges reversed!!

Please take the time to place these 2 phone calls! We dont want to make it seem this is being blown out of proportion but..this hotel is not up to codes, permits and health standards. They lack being up to code in each catagory by many violations.

Anyone going to FF this weekend. If the pool is open, do not get in it! They do not have the correct "equipment" for it to run safe chemicals and are not permitted to even unlock the gate!

Everyone have a great weekend! Good Luck to everyone who is competing!!

Mr. Al

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