I read your post to Mary and want to say....stop stressing!!! Every other day is perfect if not even better when unsure of the little guys??/ I'm trying the same thing here this week. Just in case. I just started getting the fainest line on OPK today, so I should O probably Sun-Tues somewhere.
I have been having withdrawls from the board, but I do have to say that I have been so busy that time has flown by. I can't believe that I'm already on CD10, and could be Oing anytime normally.
So how are you other than that?? Anything other than TTC on your mind....LOL! I hope you are having a good week.
We went to the lake all day yesterday and played on Ronnie dad;s 2 new super fast jet skis. It was so much fun! I forget what it's like to have actual warm water to play around in.....everything is so cole in No CAl water...ya know?
No major storms, but there is supposed to be another round tonight, but so far we have been pretty lucky with only 1 rainy stormy day. Which I kinda miss storms like they have here.....not the tornados of course but the cool lightning and thunder and just generally loud storms. I always secretly kinda liked those days to just lay in bed and read and be lazy! No Cal has rain just not thunderstorms very often.
Anyway I better get on down the board and catch up. I will probably be able to check in later today.