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Date Posted: 16:35:43 05/16/03 Fri
Author: Mary
Subject: Heading out of the office - talk to you this weekend hopefully! (m)
In reply to: Jeri 's message, "Figured it was court, but ya know...got a little worried anyway..(M)" on 16:22:09 05/16/03 Fri

Yeah, the dog gas will be bad, but I'm happy to treat them! Sometimes our labs get gas just because. How fun for us!

The tourney is catch and release again. All the walleye tournaments are, so they preserve the numbers/populations. Besides, now that I'm pregnant, I should probably watch the amount of freshwater fish I eat, they can contain bad contaminents for the baby. I should eat more fish in general, but we don't. Oh well.

I still have that client/court induced headache! Go away! I'm sure a nice evening with mom will help.

Okay, one last question for you today. I have never had a yeast infection, but I have been having external itch only! No discharge, no burning, no odor, etc. Do you know if it's possible to get external symptoms only? I'll call dr. if still bothering me on Monday. It's not bad, but worse when I'm home for the night and get to put comfy clothes on. I wear nylons most everyday, so probably not the best thing, but when you dress up it's kinda hard to avoid. I don't think it's a reaction to chemical, fragrance, etc. because we are not using anything new. I have read that pregnancy causes changes to pH, so maybe I've got the itch but no infection? Who knows.

The reason I'm cautious is I had a bad internal vaginal reaction to sulpha antibiotic once and I initially thought it was a yeast infection so I used one dose of internal yeast treatment cream. Well, needless to say, I ended up shedding my vaginal lining. Talk about excrusiating pain! Then on top of that I got bacterial vaginitis. I was out of lovin' comission for a good month and it was so painful to pee I can't even describe it! So, I'm afraid to use yeast infection cream internally, due to bad associations. I'm sure the reaction was to the antibiotic, not the cream, but how can I really know? Okay, way too much info, but it just came out. I guess I'll deal with the itch and see the dr. if any worse on Monday like I said!

Gotta go now. Thanks for listening and relax and enjoy the weekend! Just think, on Monday you'll be 4dpo! Yippee!

:) Mary

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