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Date Posted: 04:47:55 05/17/03 Sat
Author: Alina
Subject: Alina here. AF due on Monday. Super nervous over here. Tests are knocking down my door.....let me know what you think...(m)
In reply to: sabra 's message, "~*~*~*~ALL ABOARD THE 1 WW OBSESS AWAY HERE ~*~*~" on 20:35:02 05/16/03 Fri

I tested yesterday and today. How bad am I? The tests are suppose to be good kind, yet a generic kind. But they are still more expensive than fact plus, and first responce. Anyway, they wwere buy one get one so I got some. I took them last month. Each time I saw a faint line. Not right away but not too long after either. I had a blood test done and it was negative. Then I got my period the following morning. So I had two of those tests left. I took one yesterday and that same freakign line came up, although it did come up right away. then I took another one this morning and the line is there and a TINY bit darker. So I don't know what to think. Its hard to explain how this line looks. I am a pro at these and for once I can't tell. I think I am going to go get a first response. If I have time that it. If I get away from this board that is.....hehehehehe. Thanks for reading. Let me know what you all think.


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