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Date Posted: 01:10:58 05/17/03 Sat
Author: mommie2josh
Subject: What it is (m)
In reply to: CeeCee 's message, "I know what you mean...(m, idea)" on 00:55:49 05/17/03 Sat

is that a couple people on our board have experienced M/C and stillbirths over the last 4 months or so. Well, as an April Fools joke, I posted an "I'm pregnant" joke...and it totally FREAKED everyone out. When I fessed up that it was a joke, they all lost their minds saying how insensitive I was being to those who have experienced these losses. (Obviously I didn't MEAN to be insensitive, I've never experienced either of those-M/C or stillbirth, so why on earth would it cross my mind that I might offend them!? I was just trying to be silly and have fun...Naieve on my part? Probably...So shoot me! I just didn't think about it, and I regretted posting it immediately when I read a post from the one who had the stillbirth saying she was feeling bad that people were turning up pregnant. I apologized till I was blue in the face, because I really did feel bad.)

Well, anyways, it seems like everyone still has this gigantic stick up their ass. I mean, that's what I love about this board. People with M/C's and mass infertility problems are still there EVERY day posting "I'm rooting for you" to everyone else, and "CONGRATS" to the new grads, and I think that's incredible. It just sucks that not everyone is like that.

The whole situation has reared its ugly head yet again... Yesterday, an anonymous poster (I'm sure everyone thinks it was me, but it wasn't), posted that she & her DH had unprotected sex & that she thought she might have been ovulating, but she wouldn't know for another 2 weeks or so. Once again, everyone lost their minds about it, how insensitive she was for posting that. GOOD GOD ladies!? I mean, while I don't necessarily think it was the best idea to post under an anonymous username, I just don't know what these girls expect-for everyone to keep anything even remotely exciting that is happening in their reproductive life to themselves until the others' hurts heal!? Is that really fair, I mean get real.

Anyways, that's basically the gist of it. I'm in the midst of it all because I defended the anonymous poster saying that everyone has a right to share their excitement on the board, and that it was totally rude to take that excitment away from her. An unpopular opinion, to say the least.

I think I'll be hanging out here a lot more, but I've also been lurking a bit on the June 99 board on BabyBoomz, and they seem to be a great group...maybe I'll introduce myself over there sometime-I know they've got a few July 99er's, so Josh wouldn't be that far off-he was born 7.8.99

Thanks for the hugs,

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