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Date Posted: 21:14:05 05/17/03 Sat
Author: sabra

1 ww} One week wait. 7 days before period is do.
2ww | Two Week Wait or the Luteal Phase - 14 DPO on average.
AF | Aunt Flo, menstruation, period
BBT | Basal Body Temperature
BD | Baby Dance, Sex
BFN | Big Fat Negative (Result on a HPT)
BFP } Big Fat Positive!
CB | Cycle Buddy
CD | Cycle Day
CL | Corpus Luteum
CM | Cervical Mucus
CP | Cervical Position
DH | Dear Husband
DP | Dancing Partner; spouse, or significant other
DPO | Days Past Ovulation
EC | Embryo Cyro/Freezing
EDD | Estimated Due Date
EWCM | Egg-White Cervical Mucus
hCG | Human Chorionic Gonadotropin - detected by HPTs
HPT | Home Pregnancy Test
HSG | Hysterosalpingogram - x-ray
ICSI | Microfertilization
IUI | Intrauterine Insemination
IVF | In Vitro Fertilization
KEGELS | The muscle used to stop the flow of urine.
Very important to keep it toned by flex & hold.
Referred to as doing your Kegels
LH | Luteinizing Hormone - detected in OPKs
LP | Luteal Phase, days between ov & AF
O or OV | Ovulation
OPK | Ovulation Predictor Kit
PG | Pregnancy, pregnant
PNV | Prenatal Vitamin
RE | Reproductive Endocronolgist - doctor who specializes in fertility problems
SA | Semen Analysis
ROBI | A term used which refers to Robitussin or Guaifenesin Syrup (expectorant) used to thin CM
TR | Tubal Reversal
TTC | Trying To Conceive

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